The Trigamon Project

The Divine Parody


Season 1: Episode 20: A Royal Stew


Prerequisite Understanding

Note: The Doctor in this episode is the "Doctor" from Cave Story, not Doctor Who

New Scene()

A tumbleweed blows down a dusty street not far from the palace.  Coal is on one side, and Hansen is on the other.  Both stare the other down.

Hansen: Who are you?

Coal: Funny, you didn’t seem to care about that when we met before.

Hansen: Don’t mock me, thief!

Coal: Talk about ironic, given that you’re the one–

Hansen: Silence!

Coal: –that tried to steal a Togepi.

Hansen: Then why did you stop me if you claim you don’t want to steal?

Coal: Make no mistake, I want something from you, but you’ll still have it even after I’ve obtained it.

Hansen: You make no sense…

Coal: I’m talking about information.

Hansen: You expect me to sit down with you and tell you the story of my life?

Coal: I expect you to answer some questions.

Hansen: And what makes you think I’ll talk?

Coal: A man in your position should know that there are ways of getting men like you to talk.

Hansen: Get me that Togepi and I’ll answer your questions.

Coal: Other ways…

Hansen cringes as he sizes up Coal.

Coal: I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t tried to steal it in the first place.

Hansen: You’re saying I brought this on myself?

Coal: Exactly.  Now you’re getting it.

Hansen: Unfortunately for you, it’s none of your business.

Coal: Actually, it’s…

Coal cuts himself off as he notices Hansen mumbling something, and then he suddenly leaps forwards with his arm crackling with electricity.  Hansen instantly stops mumbling, and blocks Coal’s thunderpunch with his arm.  Even though he blocked most of the hit, Hansen is still pushed back about 6 inches by the force of Coal’s attack.

New Scene()

In the upstairs lobby, Al excuses himself to look for Ash, Brock, and Coal.  Misty is sitting in a chair with Togepi on her lap, while Benjy, May, and Max are sitting on a couch.  Max is staring at Princess Sarah with a dreamy look in his eyes, and leans against Benjy, whom shifts nervously.

May: So he needs it to be king?

Princess Sarah nods.

Princess Sarah: It’s a ritual we hold to choose our leaders.

Misty: And this ritual involves a Togepi?

Sarah nods her head.

Princess Sarah: Of course, the Togepi is let go after the end of the ritual.

Max: So then why didn’t he just ask to borrow it?

King: That may as very well be his intention.

Misty: I don’t think so!  He tried to–

King: He’s always been a man of force, not words.

The king sighs.

King: It makes our people nervous…  That and his questionable objectives.

May: Like what?

King: Sorry, those are proprietary.

Miranda: You shouldn’t have brought that up then.

The King turns to her and sighs, silently acknowledging that she’s correct.

Miranda: The trouble is, Togepi haven’t been seen around here in fourty-five years.

May, Max, Benjy, and Misty sit in silence for about 15 seconds (real time), reflecting on this new information.  Then the Millennium Gameboy Advance glows softly.

Yami Benjy: Then it may not be time for a new king.

These words seem to come as a shock to Sarah and Miranda, who gaze at Yami Benjy nervously.

Yami Benjy: The Togepi probably know when you need a new leader, and that is when they arrive.  You don’t need a new leader right now, so there aren’t any Togepi. shifts around the room again, as Yami Benjy stands up.

Yami Benjy: It’s just a hypothesis and I need more data.  Tell me, can anyone obtain the role of the king with this ritual?

Miranda: You cannot, it must be one of our own.

Yami Benjy: Can you?

Miranda: Me?

Sarah: Miranda–

Miranda: I’m much too old.

Yami Benjy: How old is too old?

King: Excuse me.

Yami Benjy: Sorry, sir?

King: Are you suggesting something?

Yami Benjy: Just trying to understand how this ritual is utilized.

Max: Benjy, I don’t think it’s a good idea to get involved with their politics.

Yami Benjy: Then don’t.  How long does this ritual take to complete?

Max: You aren’t actually thinking of–

Yami Benjy: I’m not.

Max: Benjy, I don’t–

Yami Benjy: Then don’t.

Max jumps to his feet and glares at Yami Benjy.

Yami Benjy: Doesn’t it just feel wrong to you?  This floating island is in no need of a change of a leader, yet–

King: Thank you, but the Togepi always…

The king trails off, suddenly realizing Yami Benjy’s point.

Yami Benjy: I don’t know the history of this place, but–

Suddenly a maid bursts into the room.

Maid: We’ve got trouble!

New Scene()

Brock lies on a stretcher in the main hall with Ash by his side.  Benjy, May, Max, and Misty emerge from around the corner, and descend down the staircase to Ash’s level.

Misty: Ash!  What happened?!

Togepi: Togrepri!!

Togepi seems upset by the sight of Brock’s condition.  Ash turns around to reply to Misty.

Ash: He hit his head!

Brock: Misty…

Ash: Don’t move.

As Ash begins to speak, a strange bump appears on Brock’s forehead, causing everyone to jump.  Ash quickly pushes the bump back into Brock’s forehead, but the minute he takes his hand away the bump emerges again.

May: Are his brains oozing out?!

Yami Benjy: No.  At least, it’s extremely unlikely, that would have required his skull to crack and…

Miranda: Dear Madoka–

Sarah: What’s going on?

Miranda: I don’t know, I–

Suddenly the object pops out of Brock’s forehead again, Ash starts to push it back in, but princess Sarah stops him, asking to push it in much to Brock’s secret delight.  As soon as she touches the object however, she turns into a flash of red light and disappears into Brock’s forehead.  Ash starts to push the object in again, but before he can even touch it, he also disappears into it, along with May, Max, and Misty.  Benjy instantly becomes unstable, but quickly regains his balance as the King and Miranda stare speechless.  The King starts to move towards Brock, but Benjy puts out his hand to stop the king.

King: Please, my daughter…

Benjy: Please wait, we’ll figure it out–

Benjy is cut off as the main door opens, and Hansen walks in.

King: Hansen!  We need to talk.

Hansen walks slowly at first, then suddenly races forwards and leaps at Brock, but suddenly becomes red light and vanishes inside Brock’s forehead.  Following this, Hansen’s Ninjask and Shedinja burst in through the doorway, and quickly form a triangle around Brock, all charging their attacks at the king.

Benjy: Yami!  Yami me are you there?!

Miranda gasps and falls to her knees, and suddenly the bug pokémon all launch their attacks, which merge together in a spiral of light and shadow, then this blast suddenly collides with Benjy knocking him off his feet and about five feet backwards.  Benjy lands on all fours as both Miranda and the King run to his side, scared.

Ninjask: Nin…

Shedinja: Shed…

All three bug pokémon start to attack again, then fire their attacks which again begin to combine.  In a quick motion, Benjy pulls out Pixielite’s capsule.

Benjy: Pixielite, mirror force!

Pixielite bursts from it’s capsule, activating mirror force, which for some reason blocks the hit but doesn’t reflect it.  All three bug pokémon now start to attack again.

Benjy: Now what?  Pixielite can’t use mirror force for at least a couple minutes…

Coal’s voice: Glalie, blizzard!

A burst of freezing wind shoots into the main hall, knocking out both Ninjask, but Shedinja is unaffected and starts to turn to face the direction of the attack as Glalie crashes through the doorway, destroying much of the door frame.  Shedinja starts to charge solarbeam.

Benjy: And while it’s distracted…

Benjy: Aerial ace!

Shedinja turns around with solarbeam ready to fire, but Pixielite strikes it, knocking it out.  Shedinja now floats on it’s backside, and solarbeam fires, up into the ceiling of the main hall as Shedinja floats to the ground in a faint.  This is followed by debris falling around it.

Benjy: Coal!

Glalie: Glay!

Coal darts through the busted doorway, followed by Al.

King: AL!

Al: What happened?!

King: It was sudden!  My daughter, the visitors, and Hansen, all disappeared into that boy’s head!

Al: Are you okay, your highness?

Miranda: I saw it to!

Coal: Brock.

Brock: Get back!

Coal starts to walk around Brock instead of getting closer to him.

Coal: They disappeared into your head, huh?

Brock: Yeah.

Coal: Did you hit your head recently?

Brock: Yeah, but…

Miranda: We really saw it!

Al: Are you sure it wasn’t a mirage?

Coal: Al, I think I know what’s going on.  No, it’s not a mirage.

Coal stares at Brock, concentrating, while everyone else watches him

New Scene()

Ash, May, Max, Misty, Sarah, and Yami Benjy are lying on the ground in a barren, rocky place with dead trees.

Misty: What happened?!  Where are we?!

Sarah slowly stands up.

Sarah: I don’t know.

Revert Scene()

Brock is still lying in the stretcher.

Brock: Coal!  What is going on?!

Coal continues to observe Brock, watching the object that’s appeared from Brock’s head.  The King, Miranda, and Benjy appear to be holding their breaths.

Brock: Coal!

Coal: I want to confirm it, but I don’t know how…

Coal’s comment comes as a whisper.

Coal: If it is what I think it is, you might as well calm down.  Getting upset won’t do anything, good or bad. (whisper)

King: What is it though?  You must tell us! (whisper)

Coal: I can’t be sure though. (whisper)

Miranda: Please, tell us what you know!

Coal: A name isn’t going to do you any good.  It appears to be some kind of portal.

King: Why can’t you tell us the name?! (whisper)

Miranda: Please, tell us the name! (whisper)

Coal sighs.

Coal: A name isn’t going to do you any good.  I think it’s an N-O channel.  It’s created by hitting your head in a certain way.

The King and Miranda both shiver.

Coal: I don’t know much about it, but the explanation is one of the weirdest I’ve heard.

Brock: And that would be?

Coal: Can we wait until later?  Right now we have to figure out how to get everyone back.

Revert Scene()

The group is now all standing up and looking around.

Misty: What do you mean you don’t know where we are?!

Sarah: I don’t know what I don’t know!  How much clearer can I make it?

Sarah walks over to a dead tree and begins to feel the trunk.  Max starts to cry while Ash and Pikachu turn over a rock, looking at the moss underneath it.

Ash: Benjy, do you have any idea of where we are?

Yami Benjy: I’m not Benjy.

Ash looks at Yami Benjy curiously.

Yami Benjy: Benjy’s not with is.  He appears to have been left behind.

Ash: Then who are you?!

May: You’re the other one, right?

Yami Benjy nods.

Max: The AI?

Yami Benjy says nothing, but continues to scan the area.

Sarah: I don’t understand what you’re saying.  Weren’t you just Benjy a few seconds–

Sarah is cut off by a large explosion above her head.

{Ash, May, Misty}: Sarah!

The dust quickly clears, revealing that Sarah is lying on the ground with Hansen standing on her upper back.  The ground under Sarah’s head is slightly lower than the ground under the rest of her.  Hansen’s robe is dusty and he looks slightly injured.  Sarah squirms under where he’s standing.

Sarah: Err…

Hansen: I didn’t expect to find you here.

Max: Get off the princess!

Hansen says nothing, but looks down to see that he is indeed on Princess Sarah.  Hansen then opens his hand towards Misty, and beckons for her to hand him Togepi.  Misty starts to walk towards him for about two steps, then jumps backwards.

Misty: Forget it!

In response, Hansen taps on Sarah’s shoulder with the toe of his boot, and then raises his foot above Sarah’s head, causing Misty to gasp and even Togepi to look angry as Hansen stares Misty down.

Hansen: Lets just get this over with.

Ash: Pikachu, thunderbolt!

Pikachu: Pik-ah-chu!!

Pikachu launches powerful blast of electricity at Hansen, who raises his hand to create a barrier.  Hansen stares straight at Misty, causing her to tremble.  May also starts shaking right along with Misty.

Hansen: Stop acting like you have a choice.

At this point, the electric attack from Pikachu finishes, and Hansen suddenly stomps on Sarah’s backside, causing her to cough and try to push Hansen off, but she is unable to move him.

Hansen: I’m waiting…

Misty starts to step forwards slowly, as Hansen nods.  Before Misty can make a full step forwards, Hansen catches Yami Benjy starting to take a step backwards out of the corner of his eye.  In a split-second, Yami Benjy darts forwards with fist shining with gold energy, launching an energy-packed punch at Hansen’s barrier, which holds for about a quarter second (real-time), then cracks for a quarter second (real-time),  then finally shatters.  Before Hansen can react, Yami Benjy takes another swing at him.  This energy-packed punch strikes Hansen in the lower chest and sends him flying off of princess Sarah, crashing to the rocky ground about thirty feet away on his backside.

Yami Benjy doesn’t take his eyes off of Hansen, standing over princess Sarah, one leg on each side of her.

Misty: Woah…

May looks nervously at Misty, then at Yami Benjy.  The dust now starts to settle around Hansen, who quickly gets to his feet, staring at Yami Benjy.

Hansen: I didn’t come here to get into fights with little girls.

Max: Well, Benjy’s not a girl!

With this, Hansen flicks his fingers sending a blast of dark-colered energy shooting at Yami Benjy, and Ash, May, and Misty all gasp.  Looking over her shoulder, Princess Sarah starts to get to her feet, but the dark energy now crashes into Yami Benjy and Princess Sarah.  Pikachu sparks angrily, and as the dark-colored energy clears, Yami Benjy appears unfazed, protected by a barrier comprised of golden energy.  Princess Sarah also appears unharmed by this attack.

Hansen now charges at Yami Benjy with his fist cloaked in a swirl of brown and black-colored energy.  Before he can reach Princess Sarah, Yami Benjy leaps off of the tiny hill which Princess Sarah is lying on, his right fist full of glowing gold energy.  Yami Benjy and Hansen collide about five feet behind Sarah in a cross-counter.  Sarah quickly gets to her feet, aided by Ash and May.  Yami Benjy and Hansen now push each other about two feet back.

Hansen: Will you just cut this out already?

Misty: We’d like to ask you the same thing!

Hansen: You children still fail to understand that there’s only one possible outcome for this situation.  Just hurry up, cry, and accept it, I don’t have time to play these games!

Yami Benjy: Luckily we have all the time in the world.

Hansen stares at Yami Benjy.

Hansen: So you’re going to stall for time indefinitely?

Yami Benjy: I’m going to create a new outcome.

Hansen and Yami Benjy stare at each other.

Yami Benjy: By beating the ever-living (bleep) out of you.

With this comment, Hansen and Yami Benjy both hurl glowing punch after glowing punch at each other.  This lasts for about 15 seconds (real time) during which time a gigantic amount of dust is hurled into the air, until the point where only their magical power can be seen (on through the cloud of dust.  Now their punches collide, and the energy forces the dust away, leaving both visible to, moderately injured.  Hansen curses under his breath unintelligibly.

Yami Benjy: You’re going down.  That’s final.

Hansen and Yami Benjy rush at each other again, hurling blow after blow.  Yami Benjy strikes Hansen in the side of the head and is hit in the upper chest, this is followed by more blows being exchanged for about 20 seconds (real time) before Yami Benjy manages to knock Hansen to the ground.  Hansen trips him causing him to fall over Hansen, and giving Hansen the opportunity to knee Yami Benjy in the stomach.  Yami Benjy launches five consecutive punches into Hansen’s face before Hansen forces him off of him, and jumps to his feet.

Yami Benjy: Here’s what I don’t understand.  You know in your heart that it’s wrong…

Hansen: Don’t give me that (bleep), kid!

Hansen launches two more punches at Yami Benjy, who catches both of them.  Hansen now tries to knee Yami Benjy in the stomach, but Yami Benjy quickly spins around and strikes Hansen in the stomach with a glowing kick, sending him backwards into the dirt where he lands on his back, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Hansen: Curse you.

Hansen gets to his feet and charges Yami Benjy, striking him hard in the ribs, with what looks like an increased amount of force.  Yami Benjy cringes, and Hansen strikes him hard, again in the chest, forcing him backwards.  Sarah gasps, and then Yami Benjy launches the same kind of blow as Hansen’s, striking him in the shoulder and a loud cracking sound reverberates.  Yami Benjy and Hansen exchange a few more blows, each of these drawing blood before Yami Benjy lands a powerful blow in the side of Hansen’s head, and the sound of something popping echoes across the deserted landscape. now shifts to everyone else:

Ash: I don’t remember pokémon battles being this violent.

Max: I don’t even remember TV being this violent! shifts back to Yami Benjy and Hansen.  Before Hansen can react, Yami Benjy strikes him again, knocking him to the ground.

Hansen: That’s it.  I’m going to–

Yami Benjy: Millennium claw!

With his hand in a position resembling a claw, Yami Benjy’s hand emits a large golden light, and without hesitation, strikes Hansen in the the stomach, knocking him flat and crashing him into the ground, hard enough to make a crater about two feet deep and ten feet in diameter, kicking up a giant cloud of dust in the process.

Ash, May, Misty, Max, and Princess Sarah all stare in shock as the dust settles, revealing that Hansen is out cold with spirals on his eyes and covered in dust.  Yami Benjy is also covered in dust, and both are slightly bloody.

Ash: Now there’s just the question of how to get back…

This comment comes off on deaf ears.

May: You aren’t actually suggesting we give him Togepi, are you?!

Misty glares at Ash and May.

Ash: I wasn’t–

Where he lies in the crater, Hansen begins to chuckle.

Hansen: I see you’ve figured it out.

Hansen’s chuckling now turns into maniacal laughter, which only lasts a few seconds before Yami Benjy lands a glowing fist squarely in Hansen’s stomach.  Hansen’s laugher turns into gasping and he coughs out a tiny bit of blood.

Yami Benjy: You aren’t the only one who can accomplish your goals through violence.

Hansen: Violence?  You fail to appreciate the intricateness of my scheme.

Yami Benjy: You’re right about that, and I never will.

Hansen: HAH!

Hansen suddenly leaps to his feet, aiming a punch at Yami Benjy.  Yami Benjy dodges, and in a swift motion flips Hansen over and smashes him, face-first, into the ground.  Hansen continues to laugh.

Hansen: You know it in your heart though.  I’m the only way out of here.

Yami Benjy: Don’t be too sure.

Hansen: Don’t bluff, the very fact you’ve kept me alive–

Yami Benjy: Is because I haven’t figured out how to dispose of you yet.

This comment comes off on the deaf ears of everyone else, while Hansen continues to giggle, and slowly gets to his feet.

Hansen: I thought you were stronger than that.

In a quick motion, Hansen turns to Yami Benjy and blasts him with energy, knocking him backwards about eight feet.  Hansen then lunges at Yami Benjy with a punch full of dark-colored energy.  Yami Benjy catches the punch with his right hand, glowing with golden light.

Hansen: Violence huh?

Yami Benjy and Hansen begin fighting again, though this time Hansen seems to be doing a lot more damage to Yami Benjy, although Yami Benjy manages to land a few powerful blows that do visible damage to Hansen.  Everyone else watches the brawl in horror.

Ash: We’ve got to do something!  I’ve got to–

Ash looks around in desperation.

Ash: Pikachu!

Misty: Ash don’t!  You’ll hit your friend too! focuses on Ash, and suddenly invert {

Yami Benjy’s voice: Do it!


Ash looks around (colors are no longer inverted), and stares at Yami Benjy taking more and more damage from Hansen’s increasingly aggressive punches.

Ash: Somehow I think he’ll forgive me.

May and Max stare wide-eyed at Ash in surprise, while Princess Sarah’s expression remains worried, but unchanged from earlier.

Ash: Pikachu, thunder!

Pikachu: Pika-Pi-Pikachu!!!

Pikachu appears to gather electricity for a brief second, before shooting a large arc of electricity at Hansen, which causes Misty to gaps and clutch her chest.  Hansen sidesteps the charge, and nearly simultaneously, Yami Benjy catches it on his fist, as he strikes at Hansen.

Yami Benjy: Millennium thunderbolt breaker! goes into slow motion: Hansen steps backwards, but not fast or far enough to avoid Yami Benjy’s attack (Yami Benjy has leapt into the air), which smashes into his chest, knocking him backwards and flipping him over.  Yami Benjy now drives his punch downwards, shoving Hansen’s head and upper body into the ground. comes out of slow motion now, just as the impact of Hansen and the ground sends up a giant wave of dust, that everyone else has to shield themselves from.  May is the first one to finish brushing away enough of the dust so that she can see.

May: He did it!

Max: He did? rotates to show the expressions of Ash, May, Max, Misty, and Princess Sarah, then around to show Yami Benjy standing next to Hansen, whom’s state of consciousness cannot be determined: Hansen is upside-down, buried up to mid-way on his chest in the dirt, and appears to be unable to dislodge himself.

Max: So how do we get back now?

Yami Benjy uses Hansen’s right leg, which is pointed straight up, to steady himself, coughing up a tiny bit of blood.

Yami Benjy: We’ll figure out something.

Princess Sarah stares at this, completely speechless.

Togepi: Toge!

In Misty’s arms, Togepi swings it’s feet as if it wants to go down.  Misty quickly acknowledges this, and puts it on the ground, where it starts to run towards Yami Benjy, causing Misty and Princess Sarah to both gasp, but this gasp of terror turns into a sigh of relief as Togepi stops, and glares angrily at Hansen, then into the distance.

Togepi: Togepi!

Pikachu: Pika?

Misty: I’ve never seen Togepi act like that!

Togepi: TOGEE! (angry)

Ash: Nor have I…

Yami Benjy: Something tells me that Hansen was just somebody’s pawn.  Right?

Yami Benjy looks at Togepi, who appears to agree.

Misty: But who’s pawn?

Yami Benjy: I don’t think they’re going to show up now.

Princess Sarah: A better question might be: do we even want them to show up?

Togepi looks at Princess Sarah and starts waving it’s fingers.

May: What’s Togepi doing?

Max: It’s called a metronome.  It–

Max is cut off by Misty addressing Togepi:

Misty: Togepi–

Misty is now cut off as she, along with Ash, May, Max, Yami Benjy, Togepi, and Princess Sarah are teleported away.

New Scene()

Brock is still lying on the ground, staring at the ceiling of the hall, when suddenly he clutches his head, in pain.

Benjy: Brock!

Coal: That’s not good!  The N.O. channel isn’t supposed to cause any sort of pain… shifts back to Brock, who seems to be no longer in pain, but as he pulls his hand away from his forehead, he discovers that something is holding onto it: an arm is coming out of his forehead.  The hand grabs Brock’s, causing Brock to pull his hand away.  The hand coming out of Brock’s forehead doesn’t let go, and this results in Brock pulling Max out of his forehead, much to Benjy, Brock, and Coal’s shock.  Watching from a distance, Miranda faints and the King has to catch her.

About one second later (real time), three more hands emerge from Brock’s forehead (two wearing the gloves of Ash and May respectively), and Benjy and Coal rush over to grab them.

Coal grabs Ash’s hand and quickly pulls him free of Brock’s forehead.  Benjy grabs May’s hand, and starts to pull when a bolt of golden light shoots from Brock’s forehead into the Millennium Gameboy Advance, knocking Benjy backwards and pulling May out of Brock’s forehead.  This causes Benjy to lose his balance and fall flat on his back, with May crashing down on top of him.  Once May gets her bearings, she jumps to her feet red-faced.

Benjy: Ow…

Misty’s arm is now joined by her other arm, and she proceeds to pull herself out of Brock’s forehead, crashing to the ground in a heap.  Togepi pops out of Brock’s forehead as he falls backwards, barely catching himself.  At this time, Benjy pulls himself into a sitting position, just as another arm emerges from Brock’s forehead.  Coal quickly grabs the hand and pulls Princess Sarah out of Brock’s forehead.  In this process, Brock appears to get a bloody nose.

Yami Benjy: Benjy!

Benjy: What happened?!

Yami Benjy: We were transported.  I don’t know where, I don’t know how.

King: Is everyone safe?

Princess Sarah: Father!  What happened to…

King: She just fainted.

Al’s glasses appear to catch the sunlight.

Al: N.O. channel, huh?  It sounds like pseudo-science made up by a low-budget cartoon.  Yet, I’m not going to say anything until I have an alternative explanation for such a bizarre phenomena!

New Scene()

Ash and company (+Misty) are walking down the streets of the kingdom with the King and Princess Sarah.  Yami Benjy and Coal are hanging out at the back of the group with Miranda.

Coal: See?  I told you something was really rotten.

Miranda: But who could he be working for?

Coal: This kingdom have any rivals?

Miranda: No we don’t!  That’s what’s weird!

Coal: Really?

Coal looks at Miranda curiously.

Yami Benjy: The real question is why he doesn’t try to take the island by force, he’s probably strong enough…

Coal: That’s probably his plan B.  It’s one thing to do that, but I’m sure that he’d rather have the respect of the populace.

Yami Benjy: Except usually his type don’t care about that sort of thing.

Miranda is slowly growing more and more worried.

Miranda: Please, children.  Just go home.  We can work this out on our own.

Coal: I know you want your quiet life back, but it won’t come back.  If we don’t solve this now, it could turn into a war, and…

Miranda: Stop it, please!

Yami Benjy: Coal, perhaps we should go ahead, we still have more to discuss.

Miranda: NO!  Don’t discuss it, don’t even think about it!

Miranda’s comment catches the attention of the rest of the group.

Brock: What’s wrong?!

Miranda: This is our kingdom!  It’s not your business!

King: As much as I’d appreciate your help, she’s right.  We need to deal with this on our own.

Coal: I don’t think you can.

The King looks at Coal nervously.

Coal: If this isn’t fixed now, the Star Guard are going to–

King: Miranda, he’s right.

Miranda starts to protest, but the King reminds her that he’s still the king.

Brock: Still, we do need to get out of here, while Hansen is on the other end of that N.O. portal in my head…

Yami Benjy: I don’t expect him to let us leave so easily.

Princess Sarah: What do you mean?

Brock: This is the only Togepi on the island, and if the theory holds that they only appear when a new king is needed, then there won’t be one on this island any time soon once we’re gone.  Which means he has to prevent us from leaving, so the sooner we get out of here.

New Scene()

Team Rocket spies on Ash and company through the bushes.

Jessie: Digging out of there was a pain…

James: Agreed…

Jessie, James, and Meowth maintain their telescopes.

Meowth: Hey, did you see that?

Jessie: See what?

Meowth: That twerp just explained why there aren’t any Togepi on the island!

James: How did you see what they said?

Meowth: I can lip read.

Meowth sits back from his telescope and folds his arms.

Jessie: Did the islanders eat them all or something?

Meowth: No, it’s more complicated than that.  The Togepi only appear when it’s time to select a new king.

Jessie suddenly grabs James and Meowth and they all begin to whisper incomprehensibly, nodding on occasion.  This goes for about 10 seconds (real time) before James breaks the huddle.

James: But isn’t the only time you get a new king is if the old one dies…

Meowth: Which is exactly why he needed Misty’s Togepi!  Quick!  They’re moving, if we don’t move then we’ll lose them!

With this Team Rocket grab their telescopes and crawl through the grass in the rough direction that Ash and company are traveling.

Jessie: Meowth you misunderstand.  The current king appears in fine health…

Meowth: So he’s not going to die anytime soon?  That’s exactly why.

Meowth suddenly freezes as he crawls.

Meowth: No way!  That’s insane!

Meowth: You mean our next job is going to be– (whisper)

James: To kill the current king. (whisper)

A rustling in the grass ahead causes Team Rocket to look up as Hansen walks towards them.

Hansen: You three…

Team Rocket shiver, and Jessie (addressing Hansen as "Sir") asks him the question that they were just discussing.  Hansen chuckles:

Hansen: Hehe… no.  That’s a much too delicate operation for the likes of you to handle.  I need a more *delicate* assassin.

Hansen tosses a strange poké ball absent-mindedly.

Hansen: You’ve been following them, where have they been going?

Jessie: We’ve been trying to figure that out.

Hansen looks down at Team Rocket angrily, raising his foot to stomp on them.

Hansen: Incompetent–

Meowth: What are you talking about?!  We just dug ourselves out of that house you trapped us in!

Hansen stares down at Meowth, and slowly lowers his feet.

Hansen: Fair enough.  It looks like they’re going to try and leave.  Just do me a favor, make a smokescreen.

Hansen tosses and catches the poké ball again.

Hansen: Mister delicate doesn’t like to be seen.

New Scene()

Ash and company (+Misty) along with Miranda, Sarah, and the King of the island walk towards a grassy blimp-port.

Coal: Okay, fine.  But someone like that isn’t going to give up that easily.

Miranda: And I’ll put out the arrest warrant as soon as we get back.

May looks around nervously.

May: Which one are we taking?

Sarah: Probably the one on the other side would be the best.

Miranda: I’ll get it ready.

Miranda walks across the grass-and-stone-paved street to the hangar, and dials a code, which causes the doors to the hangar to open.  As soon as they do, smoke instantly billows out, hurting everyone’s eyes and making everyone cough.

Sarah: What’s going on?!

Jessie’s Voice: Prepare for trouble…

James’s Voice: And make it double…

Jessie’s Voice: To protect the world from devastation…

James’s Voice: To denounce the evils of truth and love…

Jessie’s Voice: To exteh–

An extremely shrill scream cuts Jessie off.  In the smoke, synchronizes with Princess Sarah’s vision as she notices something statuesque appearing closer to her every time she blinks.


Misty: What happened to the K– de-synchronizes from Sarah’s vision as Misty stops talking.  To her horror, a statuesque arm has almost closed around her neck, and Misty falls backwards out of fright, out of it’s grasp.

King’s voice: What is–erk! 

Misty backs up on her hands and knees, wiping her eyes, as blood falls to the ground nearby.  This is followed by another scream, which sounds like it’s coming from Miranda.

Max: What’s going on?!

Miranda’s voice: The king is dead!

May gasps in the smoke.

May: Dead?!

Brock: Asthma?

Sarah, offscreen, screams again, prompting Brock to rush towards where he thinks Sarah should be.

Brock: Sarah!

Brock cuts himself off as a stone statue is just a few feet in front of him, and then suddenly it hit in the stomach and goes flying backwards.

Ash: Brock!

Brock: What kind of Pokémon *is* that?!

Ash: What pokémon?!

Brock: There!

Sarah screams again very loudly.

Miranda’s voice: Get away from Sar–erk…

Blood drips onto the ground as Brock points into the smoke, and Ash points his Pokédex in the same direction.

Ash’s Pokédex: Don’t blink.

Ash: Don’t blink?

Ash’s Pokédex: Don’t blink.

Ash starts to rub one of his eyes which appear to be irritated.

Ash’s Pokédex: DON’T BLINK! shifts to May and Max, May is also holding her Pokédex.

Max: I see it–it l-looks like a statue–

May’s Pokédex: Don’t blink

Max: B-but I have to blink!  The smoke is–

May’s Pokédex: DON’T BLINK!

May: I know!

May: Beautifly, gust!

Beautifly pops out of it’s poké ball and starts to flap it’s wings.

Benjy’s voice: Pixielite, gust as well!

Pixielite and Beautifly launch into the air and beat their wings hard, quickly thinning the fog to where everyone can see clearly.  In the center of the group stands the stone statue of an angel, hands dripping with blood and demonic fangs barred.

Hansen’s voice: Shedinja!  Solarbeam!

Coal’s voice: Glalie, protect!

Ash and company turn and stare as Hansen’s Shedinja fires a solarbeam at them from atop the hangar roof, where it crashes into Glalie’s protect.  Hansen stands next to Shedinja, while Coal stands about four feet behind Glalie.  May and Max marvel at the light of solarbeam being filtered by protect.

Coal: Don’t take your eyes off of the weeping angel!

Ash, May, Max, Misty, Brock, Benjy, Yami Benjy (projection), and Princess Sarah all turn to face the Weeping Angel which is almost on top of Ash, causing him to stumble backwards.  Sarah notices the King out of the corner of her eye and turns towards him, and is shocked to see him lying unmoving.

Sarah: Father!

Coal: Don’t take your eyes off of it!

Sarah quickly turns her attention back to the Weeping Angel, as Ash backs away from it, walking behind Coal, shaking.

Coal: It becomes petrified when someone is looking at it, so whatever you do, keep an eye on it!  I’ll take Hansen!

Hansen: That’s, amusing.  Ninjask, shadow ball!  Shedinja, solarbeam.

Benjy: He’s going to try to–

Ash: Pikachu!

Hansen: Fire!

Coal shifts his feet slightly, and Hansen’s Pokémons’ attacks explode on an electric field.  Coal now shouts that he needs Pikachu and Pixielite, and both zip over to him.  Above him, Hansen’s pokémon charge their attacks.

Coal: This ends now.

Hansen appears to chuckle, then snaps his fingers, providing the queue for his pokémon to attack, which they do as Coal himself appears to spark with electricity.

Coal: Thunder!

Pichu pops out of Coal’s shirt and suddenly all discharge a massive blast of electricity.  These attacks collide, shooting electricity into the hangar. quickly shifts between Coal, Pichu, Pikachu, and Pixielite and Hansen, his Ninjasks, and Shedinja twice, (the last picture of each is nearly a still) before going back to Coal for a half-second where Pikachu appears to increase it’s output.  After this second, the hangar explodes in a massive fireball spewing smoke and debris everywhere.

Cutscene() {

Team Rocket is sailing through the sky.

James: Well that was epic…

Jessie, James, Meowth: And we’re blasting off again!

Team Rocket disappears into the sky in a speck of light.


Ash and company (+Misty) and Princess Sarah watch as the hangar burns from where they’ve been knocked over by the force of the blast.  Hansen’s two Ninjask, drop to the ground, deceased, in front of the shed.

Ash: Where’s the angel?!

Misty: What?!

Everyone quickly turns to see that the Weeping Angel has, in the split-second that no one was looking, grabbed Princess Sarah by the wrist.  Princess Sarah stares at the Weeping Angel terrified.

Sarah: Help…

Brock and Max quickly rush over to Princess Sarah and try to pry the Weeping Angel’s fingers off of her wrist, but to no avail.

Coal: That’s not going to work. 

May: W-what do you mean?

Coal: They have a special ability, called a quantum lock.  Basically, you can’t do anything to it while it’s frozen like that.

Ash: So that means that we’re going to have to look away for just a–

Coal: NO!

Keeping an eye on the Weeping Angel, everyone turns to Coal.

Coal: It’s too quick.  It’ll kill her before we can stop it.

Coal takes a deep breath.

Coal: It’s a miracle we stopped it at all.

Max: What we catch it?

Coal: You can’t catch it when it’s like this either.  The only thing we can do is cut off her arm.

Coal’s words come off on deaf ears while Pichu, Pikachu, Pixielite, and Glalie keep the Weeping Angel pinned down with their gazes.

Brock: Cut off her arm?!

Princess Sarah shivers

Coal: I’m not going to sugarcoat it, this is going to be painful.  Brock do you–

Brock: Coal, I don’t have anything that can cut off a person’s–

Coal: Then you and Misty go into the village.  Someone must have some kind of large knife we can–

Coal is cut off as Princess Sarah starts screaming.

Misty: Coal are you–

Coal: I’m dead serious.  It’s not a pokémon.  There’s no way to dispose of or disable it.  We’ll have to cut off her arm, then then hurl it into some portal to a distant galaxy.

Princess Sarah has now exhausted her voice and calms down.

May: This is nuts…

Coal: Misty, Brock, go!  The rest of us will keep it pinned down!

Misty and Brock both head towards the town, then hesitate.

Coal: Quickly!

Yami Benjy: Let me try something.

Coal: You have a knife?

Princess Sarah gasps.

Yami Benjy: I have another idea.  When you said disable, something popped into my mind.

Sarah: And that would be?

Yami Benjy: Hang tight, I’m going to challenge that Weeping Angel to a shadow game.

Refresh Scene()

Yami Benjy addresses the petrified Weeping Angel, walking around it in a semi-circle.

May: What’s a shadow game? (whisper)

Ash: Not sure… (whisper)

Coal: I’ve never heard of it either, but if it works… (whisper)

Yami Benjy now stops walking and points at the Weeping Angel.

Yami Benjy: Weeping Angel!  I hereby challenge you to a shadow game!  If I win, you must let the princess go.

The Weeping Angel, still in a petrified state, says nothing.  The Millennium Gameboy Advance shines brightly.

Yami Benjy: I’ll take your silence to mean that you accept.

As Yami Benjy speaks, the ground under him gets darker, as does the ground under the Weeping Angel.

Yami Benjy: This will be a simple game of Saimoe Says.  One round each. shifts from Yami Benjy to the weeping angel.

Yami Benjy: If you want the first round, speak now, or forever hold your peace.

The Weeping Angel, still in a petrified state, says nothing.

Yami Benjy: Very well, I’ll go first!  Saimoe says to cover your eyes!

Ash and company (+Misty) stare at the Weeping Angel, which due to it’s petrification, does nothing.

Sarah: Um, what now–

Max: What’s the purpose of this exactly?

May points out that the ground under the Weeping Angel is getting darker.  In the sky, Coal’s Glalie stares intently at the Weeping Angel.

Yami Benjy: You fail!  Did you not hear me say "Saimoe Says"?

Ash: Um…

Yami Benjy: Either way.

Yami Benjy smacks the Weeping Angel in the forehead with the palm of his hand.

Yami Benjy: Mind crush!

The weeping angel instantly disintegrates into dust, causing Princess Sarah to fall on her bottom, gasping in relief.

Sarah: Amazing…

Princess Sarah now spots the King and Miranda lying on the ground in the corner of her eye, and rushes over to them, trying to wake them up.  She shakes both of them, but to no avail.  While she does, the fire crackles while the hangar burns.  Ash and company crowd around them.

Ash: Brock, are they…

Brock: Let me see.

Brock bends down and pulls a stethoscope out of his backpack.

Brock: I hear footsteps.

Misty immediately looks towards the fire, where a figure is moving through the flames.  Ash and company look up and gasp (save for Coal, who just makes a fist).  As Hansen walks through the flames, he kicks the burning corpse of his Shedinja straight at Coal’s head, however Coal ducks just in time.

Hansen: Well congratulations.  It’s me versus you now.

Sarah: How could you do this?!  You killed–

Hansen doesn’t pay any attention to Princess Sarah, instead staring straight at Coal, who stands up to face Hansen.

Coal: You’re one zarking strong mage…

Hansen suddenly launches a large blast of dark-colored energy at Coal, who ducks, and suddenly slams his electrified fist into Hansen’s stomach.  Hansen grins and hurls a punch filled with the dark-colored energy at Coal’s head, but strikes an electric barrier instead.  This appears to damage both Hansen’s hand and the top of Coal’s head.  Coal now stands up suddenly, shooting electricity through Hansen and making him cry out in pain.  In a split-second move, Hansen grabs Coal’s throat, and is surprised when Coal grabs his own.

Both Coal and Hansen appear to activate certain types of magic: Coal uses electricity while Hansen uses some kind of darkness.  Everyone else remains speechless as both try to strangle each other with their power.  For a split second, both shoot their magic into the other’s body, then suddenly Coal’s neck surges with electric power, burning Hansen’s hand.

His entire body cracking with electricity, Coal strikes Hansen faster than Hansen can react to, landing a powerful uppercut in Hansen’s chest, and then slamming him face-first into the ground.  Hansen starts to get up, but Coal quickly grabs him by the throat and shoots electricity into his body.  Hansen spasms and stops moving, allowing Coal to pick up Hansen’s limp body and toss it over his shoulder.

Ash: What are you going to do with…

Ash’s voice trails off as Coal walks towards the edge of the island.

May: You can’t just kill–

Coal: Glalie, make a ledge.

Coal winks at Glalie and freezes a ledge attached to the edge of the floating island.  Coal then tosses Hansen down on the ice, about three feet from the edge of the island, and stares down at him, relieved.

Coal: Now you’re *really* on thin ice.

Ash and company all groan at the joke, as Hansen starts to get to his feet.

Hansen: I’m going to make you pay for–

Hansen is unable to finish his comment as the ice breaks, causing him to fall off of the edge of the island. split-screens with the expressions of Ash, May, Max, Yami Benjy, Misty, and Princess Sarah, before finally adding Coal’s expression of surprise.  Coming out of the split-screen, Coal continues to stare, speechless.

Coal: Oh, (bleep)!

New Scene(@Temporal = Morning)

Ash and company (+Misty) stand and watch in somber silence while carriages drawn by Unicute carry both the body of the King and the body of Miranda (in separate carriages).  Both are in open caskets, surrounded by flowers.  Princess Sarah holds a handkerchief, unable to look up at the parade.  Al can be seen across from them, holding his head in his hands as if he has a massive headache.

Al: I’ve been stupid…  So stupid…


Back across the street from Al, a single tear rolls down Benjy’s cheek, which May makes a mental note of.

Brock: He really killed them…

Misty: He really killed them…

Ash: He…  really…

Ash suddenly breaks down in tears, and Misty and Coal both put their hands on his shoulders (one person puts one hand on one shoulder).

Misty: Ash…

Coal: Death is always the hardest the first time you see it.

Sarah: What are you saying?

Coal: After a while, you become numb they say.

Princess Sarah gasps.

Coal: I think its more though that we learn to accept that it’s part of the natural process.

Max: That wasn’t natural though!

Coal: That’s not my point.  Everyone dies at least one.  Some people die many times.

Sarah: I’ve had enough of this!

Princess Sarah suddenly turns away from the group, and breaks down in tears.  Max and Brock try to comfort her, but she suddenly yells at them:

Sarah: Don’t come near me!

Max backs up away from Sarah, but Brock does not.  Brock starts to put his hand on Sarah’s shoulder, but she strikes him with a powerful uppercut, which leaves Brock lying on his back, holding his chest.  At the same time, something starts to push it’s way out of Brock’s forehead.

Brock: I needed that…

Brock’s comment goes unnoticed though as everyone is staring at the creature forcing it’s way out of Brock’s forehead.  Ash takes out his pokédex and points it at this creature:

Ash’s Pokédex: Togetic, the happiness pokémon.  Togetic is the evolved form of Togepi.  They appear before the downtrodden and bring happiness.

With this, the Togetic forces it’s way out of Brock’s head, followed by three more.

May: The evolved form of Togepi?

Benjy: Yup.

The sight of seeing them emerge from Brock’s forehead seems to make Princess Sarah smile, albeit briefly.  She starts to wipe her eyes.

Sarah: I’m sorry, Misty, I have a favor to ask.

Misty: It’s okay.

Togepi: Trogeprii!

Ash: I think Togepi’s trying to say something.

Max: Does it want to– zooms in on Togepi, when suddenly, Togepi glows with a white light, and it’s shell cracks off as it evolves into Togetic, much to the surprise of everyone around it.  Some people snap pictures of it, which Togetic doesn’t seem to mind, in fact it waves back.  The other four Togetic meanwhile try to help Princess Sarah to her feet, however one look at the funeral procession makes her ready to collapse again.  Behind the group, someone clears their throat.

Benjy turns around to see a hooded girl with her face and hair almost entirely hidden.

Hooded_Girl: Don’t be sad they died, be happy they lived.

May and Misty turn to stare at this girl in confusion.  Everyone else follows their example.

Sarah: Who are you?

Hooded_Girl: Me?  I’m no one special.

The hooded girl beckons to the Togetic near Princess Sarah, and one of them flies over to her, and lands on her arm.  People in the crowd whisper to each other, wondering how she got the Togetic to come to her.  The hooded girl just smiles.

Hooded_Girl: The real question is what will you do, Princess.  My Togepi have all grown up, as has the gym leader’s.

A murmur goes up from the crowd.

Sarah: Were the Togepi we were finding…  All yours?

The hooded girl says nothing, but nods slightly.

…///To Be Continued///…