The Trigamon Project

The Divine Parody


Season 1: Episode 14: My Final Fallacy


New Scene(@Temporal = Early Morning)

Ash and company are resting in a grassy field.  Ash, May, Max, Brock, and Coal are all in sleeping bags, while Benjy is lying on the grass, his ankle heavily bandaged.  Benjy blinks in the early morning sunlight, staring up at the clouds.  He then puts his arm in front of his eyes.

Benjy: How is it possible…

The clouds shift, casting a shadow on Benjy’s face.  Benjy now removes his arm from his face and turns slightly, looking at Ash, May, Max, and Brock.

Benjy: How is it possible that I haven’t woken up yet.

Benjy starts to move, then cringes as his ankle pains him

Benjy: Just how long have I been asleep.

Benjy looks down at the Millennium Gameboy Advance around his neck.

Benjy: We’ve been together two months now…  But if that’s any kind of barometer…

Benjy suddenly flinches.

<Flashback::By Spirit Alone()>

Benjy is in his room with Lana and Alexandra as the thunderstorm from "By Spirit Alone" rages outside his window.  Alexandra notices that the Millennium Gameboy Advance is shining brighter, displaying the words: "Don’t panic."

Yami Benjy: That’s not natural lightning.

Benjy looks around to see no one but Lana and Alexandra.

Benjy: Am I hearing voices?

Lana: We heard it too.

Alexandra: Benjy, behind you!

Benjy turns to face a shadowy mirror of himself.

Yami Benjy: Um, hello?

Suddenly, the lightning flashes taking the shape of a serpentine dragon.

Benjy: That had better be coincidence!  I’m going to calculate the chance…

Benjy takes out a calculator and enters some numbers but is puzzled by the answer.  Benjy types in 2+2 and is given 1.31.

Benjy: What th–


Lightning hits the window, destroying it in a shower of glass.  Lana and Benjy flinch, and close their eyes (at which time goes black), then open them to find themselves inside an orb of golden light.  The device is shining brightly enough to illuminate the entire room.  With another CRACK, the lightning strikes the orb, but the orb refuses to give.


Benjy: That moment.  That day.  That night.

Benjy looks over Ash and company again.

Benjy: Did I die?!

Benjy quickly pulls himself into a sitting position, and then stares at his ankle, before opening and closing his hands, then presses his hands together, then touches the grass behind him.

Yami Benjy: You didn’t die.

Benjy flinches hearing Yami Benjy’s voice.  Yami Benjy flinches in response to Benjy’s flinching.

Benjy: Then… was I already dead?…  But how?

Yami Benjy: You’re not dead.  I would have known.

Benjy: But how do I know I wasn’t dead when I met you, or more probabilistically, in a coma or something.

Benjy clenches his hand into a fist.

Benjy: How do I know that this entire world isn’t just a part of my imagination!

Yami Benjy hesitates for a brief moment.

Yami Benjy: How did you know before?

Benjy: I…

Benjy: How do I know you’re real and not just a voice inside my head…?

Yami Benjy: You know it in your heart.

Benjy: Explain…

Yami Benjy: Remember what you told me.  It’s not by power.  It’s by spirit alone.  Have you put so much faith in what you were told that you can’t except what’s right before your very eyes?

Benjy blinks rapidly.

Benjy: What do you mean?

Yami Benjy: The laws of physics you know were empirically determined.

Benjy gazes now at the ground.

Benjy: Yami me, am I in a hospital bed?

Yami Benjy: No.  You’re in the middle of a meadow with Ash Ketchum, May and Max Tennyson, and Brock and Coal, of whom I don’t know the last names.  My point is…

Benjy: I know your point.

Benjy takes a deep sigh.

Benjy: I know how science works.  However…  The quote is to believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.  Occam’s razor–

Yami Benjy: Then why are you believing everything you heard and nothing that you see?

Benjy now glances all around him, across the meadow.  Benjy then starts to get to his feet, but has to sit down again as his ankle bothers him.

Yami Benjy: Why are you putting so much faith in what you’ve been told, when the proof is staring at you from all directions?

Benjy: Because the probability of…

Yami Benjy: Is it…?

Benjy: You know what I’m about to say, don’t you?

Yami Benjy: I know what you’ve said.

New Scene()

Ash and company are now all up, and Coal is cooking breakfast while Brock is looking at Benjy’s ankle.

Brock: The swelling’s not going down as fast as it should…

Benjy: Um…

Brock: Just means we’ve got to try something a bit different.

Brock senses Benjy’s nervousness and quickly explains that it’s not going to hurt.  As Brock says this, he pulls a small bottle of a clear liquid out of his backpack, which Benjy stares at nervously.

Ash: There’s nothing to be scared of, Brock’s as good as any doctor I’ve ever met.

Benjy sighs.

Benjy: What is that?

Brock: It’s just something to make the swelling go down.  It’s called chaos oil but it’s actually just processed–

Coal: Breakfast’s ready.

Coal stops stirring the pot and May and Max pull bowls out of Brock’s backpack.  

May: What is it?

Coal: Ginger-root square cereal, see if you like it.

Coal watches May and Max as they try some.  Both agree that it’s strong-tasting.  Brock now tries some, and hands a bowl to Benjy, who stares at the pot of ginger-root nervously.  Ash now tries some, giving some to Pikachu at the same time.

Ash: It’s not like Brock’s cooking, it’s…

Max: Stronger?

May cringes as she says the below line:

May: Much stronger!

Suddenly, Yami Benjy turns his attention to a rustling in the tree above them that is unnoticed by everyone else.

Yami Benjy: What could that be?

Ash: Benjy, do you think you can walk?

Benjy surveys the area.

Benjy: Don’t know until I try.

Benjy starts to stand up, but Brock stops him.

Brock: He should probably wait until we’re ready to go.

Benjy stops trying to get up and lets out a long sigh.

Benjy: It looks worse than it feels…

Brock: That’s because of the chaos oil.  It numbs it and makes the swelling go down, but you must’ve really smacked it…

Brock re-wraps Benjy’s ankle in a bandage and Coal now starts to get his own breakfast from the pot of ginger-root cereal.

Ash: How long do you think it will take to heal?

Brock: Should be able to walk on it as soon as the oil takes effect, so like an hour or so, but it’ll be a few days before it’s all better.

Benjy: Do I need to keep it elevated?

Brock: The oil will prevent the swelling either way.

Benjy nods, and appears to ponder this, staring down at his foot.

Benjy: I’m really surprised though…  You guys just came away with minor cuts and bruises…

Brock: That was a good call: getting towards the window, even if it did leave us with a twelve-foot fall.

Max: Except it let May and me with a concussion.

Ash: You were only out for a few minutes though…

Coal: Nurse Joy said it’s nothing to worry about.

Max: I know, I’m just correcting you.

Benjy smiles a little bit.

Benjy: And so here I am, sitting with Ash and his friends in a forest, waiting for Brock’s treatment of my ankle to take effect.  The most logical explanation would be that I’m the one with a concussion–no, in a coma from where that ladder hit me.  When I think about the probability that I’d travel into a world crawling with pokémon, no, that I’d wind up anywhere that isn’t in outer space.  The probability seems so negligible that most people wouldn’t even consider it.  Then again, my coming here explains perfectly where the pokémon came from to begin with.

<Flashback::So Close Yet So Far()>

As Pirin runs out side, disposable camera in hand, the disruption starts heating up and emitting more light.  This goes on for a few seconds, then suddenly, something on a distant hill explodes sending shockwaves which pick up dust from the hillside and spreads it like a blanket to the point where Pirin has to turn away so not to have dust blow into his eyes.  As the vortex starts to disappear, snow starts to fall in a very bizarre area, leaving trails across the campus, and dumping a lot of snow from thin air right onto one of the nearby buildings.

This seems to be it for the strange things disappearing and appearing from nowhere.

Pirin: Benjy!  Benjy!  Quickly come look at this!


Benjy: Yeah.  I got to watch the universe break right in front of my very eyes…  That’s redundant.  But why wasn’t I dumped in outer space?  Is some sufficiently powerful being…  No, is someone intelligent actively writing a story with some kind of plan?  Or is it something trivial.  Like does the gravity of the planets warping space make tears more likely to happen?  If so, why not a tear across stars?  Actually, there’s no reason why that couldn’t happen in addition, and it appears that Earth and this world seem about equidistant from their star–

Narrator: Now this is interesting.  Benjy, you are so very close to not only grasping the cause of your situation, but inventing the entire field of quantum metaphysics.  There is no tear across stars.  Just across worlds…

Benjy: Huh?

Benjy looks around quickly.

Brock: No one said anything…

Benjy: I could have sworn someone just said, "There is no tear across stars."

May: Wasn’t any one of us.

Benjy: I probably just imagined it.

Benjy: But it’s true that I have no evidence of a tear across stars–

May: Benjy?

Benjy abruptly stops daydreaming and turns towards May.

Benjy: Hm?

May: What do you mean by tear across stars?

Benjy: It’s just a phrase that I imagined someone saying.

Coal: People hear things that sound like phrases to them and believe that they heard that phrase.  It happens all the time.  We probably heard the sound too, but we just didn’t associate it with any particular phrase.

Sitting on a log a few feet from the pot, Coal takes another spoonful of the ginger-root cereal from his bowl.

Benjy: My ankle’s feeling better…

Benjy looks at Brock skeptically, then gets to his feet using the tree to support himself.

Ash: So we’re all ready to go?

Benjy: Just a minute…

Benjy limps over to a large bush, and pulls off a large branch from near the bush’s base, then starts peeling off the miscellaneous twigs to use it as a walking stick.

Brock: Benjy, if you need help–

Benjy: I’m fine.

Brock: Max, where’s the nearest Pokémon center?

Max pulls out his pokénav, looking slightly annoyed.

Max: I can’t find one…

Benjy: It’s okay guys.  I’m fine, really–

May: There’s a ranger station in about a mile.

Benjy surveys everyone else.

Brock: You’ll be starting to get blisters at that point.

Benjy sighs loudly, taking out a poké ball.

Benjy: Fine.

Benjy taps the poké ball, and Bayleef emerges, and stretches out in the sunlight.

Max: Why are you calling on Bayleef?

Benjy: He needs to stretch his legs.

Bayleef appears to nod in agreement.

New Scene()

Ash and company are walking through the forest, Benjy using the stick as a walking stick.  Bayleef walks at Benjy’s heels, sniffing at things as they go.  Bayleef suddenly pauses in his tracks.

Bayleef: Woof!

Bayleef’s bark comes out a bit higher-pitched than a dog’s bark.  The sound causes Max to stumble and look back at Bayleef curiously.

Bayleef: Woof!

Max: I’ve never heard a Bayleef make that sound…

Benjy stops walking and turns around.

Benjy: He learned it from our family dog, back home.

May: Making that sound?

Benjy: Specifically, staring at a stick and barking like that.

Bayleef: Grr!

Ash: Will he fetch it if you throw it?

Benjy: Nope.

Ash and company all stare at Bayleef.

Benjy: He just enjoys barking at sticks.

As Benjy says this, May pulls the stick out from under Bayleef’s nose, which Bayleef continues to sniff.

Bayleef: Woof!  Woof!

Making sure that she has Bayleef’s attention, May throws the stick a few yards.  Bayleef doesn’t even turn in the direction that the stick was thrown; instead he starts sniffing the ground for another stick.

Coal: You said a dog taught him to do that?

Benjy: Yeah, back home.  Bayleef–

Bayleef stops sniffing everything and follows Benjy again.

Brock: Where is home for you anyway?

Benjy: I thought we went over this…

Benjy: I come from a place called Earth.

Brock: Still don’t want to say?

Benjy: I just told you…

Yami Benjy: He doesn’t believe you. starts to zoom out slowly.

Max: Can you guys stop it?

Benjy: What am I supposed to do, make something up?

Ash: Maybe the ladder hitting you jumbled your memory?

Benjy: My memory is…

Refresh Scene() shows Ash and company from an overhead view.

Coal: If you want to involve the ladder, you should be ready to explain what happened to it.

Brock: To be honest, I’m not sure if I’m buying your claims of "magic."

Coal: I walked that back.

Brock: You did?

Coal: Yes.  After learning more, it looks like it was the result of a spatial collapse.  If that’s true, then Benjy could be from anywhere.

Brock: I don’t know, that sounds like magic to me…

May: So you think he could be from Earth?

Benjy sighs loudly.

Coal: If it really was a spatial collapse, then yes.

Ash: Nurse Joy said that’s pretty far though when she looked it up…

Coal: It’s definitely far enough for space to loop back on itself, that’s for sure.

Brock: So this planet, Earth…  What’s it like?

Benjy: In what way? now zooms out even further to where Team Rocket’s balloon is floating behind Ash and company some ways off of the ground.  In their balloon, Team Rocket is staring down at Ash and company with binoculars.

James: So I’m confused, is he an alien or a wizard?

Jessie: I don’t understand why he couldn’t be both…

James: Now that I think about it, I guess alien and wizard aren’t mutually exclusive.

Meowth: Hmm, that gives me an idea…

Team Rocket continues to watch Ash and company silently for a minute.

Jessie: And what would that be, Meowth?

Meowth: There are people who will pay money for proof of aliens and people who will pay money for proof of wizards.  If we could catch him, we could prove both of those!

Jessie: It’s ingenious!

James: But wait, how do we do that?

Meowth: Ah, it’s simple.

New Scene( Rocket_Fantasy, {chibi} ) {

Meowth: You see, it’s common knowledge that all aliens are actually reptilian and use costumes to blend in with humans.

A reptilian alien lands a flying saucer in some random town, and exits it.  Seeing the people around him, the alien quickly ducks into an alleyway and pulls out a human suit, and puts it on.

Jessie: That makes sense.


Someone who looks like Benjy stands on a hillside looking around, and Team Rocket approach him while his back is turned.

Meowth.voiceover: So in order to expose him for what he is, what we need to do is get really close to him.

Jessie and James tiptoe up to this person from the backside.

Meowth.voiceover: Then, before he can react, you yank the suit off of him!  Now this is where I come in.

In a split-second, Jessie and James rip the human suit off of what turns out to be a reptilian alien, leaving the creature in a state of shock.

Meowth.voiceover: Now this is where I come in.  Right after you yank his suit off, I, hiding in the bushes, take a picture, proving he’s an alien.

At the bottom of the hill, hiding in some bushes, Meowth snaps a picture of the alien.

James.voiceover: But won’t that make him–

Meowth.voiceover: I’m getting to that.  Since he’s also a wizard, right when you yank his human suit off, he’s going to his magic to try and erase our memories.  Which is where our anti-memory-erasing technology comes in.

The alien now pulls out a magic wand, and attempts to cast a spell on Team Rocket, whom quickly put on special headbands with a 1 foot tall pole attached to the front and a blinking red light on top.

Jessie: I see…

Meowth: And while he’s using his magic, I’ll take a picture of him doing that too!

At the bottom of the hill, hiding in some bushes, Meowth snaps a picture of the alien using magic.


James: And then we beat him up and take his lunch money!

Jessie: It’s genius!

Team Rocket’s balloon wobbles in the sky as they all cheer their new plan, and slowly begins to lose altitude.  Down below them, Benjy notices that the sky just darkened due to the balloon’s descent.  This prompts Benjy to look up, and he stumbles as he does so nearly falling over, but Benjy catches himself.

Ash: You okay?

Benjy: Yeah.  Thought I saw something.

May: Like a starship?

Benjy: No…

Ash and company pause while Benjy scans the sky.

Benjy: Something went between us and the sun.

Max: See any flying saucers?

Benjy: What color are they?

Ash: This conversation just got weird.

Coal: I see it. split-screens five ways, showing the expressions of Ash and Pikachu, May, Max, Brock, and Benjy.

May: A flying saucer?!

Coal: Team Rocket’s balloon.

Coal points out something in the sky.

Ash: Looks like they’re loosing altitude…

Coal: I wonder if we can make them land in the ranger base.

Benjy: We better go–

Ash and company all start moving again as fast as they can as Team Rocket’s balloon overhead springs a leak and starts to plummet.  Even with Benjy’s limp, he is still able to put about thirty meters between him and Team Rocket as the latter crash land in the middle of the dirt path with spirals on their eyes.

Jessie: They noticed us…

James: That’s never happened before…

Meowth: It’s because he’s a magical alien!

New Scene(Ranger Base)

Ash and company approach the Ranger Base, which is a small building on stilts.  Pikachu jumps off of Ash’s shoulder as the group climbs up the steps, and Benjy recalls Bayleef as they arrive on the deck.

Max walks over and opens the door to the building, peering inside to where a Surskit suddenly darts out of view.

Max: Hello?

Nurse Joy: Hi!  Who’s there?

Ash now pokes his head inside and explains quickly that they’re travelers that need help because Benjy sprained his ankle.  Nurse Joy welcomes everyone inside saying that she’ll be right with them.  With this, Ash and company all enter the ranger station, with Benjy collapsing into a chair, his ankle starting to look swollen again.  A ranger is arranging things on the shelves

Ranger: You kids going to the trick house?

Benjy: We just came from there.

Coal nods, looking absentminded.  As Nurse Joy works on something, the Surskit from earlier approaches her and taps her on her leg.

Surskit: Sur?

Nurse Joy: One minute…

Surskit doesn’t stop tapping Nurse Joy, who turns to Ash and company.

Brock: Uh, I think it has to go to the restroom.

Surskit looks at Brock hopefully, and Ash quickly opens the screen door, allowing Surskit to dart outside.  With Surskit out of the way, Nurse Joy appears to be preparing a bandage.  May meanwhile points her pokédex out the door after Surskit.

May’s Pokédex: Surskit, the Pond Skater Pokémon.  From the tips of its feet, Surskit secretes a hydrophobic oil allowing it to walk on water. This Pokémon feeds on microscopic organisms in ponds and lakes.  If Surskit senses danger, it secretes a thick, sugary syrup from the tip of its head.  Some Pokémon love eating this syrup.

May shudders as her pokédex finishes, and Nurse Joy disappears another room with the bandage.

May: I hope it didn’t see me while it was–

Nurse Joy now emerges from the room with a boy about nine years old.

Boy: Thanks Nurse Joy.  Do I need to keep it elevated?

Nurse Joy: No, it’s just a cut.  Just be sure to tell your mom not to use hydrogen peroxide on it.

Boy: Um…

Nurse Joy: I know she’s going to want to, but hydrogen peroxide doesn’t actually clean it out.

The boy now calls for Surskit, and Surskit rushes into the ranger station with amazing speed.

Boy: Okay, my mom just texted me.  I’ve got to go!  Bye Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: Bye Max!

The boy rushes out of the pokémon center with Surskit behind him.

Max: Come again?

Nurse Joy: Oh, that’s Max.  He often comes here to play.

May: Two Maxes?!

Max: The nerve of that kid!  How dare he have the same name as me! (mutter)

Nurse Joy: Now what did you kids need help with?

Brock immediately approaches Nurse Joy with some cheesy remark about mending his lonely heart.  { I, as the writer, cannot compute this cheesy a line }

Nurse Joy: Um…

Before Nurse Joy can actually say anything, Ash grabs the back of Brock’s shirt and drags him away.

Ash: Benjy hurt his ankle, remember…

Brock: Don’t stretch out my shirt!

Coal: That should be the least of your concerns.

Nurse Joy: The three stooges live.

Refresh Scene()

With Benjy’s foot on a cushion, Nurse Joy sprays some "chaos oil" on Benjy’s ankle and waits for it to seep in.  This time, the chaos oil appears to seep in faster than before, allowing Nurse Joy to examine Benjy’s ankle without the swelling.

Nurse Joy: I looks like you twisted it.  It just needs a little adjustment.

Nurse Joy gently grasps Benjy’s ankle.

Benjy: Um…

Before Benjy can say another word, Nurse Joy shifts Benjy’s ankle with a slight pop.  Benjy briefly yelps in pain.


Nurse Joy: All better.  You can walk on it again in a couple hours.

Ash: A couple hours…

Nurse Joy: Don’t worry.

May: We’ll probably not be able to get to Mauville tonight though.

Ash: Especially since when you say a couple you probably mean three or four.

Nurse Joy: Five or six…

Ash sighs, and Nurse Joy goes into the other room.

Benjy: Sorry…

Ash: *sigh* Don’t worry about it.  At least you got us out of there safe.

Coal: I told you it was a deathtrap.

Ash: No one asked you!

New Scene(Early_Morning)

Ash and company sleep in a room off of the main reception area at the ranger station with several bunk beds, stacked four beds high.  A girl with light-blue hair that isn’t a member of the group sleeps on one of the bottom bunks.  As everyone sleeps, a ray of light seeps through a crack in the blinds and lands on the carpet.  Benjy yawns on the top bunk and turns over.

From the MGBA, Yami Benjy projects himself.

Yami Benjy: How’s your foot?

Benjy: Zzzz.

Down below, as more light streams in through the blinds, a young boy and a young girl enter the room and look around at Ash and company as they sleep.  Both approach Ash sleeping in one of the lower beds with Pikachu sleeping at his head.

Boy: Oh cool, a Pikachu!

Girl: It’s so cute while it’s sleeping like that.

Boy: Hands off!  I found it.

Girl: Stop it!  You need to share!

Both the boy and the girl now grab for Pikachu, who is sleeping soundly.  Pikachu, still asleep, reacts violently with a powerful electric charge, causing both kids to scream.  Ash is also hit by the blast and wakes up with a loud half-scream/half-yelp.  This in turn wakes up Benjy, Max, and finally May, who sits up so suddenly that she bonks her head on the bottom of the bunk above her.

May: Ow…

With this, the two children dart out of the room.  Brock, who somehow slept through the incident, mutters something about "joy buzzers" and then rolls over in his bed.

Max: Ash, are you OK?!

Max stares down at Ash who is visibly shaken.  Pikachu sparks in it’s sleep, causing Ash to flinch, uneasy.  At this point though, Coal jumps down from his bed, landing on his feet on the floor, and quickly scoops up Pikachu who is still asleep.  As Coal stands by Ash’s bed, a bolt of electricity jumps from Ash’s bed to Coal’s leg, but Coal doesn’t seem to notice.

Ash: W-what was that?

Ash is jittery at first, but quickly recovers from the shock.

May: Did Pikachu have a nightmare?

Ash: Not sure.

Ash gets up, still jittery, and enters the restroom adjacent to the room.  Coal carefully places Pikachu back on the pillow of Ash’s bed, a few inches from a large damp spot from Ash’s sweat.

New Scene()

Team Rocket is wandering through the forest near the ranger station.

Jessie: This is ridiculous!  Why is our balloon always springing leaks?!  Meowth…

Meowth: Because someone decided to make it out of tier 1 material!

James: Isn’t that the best though?!

Meowth: It works the other way, dumb(bleep).

James: Calling me a dump(bleep); are you?

Meowth: So what if I am?

James: I’m not the idiot who decided to purchase those defective golden parachutes!

Meowth: At least I’m not the one who bought those tacky golden parachute pants!

James: You know nothing about style!

Jessie suddenly stops walking, and James and Meowth almost crash into her.

Jessie: Hey you guys…

Meowth: We’re having a moment here!

Jessie: Isn’t that a Surskit?

Jessie points at Max’s Surskit in the distance.

James: Hey, you’re right, that is a Surskit.

Jessie: I wonder what would happen if we brought it to the boss…

Meowth: Let’s think.

New Scene(Rocket_Boss_Fantasy) {

Jessie, James, and Meowth attempt to imagine how their boss’s life would be improved via presence of Surskit.


Team Rocket snickers to themselves.

Next Scene()

Ash and company stare at the ranger station behind them.

Coal: That was…  Intense…

Brock: Who would have known Max’s class was all on a field trip today?

May: Nurse Joy…

Benjy: But we didn’t even think to ask her.

May: I did!

Benjy: Sorry–

Brock: Yesterday?

May sighs.

May: I never knew there was such a thing as a junior trainer program.

Sulking by the base of a nearby tree, Max gives his sister an upset look.

Coal: Yeah, it’s odd…

Coal stares off into space as he talks.

Ash: How’s your ankle feeling.

Benjy: Better–

Benjy cuts himself off, realizing Max’s expression.

Max: What?

Max has noticed that Benjy has noticed his condition.

Brock: Something the matter?

Max: Not only does he have my name, but he also has a pokémon too… (mumble)

Brock: What?

Max: I SAID–

Benjy: Stop it.

Benjy lets out a long sigh.

May: So he’s like an older version of you with pokémon…

This comment appears to set Max over the edge and he rushes at May, but Brock gets in the way before he can get to her.

Brock: Max!  This is why you have to wait until you’re ten to–

Benjy: Stop it.

Brock: Benjy, I’m–

Brock cuts himself off as the millennium gameboy advance emits a blinding bolt of light.

Brock: Um–

Ash, May, Brock, and Coal all stare at the MGBA nervously, but Max is to preoccupied to notice.

Yami Benjy: This is pointless and counter-productive.  It would be best if we just forget about what we learned this morning. 

May: But Max, our Max could–

Brock: You have to be nine and a half though, May.

Coal: I thought she said nine and three-quarters.


Max: I’m sick of people telling me to wait. (mumble)

Brock starts to say something, but Yami Benjy stops him.

Brock: Uh…  Benjy?

Yami Benjy: Just forget about it.

Ash: I know where you’re coming from Max…, I–

Max has seemingly calmed himself down by this point.

Max: That’s what everyone says.  Why can’t I be like Miyaki?

May: Max, it’s too dangerous!  You know what happened to Miyaki!

The shock in May’s voice causes Ash, Brock, and Coal to all look taken aback

Brock: What happened to this Miyaki?

Coal: You aren’t getting any ideas are you? (whisper to Brock)

Max: Or Ciri even!

May watches Max nervously.

May: Several times Ciri nearly lost her life!   Max…

Ash, Brock, Coal, and Yami Benjy all watch May and Max stare at each other.  Both look like they’re both close to tears, but not quite there yet.  This lasts for about ten seconds (real time), with shifting back and forth between May and Max.

Ash: Who’s Ciri?

Max: Someone we know–

May: She’s a friend of ours.

May starts to take a deep breath to calm herself.

Brock: And Miyaki?

May and Max both look at Brock expectantly, then suddenly start to giggle.

Refresh Scene()

Ash and company are walking again through the forest.  Where they were prior to the refresh is about 100 feet behind them.  Max still looks sad, but no longer as upset as he was.

Brock: Why can’t you introduce me?

May: Because no one knows where Mikayi is…

Brock: That makes sense.

Pixielite beeps on top of Yami Benjy’s head, wings glistening in the sunlight.  Pixielite is quiet for about one second (real time), before it beeps again, twice this time.  May turns to Pixielite in response.

May: What’s the matter Pixielite.

Pixielite beeps again, and proceeds to turn around as if to scan the area, messing up Yami Benjy’s hair in the process.  Yami Benjy quickly works to fix his hair, which causes Pixielite to fly off his head, and beep again.  In response to this, the bushes nearby rustle, and Ash reaches for a poké ball.

Brock: Wait, Ash!  You don’t know what it is!

May: And shouldn’t you let Benjy at it first since Pixielite found it?

Voice from bushes: Help…

Ash: A talking pokémon.

Coal: It’s a person, you dip(bleep).

As if in response to Coal’s comment, the boy from earlier (Mauville Max) stumbles out of the bush, injured.  He trips over a low branch of the bush and nearly falls flat on his face but catches himself.  His eyes are wet from crying.  Seeing him in this state seems to make Max forget about his frustration from earlier as he watches in confusion.

Ash: Max!  What happened?

Mauville Max doesn’t respond at first, which prompts May and Brock to rush over to him.  Mauville Max notices them as they get close.

May: Are you okay?

Mauville Max: They took her…

Brock: Who?

Mauville Max: Cindy!

May and Brock look at each other, confused.  Brock starts to get dreamy-eyes.

May: Who’s Cindy?

Brock swallows hard.

Brock: I swear we’ll get her back for you!

Mauville Max: Um–

Brock: What does she look like?

Mauville Max: She’s my Surskit…

Brock immediately looks dejected at this revelation (displayed with blue lines).

Mauville Max: Uh, you’ll still g-get her back, right?

Yami Benjy: We’ll try.  Tell me what happened?

Mauville Max: I don’t know.  Two odd people with a Meowth suddenly jumped me and ran off with Cindy…

Ash: Two people with a Meowth?

Yami Benjy: This has "Team Rocket" written all over it.

Ash: You think so?

Coal now approaches Mauville Max and start to examine him.

Coal: Literally.

Mauville Max: What?

Coal: They wrote it on the back of your shirt…

New Scene()

Team Rocket floats through the air in their balloon, with Surskit in a net, dangling over the side of their balloon.

Jessie: Well that was easy.

James: Just like taking candy from a baby.

Jessie: You know, babies aren’t supposed to have candy…

James: So does that make us the good guys?

Jessie: Hey, I guess so…

James: It feels nice for a change.

Cindy (Surskit): Skii… (angry)

Narrator: Just how stupid are you guys?!

James: Speaking of which, those homeopathic treatments we got in Dewford really seem to be working.

Narrator: Okay, I’m sorry I asked…

As soon as the Narrator finishes, (Coal’s) Pelipper appears alongside Team Rocket’s balloon, and suddenly shoots an ice beam at it, piercing the balloon and causing Team Rocket to fall.

James: Did our balloon spring a leak again?

New Scene()

On the ground, Ash and company along with Mauville Max are rushing towards where Team Rocket’s balloon is falling.

Revert Scene()

As Team Rocket falls, they notice that Ash and company are rushing towards their landing site.

Ash: You aren’t getting away with this!

James: Yes we are!  We’re the good guys this time!

Ash and company don’t appear to hear the reply, which prompts James to take out some kind of small object about the size of a poké ball.

James: You hear me?  Cacnea, I choose you!

James hurls what he thinks is Cacnea’s poké ball towards Ash and company, and is immediately surprised when it doesn’t send out Cacnea and comes back to him.

Revert Scene()

Ash and company rush at Team Rocket’s falling balloon, and Yami Benjy catches the odd object thrown in their direction in the corner of his eye.

Yami Benjy: Unidentified projectile incoming at two-o’clock!

Ash: Pikachu, thunderbolt!

Pikachu sees the object, and leaps off of Ash’s shoulder and strikes the object with thunderbolt in mid-air.  The result is a gigantic fiery explosion, which spreads out over a large section of the forest in the blink of an eye, shooting waves of fire and energy at Ash and company, who barely have enough time to stop running further towards the blast.

The force of the impact obscures everyone from everyone else’s vision, and though Yami Benjy creates a shield around himself, everyone is hurled into the air (this includes Team Rocket whom Yami Benjy and can see at the edge of Yami Benjy’s field of vision.

New Scene()

In a clearing, the students are having a picnic with their pokémon, and they watch the explosion in the sky as if it was a firework display.

New Scene()

Benjy crashes to the ground in some bushes in the forest, with the MGBA’s shield breaking his fall, however this doesn’t stop Benjy from hurting his back.  This impact also causes some wild Zigzagoon to run away.  Benjy moans from the impact, though obscured by the bushes, but is still able to stand.

Benjy: What the zark was that?  Are they getting smarter?

Cutscene() {

Jessie and James are lying in a tree with neither Cindy (Surskit) or Meowth anywhere in sight.

Jessie: James, have you seen my cell phone?


Moaning about his back, Benjy looks around him, scanning the area for anyone familiar.  Benjy doesn’t see any of Ash and company, and Yami Benjy points out to him several nervous pokémon in the undergrowth, all eyeing him carefully.  Now realizing that they’ve been seen, most of them flee, save for an Electrike that shoots a thunderbolt right at Benjy.  The MGBA instantly puts up a barrier, emitting a good amount of light in doing so.

Yami Benjy: Pixielite!

Pixielite doesn’t respond, and Yami Benjy quickly realizes that Pixielite isn’t with him.  This however gives Electrike another chance to zap Yami Benjy.  The barrier blocks the electric charge, but shatters in doing so.

Yami Benjy: Shroomish, shadow rush!

Shroomish rockets from it’s ball and crashes into Electrike, sending it flying.  Shroomish doesn’t stop after this, and proceeds to rush into the forest, ignoring Yami Benjy’s attempts to recall it, and forcing Yami Benjy to chase after it.

New Scene()

Pixielite scans the forest from the sky, looking for it’s trainer.

New Scene()

Yami Benjy winces from minor back pain, chasing after Shroomish through the forest. zooms ahead to where Cindy is chewing through the netting of the net that she was caught in. now zooms back to where Meowth has wandered into Shroomish’s path, looking for Jessie and James.  About a half-second later Shroomish plows into Meowth sending him flying.

Yami Benjy: Shroomish return!

Shroomish dodges the beam to recall it, prompting Yami Benjy to make an extra boost to his speed, and leap to capture Shroomish, grasping the mushroom pokémon a split-second before colliding with the ground, emitting a cloud of dust.  As the dust clears, synchronizes with Yami Benjy’s vision to show that Pixielite and Cindy (the Surskit) are both staring at him.

Despite Shroomish’s struggling, Yami Benjy doesn’t let go and gets to his feet, hugging Shroomish just tight enough so it can’t escape.  Yami Benjy wipes the dust from his eyes as he gets Shroomish’s snag ball and recalls it, sighing loudly.  Yami Benjy now sees the net that Cindy chewed through.

Yami Benjy: At least I’ve got everyone…

Cindy taps on Yami Benjy’s pants with her forelegs.

Yami Benjy: Yeah, next thing is finding your trainer.  Pixielite–

Pixielite beeps and takes to the air eagerly, while keeping an eye on Yami Benjy’s location. follows Pixielite’s trajectory, and after a few seconds Pixielite beeps, when shifts back down to where Yami Benjy is walking to follow Pixielite.

Pixielite: Beebeep!

Yami Benjy: Found someone?

Pixielite: Beebeep beep!

Yami Benjy: Three of them… shifts up to where Pixielite is and then down again to where Pixielite is looking.  Max, May, and Mauville Max have all crash-landed in the same area.  Max seems to have managed to avoid serious injury, but Mauville Max appears to have been knocked unconscious.  May doesn’t look to good either, sprawled out on the ground, but nonetheless conscious.

Max surveys the situation.

Max: If I had a pokémon, then this wouldn’t be such an issue.

May now starts to get to her feet, and Max has to help her somewhat, but May’s injuries from the blast appear to be nothing more than scrapes and bruises.

Benjy’s voice: May!  Max!

May and Max both turn to see Benjy and Pixielite emerging from the bushes.

Refresh Scene()

Yami Benjy is looking over Mauville Max to make sure he is okay, while May and Max stand behind him.

May: Um–

Yami Benjy: Looks like he hit his head.

Cindy sniffs Mauville Max nervously, but darts aside as Max approaches.

Yami Benjy: Max, can you contact the ranger station with your pokénav?

Max isn’t sure, but quickly decides to try anyway, and starts searching.

May: Um, how are we going to get him to the ranger station?

Yami Benjy: We aren’t.  At least not until he regains consciousness.

Max looks up from searching with the pokénav.

Max: Huh?

Yami Benjy: You shouldn’t move people who are unconscious.  They could have injuries that you don’t know about…

Max: I don’t think we have reception out here.

Yami Benjy: Can I try.

Max eyes Yami Benjy nervously.

May: What are you going to do?

Yami Benjy: Hold it up higher, maybe…

Reluctantly, Max hands off the Pokénav to Yami Benjy who holds it in the air, looking up at it.  Still the pokénav shows no reception, much to the disappointment of May and Max, who are slowly becoming increasingly nervous.

Yami Benjy: Pixielite…

Max: You’re going to have Pixielite carry it?

Yami Benjy: That probably won’t work.

Yami Benjy: No, Pixielite, can you take a message to Nurse Joy?

Pixielite shivers.  Meanwhile, Yami Benjy hands the pokénav back to Max.

May: Please Pixielite, he’s injured…

Pixielite shivers again, and stares at May.

May: I guess it doesn’t want to be far from it’s trainer.

Max: Please Pixielite…  He’s really hurt.

Pixielite stares at May, Max, and Yami Benjy, who stare back at it, with pleading eyes.  This lasts for about five seconds, with Pixielite starting to shiver after three seconds.  Pixielite then zips up into the sky.

May: Do you think it will–

Yami Benjy shrugs.

New Scene()

Ash’s Taillow scans the air near where Ash, Brock, and Coal have crash-landed.  Ash, Brock, and Coal can be seen on the ground below Taillow.  In the distance, Taillow sees Pixielite start to fly to Nurse Joy, but then suddenly turn around and fly back to it’s trainer.

Revert Scene()

Pixielite returns to where May, Benjy, and both Maxes are.

May: Pixielite, did you deliver the message?

Pixielite: Beep!

Pixielite indicates that it did not.

Max: Huh?

May: What happened?

Yami Benjy seems a bit annoyed by this.

Yami Benjy: Pixielite, I need you to–

Pixielite refuses again sparking at Yami Benjy, clearly upset.

Yami Benjy: Pixielite, return!

In a harsh tone, Yami Benjy tries to recall Pixielite, but it dodges the beam of the ball, and then shoots a spark at Yami Benjy, who quickly dodges.  May swallows hard, but before the fight can escalate, Yami Benjy suddenly clutches his chest, which causes May and Max to gasp.  With a flash of yellow light, the Millennium Gameboy Advance de-activates, leaving Benjy where Yami Benjy was.

May: It didn’t obey…

Benjy: I think Pixielite’s scared to be away from me.

Pixielite is now buzzing around everyone in a circle with about a six-foot radius.

Benjy: I know from personal experience.

Benjy lets out a small sigh.

Max: Wait, really?

Benjy: Yeah, when I was much younger.  The question now is how are we going to contact them?  Or do we just wait for him to wake up?  I’m worried about if Team Rocket comes back.

May now volunteers to go, but when she starts to walk (with a slight limp), Max asks her if she even knows where they landed.  From May’s facial expression it is evident that she didn’t consider this.

Benjy: That’s why I thought Pixielite would be ideal since it can find it from the sky.

May: Speaking of which, where is Pixielite?  Wasn’t it flying around us just a moment ago.

Yami Benjy: They can be such Tsunderes sometimes.

Benjy: I don’t know if you used that word right…

New Scene()

Team Rocket are all working on some kind of machine, armed with a pair of claws.

Jessie: Why is it that whenever we are about to get away with something, the twerps show up?

Meowth: Yeah, it’s like they’re following us…

James: Well it doesn’t really matter, because this thing will get us Pikachu too!

Revert Scene()

May, Max, and Benjy wait by unconscious Mauville Max for Pixielite to return, but after a few seconds, Cindy suddenly starts looking very tense, and starts secreting a strange syrup from the top of her head.  May quickly goes over to comfort Cindy, who pulls away from her.

Max: What’s wrong?

Benjy: I hear something?

Max: You hear something?

Suddenly a crash sounds in the forest, and Cindy jumps up and starts zipping about, spraying her syrup everywhere.  May has to leap aside as to not get sprayed.  Looking around, Benjy takes Bayleef’s poké ball from his pocket and warns May to get ready.  May does so by grabbing Torchic’s poké ball.

Suddenly, with another deafening crash, a large mechanical spider-like robot appears through the trees.

May: Let’s go Torchic!

Benjy: Bayleef!

May and Benjy stare the robot down, while Max just watches nervously.

Yami Benjy: Wait until you’ve got a clear shot.

Benjy: Gotcha.

With another loud crash, the machine crushes more of the undergrowth.

May: Torchic, ember!

Torchic shoots embers at the machine as it gets closer, but these fall short of the 40 or so yards needed.  May stares at the machine, embarrassed.

Benjy: Bayleef, razor leaf!

Bayleef’s razor leaves shoots past the embers, becoming alight, and crash into Team Rocket’s machine (which now is close enough for to make out a distinct "R" symbol).  May wipes some sweat off of her brow.  Despite the power of the combined attack, the tank with claws takes negligible damage, and continues to roll forward, flattening things as it goes.

May: It didn’t work!

Max: You guys…

Benjy and May stare at the tank while Cindy stares at Max nervously.

Benjy: We’ve got to divert it away from Max.

Max: Say what?

Max stops talking quickly as soon as he realizes that Benjy is pointing to Mauville Max, who still hasn’t woken up.

May: What are you going to do?

Benjy: Well they’re after Surskit.

Benjy looks between Surskit and Max, and then nods.  May and Max both look at Benjy, realizing what Benjy is planning.  May volunteers to stay with Mauville Max.

Refresh Scene()

Benjy, Max, Cindy, and Bayleef rush out alongside the tank, at a distance of about 36 feet, close enough for Team Rocket to see them but far enough that the tank can’t grasp them.

Benjy: Max, get their attention.  We’ll attack when they start the motto! (whisper)

Max: But I don’t look anything like him! (whisper)

Suddenly, Yami Benjy projects himself.

Yami Benjy: It’s okay.  They aren’t that observant.  Lets go!

Max: Alright Cindy!  There they are!  Attack with bubblebeam!

Max points at the tank, and Cindy turns towards it.  At the same time, Team Rocket notice Cindy, who watches Max nervously.

Cindy: Surskit sur–

As can be seen through the window, Meowth moves the controls to swing the tank’s claw at Max and Cindy who dodge the impact.  Cindy flips over twice (so she’s back right-side up), before landing and shooting a powerful bubblebeam at the tank, which does a bit more damage then the previous attack combination.

James: That twerp has a bit more courage this time…

Meowth: So lets put him right back where he belongs!

Meowth swings the tank’s claw again, but Cindy and Max dodge again, Max having Cindy use bubblebeam on the tank’s arm, which does noticeable damage to it, and prompting Jessie to seconds later swing the tank around to face them, both claws raised.  Nervously, Max and Cindy back up.

Jessie: It’s time to show that brat fear again.

As Jessie says this, she pulls a lever and steam shoots out of the tank, as the tank’s roof opens allowing Jessie and James’s seats to rise up so they can look out over the tank.  All three are sitting as their seats rise to a platform.

Jessie: Remember what we told you kid, when we’re here that means you prepare for trouble.

James: And we’re two adults, so that means it’s double.

Jessie: To protect the world from–

Benjy: Razor leaf!

Before Team Rocket knows what’s going on, Bayleef immediately starts to bombard them with a volley of razor leaves.

Max: Bubblebeam

James: What the–

Jessie: How dare you disturb our motto–OW!

Jessie cries out in pain as a razor leaf strikes her..

Jessie: Wobbuffet, counter!

Wobbuffet bursts out of it’s poké ball, distinctly happy to be of use and creates a barrier with counter, shooting Bayleef’s razor leaves back at Cindy, Bayleef, and Max, who all gasp.

James: Thought you could beat us–

James is taken by surprise as Benjy suddenly steps in the way of the incoming razor leaf, taking the hit.

Benjy: Keep up the attacks!

Benjy’s comment surprises everyone, but Bayleef and Surskit fire attacks again.  Bayleef’s leaves are still rebounded, but Surskit’s bubbles strike Team Rocket, dealing damage to them.  Benjy seems to be taking moderate damage from the rebounding razor leaves, while Team Rocket is hurting from the bubbles.

Jessie: Wobbuffet, switch to mirror coat!

Wobbuffet changes it’s screens, but this leaves Team Rocket susceptible to razor leaf, which hurts them more and the reflected bubblebeam has no visible effect on Benjy.  

Benjy: It’s a matter of endurance now.  They can’t reflect both bubblebeam *and* razor leaf.

James: The the zark?!

Meowth: Wobbuffet can’t reflect both physical and special attacks, you moron!

Jessie: Dustox!  Poison sting!

This causes Benjy to gasp and reach for Pixielite’s ball, before he realizes that Pixielite isn’t with him.  Benjy gasps as Dustox starts to fire poison stings.

May’s voice: Beautifly, silver wind!

A large gust blows the poison stings away from Benjy, but is reflected by mirror coat back at May and Beautifly somewhat.  Benjy and Max can’t see them, although they can hear May groan from the hit.  Jessie starts to turn to face May.

James: Your turn, Cacnea, needle arm!

Max: Benjy!

Benjy: I got this!  Hold your fire!

James sends out Cacnea who shoots directly at Benjy.

James: See if you can block this!

Cacnea’s arm starts to glow, and as Cacnea approaches, Benjy suddenly steps aside, and delivers a massive punch to Cacnea, knocking it out in a single blow, and leaving James flabbergasted.  At the same time, the combination of bubblebeam and razor leaf finally knocks out Wobbuffet, leaving Team Rocket in shock.  A split-second later, Beautifly knocks out Dustox with a powerful gust attack.

Team Rocket now stares at May, Max, and Benjy.

James: You think you’ve won right?

Meowth: But you realize I’m a pokémon too, right?

Jessie: And I still have Seviper, right?

Jessie looks to James and Meowth who shrug.  Benjy makes a fist intimidatingly.

Jessie: You think you’re tough, do you?

James: Well he did just one-hit Cacnea!

Jessie: That’s because you’re a wimp.  Seviper, use–

Ash’s voice: Pikachu, thunder!

As soon as Seviper is sent out, it and Team Rocket are all struck by a massive electric charge, and left to slump to the seats, covered in soot.

Meowth: We forgot that with twerps, they travel in groups.

James: Just how many of you are there?!

Coal’s voice: Pichu, standby raigeki!

Jessie: Rai-what?

Team Rocket looks around, and suddenly a golden barrier materializes around Benjy, Max, Cindy, and Bayleef, surprising the latter three.

Cutscene() {

The same kind of golden barrier suddenly appears around May, Beautifly, and Mauville Max, surprising May and Beautifly, as Mauville Max is still unconscious.


Coal’s voice: Pichu, raigeki now!

Meowth: They’re probably just–

Meowth is cut off as he is struck by a gigantic thunderbolt shooting down from the clouds.  In a split second it shoots through the tank, vaporizing it in an explosion that sends debris two hundred feet in the air.

Cutscene() {

In a clearing, the students stop their practice pokémon battles to watch the massive explosion.


Back on the ground, May faints from shock as the explosion finishes, leaving Beautifly to land on her worriedly.  Max stares at the place where the tank was, almost catatonic, while both Benjy and Bayleef shiver.  On the ground, Cindy has coated herself from head to toe in syrup.  The forest around the tank has been almost entirely vaporized for yards in every direction.

New Scene()

Arriving with two Chansey, Nurse Joy looks as though she soiled herself from the blast.  Pixielite by her shoulder is shivering again.

New Scene()

Back at the Ranger station, Nurse Joy wraps bandages around Benjy’s right hand (with which he punched Cacnea).

Ash: Wait, you what?!

Benjy: In retrospect, it probably wasn’t the brightest thing to do.

Coal chuckles.

Coal: Live and learn. now shifts into the next room where Mauville Max lies in a bed watched over by May and Brock.  Max watches them both nervously.  Cindy is on the bed, quietly watching her trainer.  Max lets out a long sigh.

May: You think he’ll be alright?

Brock: Probably.

Cindy flinches a bit at this comment.

Brock: Well, we’ve got to get going.  If we don’t, we’ll never make it to Mauville.

With this, Brock starts to leave the room.  May takes another look at Mauville Max, and then starts to follow him.  Max swallows and then starts to follow them, but before he can get out of the room, he hears something and looks up.

Mauville Max: Thanks…

Max: Um…

Mauville Max: Thanks for saving me.

Max nods nervously.

Max: Don’t worry about it.

With this, Max slips out of the room, leaving Cindy to climb all over her now-conscious trainer.  From the next room, Max’s voice can be heard:

Max: Hey everyone, he’s awake!

...///To Be Continued///...