The Trigamon Project

The Divine Parody


Season 1: Episode 65: Countdown to the Beginning (Part 2)


Import QST.Lyrical

iSystem.Dataset {

Pokémon Equivalent = "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew"

QST.Lyrical define template as $C01 {

<Lyrics(text = green, style = italics)> … </Lyrics>

<Events> … </Events>



New Scene(Previously_On_Trigamon) {}

New Scene(<[10 seconds]>)

Mew flies through the tunnels of the Tree of the World’s Beginning, looking upset.  Mew pulses with energy, and some blobs emerge from the tunnels and join Mew.  Mew pulses with energy again, and the blobs pulse with energy in perfect sync with Mew.

New Scene()

Ash, Ciri, Satolite, Pikachu, and Satolite have now landed on the branch with May and company.

Max: You got Pikachu back!

Dren: Yeah, but we ran into trouble.

May, Max, Benjy, and Lucario cringe as Dren speaks, preparing to fight.

Ciri: Relax, he’s on our side now.

Max: Really… (skeptical)

Ciri: Apparently, Zoey from my class last year is involved in searching for the mew aqua, as well as three other girls.

Ash: Though we now think Dren’s boss might be part of a conspiracy.

Lucario: How so?

Dren looks over May, Max, Lucario, and Benjy nervously.

Dren: Things don’t add up.

Benjy: ?

Dren: We’ve discovered that his plan would wipe out all life on this planet.

Benjy: An it involves this tree somehow…

Dren looks at Benjy surprised.

Dren: How do you know?

Benjy: This tree is a bomb. goes into split-screen on Ash, Dren, and Ciri.

Ash: A bomb!?

Dren is now shivering.

Dren: That…  That makes perfect sense now.  I know what he’s going to do…  That can’t…

Lucario: He’s going to activate the bomb. comes out of split-screen.

Max: Well duh.

Lucario: But why?

Dren: My species lived here fifteen million years ago.  The boss, who might I add I’ve never actually seen in person, said we left because the planet because the climate changed, and we needed the power of the mew aqua to change it back.

Lucario: But why return now?

Dren: Our current planet is experiencing an ice age…  But please let me finish.  They tell me that there was no difference in climate, and that we left to an invasion by the "Dragonkin".

Dren: This will tell me if she made up that story–

May jumps in shock, and Max looks surprised too.

May: He’s not a–

Ciri: Yup.

Dren looks at Benjy curiously.

Benjy: I’m also form a different planet.  I just arrived here a month ago.

Dren: Interesting.  But I can’t tell for sure.  But they shouldn’t have any reason to lie, the climate is…

May: So is that what this tree-bomb would do, reset the anima?

Dren: It would also wipe out all life currently on the planet in the process.

As soon as May hears this, she passes out.

Ciri: May!

Ciri rushes over to May, and helps her into a sitting position, propping her against a rock.

Lucario: So it sounds like he doesn’t need to activate the bomb to reset the climate, then why…

Dren: There’s something about wiping out all those living here that appeals to him.  Can I ask you how you know it’s a bomb?

Ash: Yeah, did you just figure that out now?

Benjy: No, we tripped a time-flower and got a projection of people talking about it.  Mirazians, May thinks.

Ciri: That makes sense, the battle of Rootshock was around here.  Knowing about Mirazu’s affinity with nature, it makes sense that they’d use time-flowers to record important conversations.

Lucario: I think Registeel wants us to see something.

All present turn to Registeel whom is pointing to a time flower on the very edge of the branch.  Benjy shudders slightly.

Yami Benjy: Benjy, this would be a good time to

Benjy: Why yes, I am afraid of heights.

Dren: Let me get this one.

Dren teleports into the air next to the time-flower, and taps it gently.  The time flower turns, projecting projections onto the branch next to Ash and company.  There are two people, one male and one who’s gender cannot be determined, in green robes facing away from the tree.  Facing them, is a man wearing robes that look more like Runescape™’s third-age prayer robes.

ManThirdAge: Naming it would be a good idea.

Unknown_Gender_Person: So what should we call it?

ManThirdAge: I’m not sure.  I always let Saradomin name things–it kept him busy.  But I’m not comfortable with letting him near this.

Unknown_Gender_Person: Good call m’lord.

Ash, Max, and Ciri shiver a little.

ManThirdAge: But I can’t think of how to combine "highly condensed anima" into a single word.

The man scratches his chin.

Man: Mew dew, maybe.

Unknown_Gender_Person: Mew?

ManThirdAge: We finally figured out what that pink flying cat-mouse thing is called: Mew.

The man in third-age robes that was facing the tree now turns to the left, and gazes into the sky.

ManThirdAge: That sounds a bit like mildew, though. 

Unknown_Gender_Person: Why do we need to name it anyway?

ManThirdAge: That’s actually a good question.  I’ve got a feeling we’ll need to refer to this exact phenomenon in the future, and just calling it highly concentrated anima might get confusing if we encounter other forms of highly concentrated anima.

Unknown_Gender_Person: Mew water then?  I don’t know?

ManGreenRobes: The ladies are calling it mew aqua.

Unknown_Gender_Person: I still like mew dew better.

The man in third age robes turns back around.

ManThirdAge: Lets go with the research teams’ term then.  There’s no need to reinvent–

ManGreenRobes: What about confusing our enemies?

The man in third age robes smiles cheekily

ManThirdAge: We only need one new term to confuse people.

Now the man in third age robes gestures towards the time-flower, and the projection disappears.  Ash, Max, and Ciri all stare dumbstruck.

Dren: What’s with you guys?  You look like you’ve seen a g–

Ciri: That was Mirazu.

Dren: Some kind of god or something.

Max: Kinda…

Registeel: Rrgi.

Pikachu: Pika-pi!

Lucario: Registeel says that that man put them there.

Ciri lets out a long sigh.

Ciri: So glad I didn’t have to translate that.

Refresh Scene()

May has woken up, and Ash and company are together on the branch, save for Brock.  Benjy is crouching with a notepad and a pen.

Benjy: So lets put together a timeline.  We don’t actually know if Dren’s boss, Deep Blue, put this thing here, but it was here in Lucario’s time.

Ash: Then Mirazu discovers it and realizes that it’s a bomb made of highly condensed anima.

May: And he names the highly condensed anima, "mew aqua".

Max: And then he leaves the Regis here to make sure that no one sets off the bomb.

Ciri looks to Benjy.

Ciri: And apparently that Mew isn’t a real Pokémon, just mew aqua thats simulating life, using that catalyzation process, you mentioned, at least that’s what Pikachu thinks.

Dren: And it was still around in Mirazu’s time

Benjy: I got all that

Members of the group look at each other.

Ciri: We’re missing something.

Lucario: We don’t know Aaron’s role in all of this.  It just appears to me that this Deep Blue left a bomb here and Mirazu found it.

May: Wait, how would Deep Blue know about mew aqua anyway?

Dren: I hadn’t heard him mention it before I arrived here, so I think he heard it here.

May: So why hasn’t he activated this…  I mean it’s just sitting here…

The Millennium Gameboy Advance pulses with light and Yami Benjy projects himself.   Dren and Lucario both jump back.

Yami Benjy: It would appears that all Dren’s boss knows is the destructive power of the mew aqua.



Yami Benjy: When Aaron went to the Tree of the World’s Beginning there were two armies approaching.  One of those were the Mirazians.

Ciri: It was Rootshock, so the other was the Zamorakians.

All stare at the projection of Yami Benjy.

Yami Benjy: So we to know who got here first.  The Mirazians may have just captured–

Lucario attempts to slap Yami Benjy, but his hand just passes straight through the projection.

Lucario: Don’t say it!

Yami Benjy: But it’s unlike–

Suddenly and abruptly, a massive tremor shoots through the Tree of the World’s Beginning, knocking May and Ciri, as well as Benjy’s notebook off of the branch.  Benjy almost falls off, but is able to grab hold of a root protruding from the branch.  Dren quickly grabs May and Ciri, and Qliqli grabs the notebook.  This is followed by a large jolt which almost knocks Ash off of the branch, throwing him and Max five meters.  Satolite grabs Benjy and hauls him back to safety.

Max: What’s going on?!

Lucario looks around, to see that the entire Tree of the World’s Beginning is shaking, then suddenly leaps out of the way of a massive falling boulder which lands on the branch with a huge crash.  This is followed by a Registeel and then Regirock from higher branches.  When Regirock hits the branch, it breaks it free from the Tree of the World’s Beginning, before Lucario can land. turns to Dren who is struggling under the weight of May and Ciri.

May: We’ve got to help them!

Dren: I can’t!!!

In a flash or red light, Ciri’s Flygon launches itself from the ball on her belt and grabs Ash.  At the same time, Jirachi catches Max and Lucario in it’s psychic power, then moves to Benjy and Satolite

Benjy: Everyone safe?

Qliqli: Qli!

Dren: I can’t hold them much longer!

Benjy: Alright, everyone land in that tunnel.

Benjy points.

Max: Wait–

Max’s comment is ignored as Dren is now starting to loose altitude.  Dren is first to descend as the Tree of the World’s Beginning continues to shake, crash-landing on the floor of the tunnel on top of May and Ciri, who both groan.

Dren: Sorry–

Ciri’s Flygon now half lands, half crash-lands with Ash, still not fully healed from it’s fight with Regice.  Jirachi drops Lucario and Max into the tunnel from a height of about four feet, exhausted from carrying them.  Satolite flies Benjy in, and then Qliqli zips into the tunnel, with Pikachu and Benjy’s notebook.  Qliqli "tosses" Benjy his notebook, which he catches, and then Pikachu jumps from Qliqli to Ash’s shoulder.  Tree of the World’s Beginning continues to shake, and another branch falls past the tunnel that they’ve all taken shelter in.  As the following lines are said, Dren extracts himself from on top of May and Ciri:

Max: But what about the blobs?!

Ciri: Blobs?

Max: It’s a defense mechanism of the tree…

Benjy: It’s okay, we have more firepower now.

Max: I hope that makes a difference.

Dren is now floating again, allowing May and Ciri to get to their feet.

Dren: Defense mechanism?

The Tree of the World’s Beginning shakes more violently than before, and the group is knocked off their feet.  Then everyone suddenly looks sickly.

May: What was that?!

Dren: It’s out bodies telling us that this thing has been activated! goes into split-screen on Ash, May, Max, Ciri, Benjy, Lucario, Pikachu, and Qliqli

Max: How?!

Dren pulls a strange device out of his pocket and presses a few buttons.

Dren: I don’t know.  But the energy levels in this thing are beginning to rise.

Dren shows the others the device.

Dren: I don’t know about you, but if I were to make this thing explode, that’s how I would go about doing it.

Benjy: What’s that dot?

Dren: The epicenter–

Max: It looks like Mew!

Lucario: It probably is.  Let’s go!

Ciri now stands up, and presses a button on her Flygon’s ball, twisting a knob to recall it.  Dren takes off down the corridor, and the others start to follow him.  Suddenly, Tree of the World’s Beginning shakes again, almost knocking over those whom aren’t flying, and suddenly a curtain of yellow blood-like liquid cascades down the side of the Tree of the World’s Beginning, right past the entrance way, as everyone runs after Dren.  Max catches up with Ciri.

Max: Ciri, I think you should use ground zero.  (whisper)

Ciri: Not yet.  It’s too risky.  (whisper)

Ash calls back to Max and Ciri:

Ash: What are you two whispering about?

Max: Nothing…

Ciri: Plan D…

Max glances up at Ciri as they run.

Max: That look means she has at least two other ideas.

Ciri: Any idea how much time we have?!

Dren: Should be at least twenty-three minutes, but that might not be accurate!

Benjy: How fast can we get there?

Dren: Fifteen minutes if we hurry, ten minutes if we can keep up this pace.

Suddenly, another quake knocks almost everyone running off their feet.  Benjy appears to stretch his legs while Lucario searches for the right words.

Ciri: I need between eight and thirty-two seconds worst case.

Ash: Hey, Ciri!  Lets go!

Ash starts running, with Dren at his side and everyone else close behind him.  They approach a fork in the road.

Dren: Go right!  I mean left!  Left!

Ash and Dren rush through the left passage, eastwards, on a path that slopes upwards.  In the distance is a path that makes another left, and all race towards it.

New Scene()

Mew floats in a chamber full of crystals in front of a crystalized pedestal about three feet wide.  On one of the crystals, sit a pair of gloves, matching Aaron’s.  Mew seems clearly irked as it floats, whipping it’s tail about in a very un-Mew-like fashion.

Mew: Me-yu…

Mew starts flinging it’s tail around in a circle, and suddenly Mew’s tail flies off and lands on the floor.  Mew seems even more annoyed by this, and goes and picks up the tail and re-attaches it to itself.  Mew then slaps the ground with it’s tail.

New Scene()

Ash and company are now headed westward, on a path that steeply slopes upwards.  Benjy appears just about out of breath, as are May and Max, although the latter two are being carried by Dren.  Benjy is about to fall backwards, but Satolite catches him.

Satolite: Coo!

Ash: It’s a dead end!

Lucario: Dren!

Dren: This thing is rearranging as we speak!

Ash: What now?

Dren: If we could get through that wall…

Dren points to the side of the tunnel about a yard behind Ash.

Ciri: Ash, out of the way! (almost out of breath)

Ash: ?

Lucario tackles Ash out of the way to allow Ciri to launch something at the wall.  Upon closer inspection, the object is a sticky grenade, which Ciri used wind strike to propel.  Dren zips back and suddenly the grenade explodes, leaving a hole in the wall large enough for everyone to climb through.

Dren: Perfect.

Dren goes first, followed by Ash (with Pikachu), then May, then Max, then Benjy and Satolite.  The tunnel isn’t wide enough for both of them to squeeze through, so Benjy jumps through, and then satolite flies through sideways, picking Benjy back up on the other side in one fluid motion.  Lucario and Qliqli zip though, and finally Ciri, and land in a new kind of bumpy tunnel full of round glowing orbs, some floating.  This tunnel has a similar color scheme.

May: *pant* How much time now?

Dren: My instruments say a half-hour…

Lucario: What?

Dren: That blast gave us a few precious minutes.

Qliqli lands on Ciri’s arm.

Lucario: Then lets go!

Lucario and Dren start moving through the tunnel, leaving the others to catch up.

Max: How did that happen?

Dren: Don’t know.

Ash: Ciri, how many more of those do you have?

Ciri: On me you mean?  Two others and a–

Ciri does air quotes.

Ciri: –dud.  Which might blow up if we smash it hard enough.

Ciri seems to be having trouble keeping up, and Dren has to pause to pick up May and Max.

Max: Wait Ciri, how come you’re having so much trouble running all of a sudden?

Ciri takes a couple breaths.

Ciri: I don’t know.

Dren now flies around some walls, where red goo is oozing down.  Satolite ducks under a large floating white orb, and then a thump resounds.  Satolite lets Benjy down and both turn around to see that Ciri has collapsed.

May: Ciri!

Benjy: Satolite, please take care of her.

The Millennium Gameboy Advance activates as if in response to this comment.  Satolite zips over to Ciri, and grabs her by the back, and starts to catch up to the others.  Before it can get very far, a strange energy pulse rips through the corridor from the other direction, shattering most of the floating white spheres.  Satolite protects itself with mirror force, but the energy knocks Dren out of the air.  Fortunately by now, May and Max are able to walk again.

This doesn’t last for long though, before another powerful earthquake, which doesn’t stop after a few seconds.  The white floating spheres are caused to zip around, crashing into things as if they’re attacking Ash and company.  At the same time, their surroundings start to turn colors as if in a rainbow.

Ash: What’s happening?!

Dren: No one has a clue so shut up!

Max: No, you shut up!  I wasn’t asking–

Max is cut off as a white sphere crashes into Satolite causing it to drop Ciri on her back.  Ash now catches a white sphere, and is simultaneously hit with a powerful electric blast.  Pikachu blasts the sphere with electricity and both charges explode, knocking the sphere from Ash’s hands, to where it falls to the tunnel’s floor, no longer moving on it’s own.  At the same time, Dren impales a white sphere with his dagger to prevent it from crashing into May.

Dren: The countdown’s speeding up!

Ciri: Explosions slow it down though.

Dren: Well maybe.  Five seconds till– split-screens on everyone present, except for Ciri.  This split-screen lasts for three seconds, then suddenly a massive explosion rips open the ceiling of the tunnel, causing debris to come raining down on the group, who scramble to get out of the way.  Yami Benjy has to yank Ciri out of the way of a giant chunk of crystal that comes crashing down.

Max: Did it–

Dren: That blast put two hours on the clock!

Lucario: What?!

Ciri: I figured it out.  If we destroy the tree, then it can’t get into position to detonate.  It has to repair itself first…

Ciri smiles as Yami Benjy leaps out of the way of a falling yellow ball of goo, all the while holding Ciri in his arms.

Dren: Was that one of your bombs?

Max: That was a spell.

Lucario: But if you look, the tree is already regenerating. shifts up to show the 40-foot-wide hole that Ciri blasted slowly closing in at about half an inch of a second.

Dren: I say we take advantage of what’s provided.

Ash: You’re the only one who can fly, remember?

Satolite: Coah!

New Scene(@Temporal = Late Evening)

Eileen looks out at the Tree of the World’s Beginning from the balcony of Onuduran castle.  The wind blows softly by her, moving her hair slightly.

Eileen: It’s been two days now…

Eileen’s Grandmother now walks onto the balcony.

Eileen’s Grandmother: Really it’s just been a day and a half.

Eileen: I’m talking about his Pikachu.

Eileen’s Grandmother: I’m not.

Eileen’s Grandmother turns and walks back into the castle.

Eileen’s Grandmother: We’re all waiting Eileen.  While you’re waiting for them to come back, I’m waiting for you to realize they aren’t coming back.

Eileen spins around, dumbstruck.

Eileen: WHAT?

Eileen’s Grandmother doesn’t say anything as she walks back into the castle.

Eileen: Did I hear you right?!  Grandma! (angry)

Eileen rushes back into the castle, and calls around for her Grandma angrily.

Eileen: Did I just imagine that?

Eileen continues through the halls, opening doors gently as she goes until she finds a room where her Grandma is adjusting her clothes in front of a mirror.

Eileen: Grandma!  I had the strangest daydream!

Eileen’s Grandmother: What makes you think it was a daydream.

With this, Eileen’s grandmother turns and walks towards the door.

Eileen: When I was on the balcony, you were there and said that they weren’t coming–HEY!

Eileen’s grandma walks right past her and out the door of the room, past her down the hall, but Eileen refuses to let her grandmother out of her sight.

Eileen: Don’t walk away while I’m talking–HEY!

Eileen walks after her grandmother, calling to her repeatedly, but her grandmother doesn’t even acknowledge her presence.

Eileen: Grandma!

Eileen darts forwards, snatching a small vase off a stand, and sensing something is horribly wrong, suddenly hurls the vase at her grandmother.  In the nick of time, her grandmother turns around and catches the vase, then tosses it back to Eileen and starts moving again.  Eileen quickly sets the vase down and chases after her grandmother as her grandmother approaches the end of the hallway.

Eileen: She’s not deaf…  (panicky)

Eileen’s grandmother doesn’t turn into the room on the right or down the stairs on the left as he approaches the end of the hall, instead she acts as if she’s going to walk right into the wall.  Eileen is now freaked out of her mind, and lunges forwards at her grandmother, preparing a punch and letting out a battle-cry.  However before Eileen can reach her grandmother, her grandmother walks into the wall and disappears.  Eileen can’t stop herself and hits the wall with her full strength, leaving massive cracks in the drywall from where her fist hit.

Eileen: Am I dreaming, am I delusional? synchronizes with Eileen’s vision as she looks down at her fist, which is bleeding slightly.  Eileen now looks up and stares back through the hallway.

Eileen: I’ve got to find a way out!

Eileen looks to the stairs and starts to descend, when a voice comes out.

Narrator’s Voice: Stop.

Eileen turns to look back down the hallway, and sees a woman, dressed head-to-toe in yellow robes walking towards her.  Eileen stares at her, trembling; shakes slightly whenever Eileen trembles.

Eileen: Who are you?!

The woman now speaks, with the Narrator’s voice.  (This woman is the Narrator)

Narrator: I’m a friend!

Eileen: A friend?!

Narrator: And you’re not delusional!

Eileen: I’m not?

Narrator: Your grandmother is still dealing with the shock of her own death.

At this point starts to go black.

New Scene() starts out this scene synchronized to Eileen’s vision.  Eileen is sitting next to the woman in yellow in the garden watching the sun set.  Eileen pulls a petal off of a flower that she picked, and desynchronized with Eileen’s vision, shifting to show Eileen and the Narrator sitting side by side.  The narrator now pulls a clipboard with paper on it out of her bag and hands it to Eileen.

Narrator: See, it’s all in the script.

Eileen looks through the paper.

Eileen: Is this?

Narrator: The QST script.

Eileen: QST?

Narrator: Quality Scripting Text.

Eileen flips through the script and then jumps up.

Eileen: Wait a minute?!  This means that all free will is an illusion!

Eileen stares at the Narrator.

Narrator: This is what I get for trying to sooth your nerves.

Eileen: …!

Narrator: Oops, I was supposed to think that.  And no, this doesn’t make free will an illusion.  Quite the contrary actually.

Eileen is completely speechless.

Narrator: How is it possible?  Well, there’s no easy way to explain this.  You helped write this.

A curl pops up on Eileen’s head in the shape of a question mark.

Eileen: ?

Narrator: Don’t worry about it.  You have your free will, and you’ll see them in the afternoon tomorrow.

Eileen: And the weird part is, you’re not the weirdest character in this thing.

Suddenly, a hissing sound reverberates around the garden, and both Eileen and the Narrator jump to their feet, and look around.

Narrator: I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Eileen: Me too…look! synchronizes with Eileen’s vision again as she stares at a giant crystal fragment, which is now appearing to have lines of corruption running through it.  The crystal is slowly subliming.  The Narrator quickly turns on a flashlight and points it at the crystal.  After two seconds (real time) of watching the crystal sublime, de-synchronizes with Eileen’s vision.

Narrator: Spawn of a (bleep)

New Scene()

With the tree shaking occasionally Dren and Satolite fly out of the hole that Ciri blasted in the Tree of the World’s Beginning, carrying Ash and Max (Dren) and Lucario (Satolite), and let them down next to May, Ciri, and Yami Benjy.  Qliqli now flies out of the hole.

Ash: So where is this command center?

Yami Benjy: One level above us.  How’s the countdown?

Dren: It doesn’t look like it’ll jump again.

Yami Benjy: Just in case then.

Yami Benjy takes a ball out of his backpack and taps it, prompting Celebi to emerge.

Ciri: Zumi!

Ciri unscrews something on her old-fashioned poké ball, and Zumi emerges in a flash of blue light.

Zumi: Azumi!

May: Why are you guys calling on Pokémon?

Ciri: To increase firepower.

Ciri’s Parcit now emerges behind Zumi.

May: But how are we going to get up to the next level?

Lucario points behind May, causing her to spin around and look at the tunnel behind them.

Dren: My instruments say that that does a u-turn and goes upwards.  Ready–

Yami Benjy: We don’t have time to hesitate.

New Scene()

In the chamber with the crystals and Aaron’s gloves, Mew has become covered in blue-green patterns, but suddenly it shivers and turns pink again, then flies out through a long tunnel into the corridor, of which Ash and company (minus Brock), Dren, and Lucario are walking up the steps, Jirachi, Celebi, Zumi, and Parcit are walking with them.

Lucario: Don’t try borrowed power here.  (murmur)


Pikachu: PI-KA!  PI-KA!

Mew’s eyes suddenly pulse with energy, and everyone else leaps out of the way as Mew fires an immense psychic attack at them.


Lucario: It’s not speaking coherently–

Ciri: Parcit, leech core!

Parcit shoots a strange projectile into Mew, which sticks into it’s forehead, then begins to sink into Mew’s forehead until it disappears.

Ash: Leech core?

Ciri: That’s not supposed to happen!

The strange projectile now falls out of Mew’s underside, and Ciri urgently recalls Parcit.

Mew: Mpyu.

Mew fires a psychic blast at Ciri, who snaps her fingers and a yellow barrier appears around her, blocking the hit, but pushing Ciri and the barrier backwards.

Lucario: I don’t understand a word it’s saying.

Pikachu: Peka-chu.

Lucario: That would make sense.

Lucario charges an aura sphere, aiming it at Mew.

Lucario: So you’re not a real pokémon…

Ciri now lowers her shield.

Mew: Pyu.  Kyarra.

All at once, Mew flees off through the hallway to the left and behind it.

Dren: My locator says it’s that way!  Come on!

Dren starts off after Mew, but as soon as he approaches the smaller tunnel red blobs leap out of the walls and grab Dren, who starts rapidly struggling.  Lucario fires an aura sphere at one of the blobs, but this doesn’t do much.

Dren: Help!

With a bang, the blobs instantly explode from Ciri’s magic, causing Dren to fall to the floor, but with only mild burns, and the others race up to Dren.  Two blobs descend on Dren from above, but Celebi and Jirachi block them with their psychic power.  Yami Benjy helps Dren to his feet.

Yami Benjy: More defenses; we’re getting close.

Ash: No kidding…

Max: Guys… zooms out a bit, showing that they are surrounded by blobs emerging from the walls!

Max: We’re surrounded!

Ciri: Have the psychics reinforce my shield.

Ash: What?

Ciri: Expectyx limosianu!

A large, yellow bubble appears around everyone and Celebi and Jirachi immediately concentrate on it as the blobs crash into it, surrounding the shield on all sides.  The Millennium Gameboy Advance shines, making the shield shine as well, but the blobs don’t seem to notice as they cover the shield, and pull it upwards into the Tree of the world’s beginning.

Ash: So close!

Dren: There’s a tunnel ten meters above us!

May: Ciri, can you break us out of this?

Ciri nods slightly.

Ciri: Only if you like fire.

New Scene()

In a 6-foot-wide tunnel about 30 feet over the epicenter (according to Dren’s tool, which will become visible to, the red blobs carry the bubble containing Ash and company (minus Brock), Dren, and Lucario.  As soon as the bubble gets 75% of the way out of the floor it explodes, frying the red goo, at which point Dren’s tool becomes visible to

Lucario: Quickly!  This way!

Lucario and Dren immediately zip off down the tunnel, and then Satolite grabs Ash and takes off after them with May, Max, Yami Benjy, and Ciri following on foot as blobs come down the tunnel from behind them.  Ciri looks back and curses unintelligibly, then pulls a grenade out of her pocket, and pulls the pin. now zooms ahead to Lucario and Dren.

Dren: This is bad!  It looks like it’s about to!

Lucario: Pay attention to where you’re going!

Dren narrowly avoids crashing into a wall, at which time he is overtaken by Satolite, before following Lucario down another tunnel.

Dren: But we’re too late–

Dren is cut off as the sound of an explosion resounds, and 70 seconds are added to his timer, taking it from 3 to 73.

Refresh Scene()

Ciri throws the pin from her grenade behind her and continues to rush after the others as the blobs continue to advance. zooms up ahead of her, where a blob leaps from the wall and attacks May.  May manages to grab a poké ball on to call on Torchic before her arms are immobilized!

May: Combusken!

Combusken emerges in a flash of red light.

Combusken: Caw?  CAWAW?!

Combusken starts to freak out as, the blob now surrounds May, and quickly pulls her into the floor.  Combusken is now further startled as Yami Benjy leaps over it, shoving his hand into the floor right as May is pulled under and grabbing May by the wrist. shifts downwards as May tries to cry out do to her arm being yanked, but gets a mouthful of mew aqua instead. now shifts back up to Yami Benjy.

Benjy: You’re going to rip her arm off!

The MGBA pulses with pure yellow light, which shoots down Yami Benjy’s arm and into May, making her cough up the mew aqua, and then the red goo around her starts to boil, and Yami Benjy then pulls her out of the ground, standing up as he extracts her.  May now collapses to the floor, stunned.  Yami Benjy turns back down the passage as more blobs zip around the corner.  Cursing, he starts to build up energy in his right hand, causing it give off faint blue light.

As the blobs approach, more round the corner, then all suddenly spontaneously combust and explode.  Combusken looks at May nervously, then suddenly both are levitated into the air by something unseen.

Yami Benjy: Huh?

Max’s Voice: Coming through!

Yami Benjy leaps to his feet, seeing Jirachi flying down the corridor, holding May, Max, and Combusken in it’s psychic control.  Yami Benjy jumps to his feet, and seeing Ciri round the bend behind him, chases after Max and Jirachi, who now have passed him. doesn’t move until Ciri and Qliqli pass it a few seconds later.  Ciri’s hair and clothes are singed, as is Qliqli.

New Scene()

Benjy’s Celebi has somehow managed to escape the blobs and flies down the tunnel.  Blobs float down the tunnel paying no attention to Celebi, and a few seconds later (real time) Celebi flies into the room that Mew was in originally.  Celebi approaches a crystalized pedestal as the tree shakes, but suddenly a weird purple-ish light surrounds Celebi, which appears to be sapping it’s energy.  Celebi jerks away, then drops to the ground, landing on it’s buttocks, with a plop.

Celebi: Bii…

Celebi gets to it’s feet and walks away from the pedestal nervously.

Celebi: Celeh…

Celebi flinches as the tree shakes again, then tries to fly, failing at first, but manages to become airborne after a couple seconds, and lands on a crystalized crate.

Celebi: Flfl.

QST::Qout() >> "What happened here?"

Celebi rubs it’s wings together, and starts sniffing the crate.  Celebi then looks up at Mew, which is floating by the wall with it’s back to Celebi, letting it’s tail wag from side to side like a pendulum.  As Celebi watches, an electric charge shoots up Mew’s tail, and through it’s body.  Upon reaching the top of Mew’s head, the charge seems to disappear.  Celebi watches this in confusion, and the Tree of the World’s Beginning shakes again.

New Scene() moves through the night from the Onuduran Castle to the Tree of the World’s Beginning as the mew aqua crystals slowly start glowing.  The glow starts out soft, then get brighter and brighter until all of the crystals are shining in the night.

New Scene()

Eileen and the Narrator are both standing in the castle garden, watching this phenomenon.

Eileen: I’ve never seen anything like it before.  It’s beautiful.

Eileen looks to the Narrator, who’s expression is masked by her hood.  Suddenly the glow dims significantly.  Suddenly the Narrator lets out a long sigh.

Eileen: ?

Narrator: There’s a reason for that.

Eileen: What’s going on?

Narrator: Just hope they stop it in time.

This comment takes Eileen by surprise.

New Scene()

The Tree of the of the World’s Beginning is now shining with pinDren red light and shaking.  Slowly, a yellow-orange light begins to pulse it’s way through the red light.

New Scene()

The room around Celebi starts to glow, and Celebi’s expression turns to one of horror.  As Celebi suddenly appears to realize what’s going on, an upside-down isosceles triangle that extends the height of the screen appears in the middle of the screen (like a single-panel split-screen) for about one second.

Celebi starts to glow as if it’s surrounding itself with some kind of energy, then lands on a large crystal, before leaping straight at the crystalized pedestal.  Celebi-lands head-first on the pedestal, but seems uninjured.  Looking upset, Celebi starts to pummel the pedestal as if it’s trying to destroy it. now shifts through the wall and down a corridor.

Ash’s voice: Dren!  How long do we have?

Satolite (carrying Ash) and Dren zip around the corner, with Lucario on the ground right behind them.

Dren: Don’t know!  I can’t get an accurate measurement!

Lucario’s eyes appear to glow.

Lucario: It’s right on the other side of that wall!  I can sense it!

Satolite speeds up.

Ash: Wait Satolite, slow down!

Refresh Scene()

Satolite speeds up again, leaving Dren and Lucario behind him,

Ash: We’re going to cra–

Ash is cut off as Satolite charges headlong into the wall, using Ash as a kind of battering ram, leaving a giant hole in the mew aqua.

Revert Scene(@Bypass(Refresh))

Celebi is repeatedly punching the crystalized pedestal when Ash and Satolite crash through the wall with a wet tearing sound.  Celebi looks up and around wildly hearing the noise, but by the time it realizes what’s going on, Satolite has already crossed the room (this took about 1/50th of a second) and, along with Ash, crashed into Mew before it (Mew) is able to react.

This impact splatters Mew all over Ash and Satolite, which causes Satolite to drop Ash. synchronizes with Ash’s vision as he falls to the floor, then quickly turns around, brushing Mew Aqua off of his shirt.  Meanwhile Celebi is still striking the pedestal.

Ash: Hey, are you–

Celebi: Tsell!

Ash looks around the room nervously.

Ash: Where’s Mew?  I swear I saw–

Dren’s voice: It’s all over your shirt!

Ash looks down and jumps backwards upon seeing the goo that was once Mew’s legs on his shirt; they’re still holding their shape, but just slightly.  Ash fails to land on his feet and falls on his bottom instead.  Ash then looks up as Dren leaps through the hole in the mew aqua, landing on the ground in front of Ash. desynchronizes with Ash’s vision as Dren scans the room, noticing Celebi.

Dren: Hey, are you okay?

Celebi: Biii-bi-bii!  Biii!  Biiiii!  Bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi!!!!

Dren: Uh…  Hold on, the translator’s coming.

Ash quickly brushes Mew’s legs off of his shirt, and then Lucario jumps through the hole in the wall.

Lucario: A Celebi?

Ash: It’s Benjy’s–

Celebi: Celeh-bibibi!  Bi bi ciii!  Celebi!!

Lucario: Is that so…  But how?!

Pikachu: Pika! split-screens on Ash and Lucario as both turn to Pikachu, who is holding Aaron’s gloves.

Celebi: Cell!

Celebi leaps off the pedestal as Lucario rushes to it, and suddenly starts glowing with aura.  Celebi lands on a crystalized crate, looking exhausted.  Lucario places both of his forepaws on the pedestal and begins to concentrate.

Ash: Lucario?

Lucario: Celebi says this tree can be controlled by aura.  Which means we can stop the explosion by channeling our aura into it and telling it not to explode.

Lucario begins to glow with a white-gold energy, and then places his hands on the pedestal, shivering.

Lucario: This is…

Ash: Well I’m right behind you.

Lucario looks up to see Ash putting on Aaron’s gloves.

Lucario: What are you doing?!

Ash has now put on Lucario’s gloves.

Ash: I’m in this too!  You said my aura was like Aaron’s right?

Lucario: If I remember correctly…

Ash: Then that settles it!

Dren: Good, because we only have two minutes until– now shifts so that it’s pointing through the hole, where May, Max, and Jirachi come into view, followed by Yami Benjy, Ciri, and Qliqli.  Qliqli gives a burst of speed seeing the target in sight.  Jirachi suddenly glows brighter, and instantly teleports everyone else into the room with Ash, Dren, Lucario, Pikachu, and Celebi (although Pikachu isn’t shown).

Ciri: Lucario…

Lucario: Sorry, I need to concentrate.

Ciri: ?

Celebi: Cel-e.  Cel-cel-cele-cel.

Ciri looks at Celebi and appears to understand.

Ciri: That makes sense.

Ciri now turns to Lucario.

Ciri: Move over.

Lucario: Huh?

Lucario looks up, but then instinctively moves over as Ciri slams her hands down on the pedestal between Ash on her left and Lucario on her right.

Ciri: Lets make this work.

Ciri now also concentrates on the pedestal.  Energy appears to be flowing from her hands, Ash’s hands, and Lucario’s paws into the pedestal.

May: Ciri?

Ciri: I don’t know how Celebi figured it out…  Or maybe it knew all along…  This tree can be controlled by imbuing it with aura.

Lucario: Our only hope is to somehow imbue our aura into this thing with the intention of stopping the explosion…

Narrator: Wait…  Since when can she talk to pokémon?!

New Scene()

The outside of the Tree of the World’s Beginning is still glowing red at the top, but the yellow-orange glow is slowly consuming the middle of the tree.  At the bottom, dark blue light is slowly piercing the yellow.

QST.Lyrical::startCustomMusic(using template$C01) {

(Parody: Shut Down by Beach Boys)

#DEFINES TUNE = "Shut Down"<Beach Boys>

Everyone concentrate!  'Cause we've got to shut it down! shows the light dancing around the Tree of the World’s Beginning.

It happened on the night that Saint Jenny died;

All stood tense as the tree went wild;

The crystals started glowing like no one's ever seen;

Minutes till the core blows and the clocks get cleaned;

Eileen and the Narrator stand in the castle’s garden watching the crystals pulsing with light.  As they do, the castle’s other staff members come out into the garden to watch the light show.  During the fourth line, the Tree of the World’s Beginning suddenly starts shining so brilliantly that it can be seen from the castle, even in the darkness, like a giant beacon.


Everybody concentrate!  'Cause we've got to shut it down! zooms in towards the Tree of the World’s Beginning.

New Scene()

Imbuing aura at a steady rate;

Feel our objective before it gets too late;

Inside the Tree of the World’s Beginning, in the room with the pedestal, Ash, May, Max, Lucario, Ciri, Dren, and Yami Benjy are all channeling their aura into the pedestal.  Ash is wearing Aaron’s gloves.  The pedestal is glowing with bright light.

Vision's slowly getting blurry and I'm feeling dizzy; moves towards May synchronizes with her vision.  Immediately the image of her hands on the pedestal becomes blurry.

Afraid that if I stop it's the end of me; gets blurrier and blurrier, as May’s focus continues to fade until everything is just static, then desynchronizes with May’s vision as she tries to remain standing up straight, but falls over, causing her hands to be pulled from the pedestal and stopping her stream of aura.  This is noted by everyone else.

Hiding is useless — hold on cause here we go;

All our aura levels are now falling low;

Max faints from lack of aura, and the room starts to glow brighter.

But the Tree of the Beginning's really starting to glow;

The glow increases as Lucario, Yami Benjy, Ciri, and Dren appear to redouble their focuses.

Crystals are shaking and we fear the worst;

Crystals and crystalized things in the room start to shatter. zooms in on Ash as he redoubles his focus.

Looks like the Mew Aqua's all ready to burst;

Bright light starts to pour out of the shattered crystals, and starts to stream out of the pedestal.


Ash, Lucario, Ciri, Yami Benjy, and Dren all focus on the pedestal, but the energy is too much for Dren, who quickly passes out trying to contain the glow.  Ash suddenly clutches his chest and falls down on the pedestal.  With a quick motion, Lucario knocks him off the pedestal, severing his stream of aura.

Lucario: You should also stop!  Leave the rest to me!

Ciri: Don’t tell me what to do!

Lucario: But–

Ciri: Don’t! (loud whisper)

The pedestal suddenly starts emitting a high-pitched noise.

Pedestal is shining and is starting to whine;

This investigation's put our lives on the line;

The pedestal beneath Ciri is now shining brilliantly as she concentrates.  As the glow increases, Ciri grits her teeth.

We know that this is crazy, but now please understand;

A weapon of mass destruction's 'bout to blow up this land!

Ciri is now both frantic and looking like she’s been figuratively run over by a bus.

Everyone concentrate!  'Cause we've got to shut it down!

As she concentrates, something pops, and Ciri falls to the floor unconscious.

Everyone concentrate!  'Cause we've got to shut it down!

The light grows stronger under Yami Benjy’s hands and Lucario’s paws, then suddenly, dark circles appear around where they are touching the pedestal.

Everyone concentrate!  'Cause we've got to shut it down!

Lucario grits his teeth, pushing into the pedestal, and causing the dark circles to expand.

Everyone concentrate!  'Cause we've got to shut it down!

Across the pedestal, Yami Benjy is shaking violently as the dark circles under his hands expand as well.  Suddenly the pedestal abruptly stops emitting light and noise.

Everyone celebrate!  'Cause we've finally shut it down!

Within a split-second of the pedestal shutting down, the room stops glowing.

Revert Scene()

Everyone celebrate!  'Cause we've finally shut it down! zooms out from the Tree of the World’s Beginning as the blue quickly turns to yellow, and then the yellow turns to red, before the glow fades entirely. continues to zoom out to show the crystals all stop glowing (the ones closer to the Tree of the World’s Beginning stop first, so it’s like a wave). zooms out back to the Onuduran castle over the next five seconds (real time) to where the the glowing crystals in the castle garden instantly shut off, as if someone had just cut their power.


The castle’s staff stare, dumbstruck.  Eileen turns to the Narrator, who is standing next to her.

Eileen: What just happened?

Narrator: We survived.

The Narrator now turns and starts walking away.

Eileen: Wait…

Narrator: It’s alright now.  And as it stands, I’m already running late.  For now, you should see to your grandma’s funeral.

Eileen stares after the Narrator as she (the Narrator) walks off into the night.

New Scene()

In the control room of the Tree of the World’s Beginning, everyone is passed out except for Lucario and Yami Benjy, both of whom are lying on the ground completely exhausted.

Yami Benjy: You boosted my aura, didn’t you?

Benjy: Yup.

Yami Benjy: That’s all I wanted to know.

With this, the Millennium Gameboy Advance shines faintly. now synchronizes with Benjy’s vision.

Benjy: Oh wow.  I’m too tired to move my limbs.

Benjy looks over at Lucario, who has now fallen asleep.

Narrator: With only four point three seconds left to spare, our allies managed to prevent an eco-apocalypse by the skin of their teeth.  But the fight isn’t over.  In fact, it’s barely yet begun…

Benjy now closes eyes, and rolls onto his side to go to sleep.

…///To Be Continued///…

© October 2009 to January 11, 2016 by Benjy Strauss