The Trigamon Project

The Divine Parody


Season 1: Episode 11: Time to Shine


Notes[] Benjy’s Chikorita evolves into Bayleef;

The Clare mentioned is NOT the Clair from Blackthorn in Jhoto

#tag0# >> add more quotes about seeing


New Scene(Previously_on_Trigamon) {

Narrator: Last time, Benjy fell through the rabbit hole, as the saying goes.  But this wasn’t any ordinary rabbit hole, but a hole in the fabric of the universe!

• Recap: Benjy lies in the sand next to the bottom part of the ladder.

Narrator: Luckily, our allies encountered, and received aid from some familiar characters.

• Recap: Benjy in the pokémon center.

Narrator: Their identities, however, left Benjy in a daze, unsure of whether he was awake or dreaming.  However, if they are who they appear to be, that means, we’ve finally figured out where the pokémon were coming from!  It’s a scientific breakthrough!

• Recap: The girl receives Marshtomp from Nurse Joy, and hugs it.


New Scene(Slateport Pokémon Center, Night)

As all of Ash and company are sleeping on the couch-benches (save for Ash who is awake, and Benjy who is not with them), Ash strokes Pikachu’s back as he looks out the pokémon center window at the stars.

Ash: California…

Ash: What if he really was from such a mystical place?  Towers of flowers and palm trees, golden sandy beaches, all behind a giant orange garden gate.  He seems human, but maybe they have humans in California.  And it appears that there are pokémon too…  Well of course, there are pokémon everywhere.

Flashback(@Temporal = Late Afternoon, @Spatial = Slateport Beach) {

Brock: Do you think we can re-open the portal?

Coal: Doubt it.  That portal’s deader than a woodchuck at an NRA convention.  Best bet is looking for another one.

May: Who are the NRA?


Ash: I wonder if that’s where Benjy is now?

New Scene(@Temporal = Night)

With crickets (or something to that effect) chirping in the night, Benjy walks down the docks of Slateport as Wingull fly overhead.

Benjy: Temperature's nice for night time.

Yami Benjy: That's true.  Aren't you tired though?

Benjy: I can't sleep.  Not in a place like this.

Yami Benjy: But you will have to eventually–

Benjy: I wouldn't hold my breath.

At this moment, a light from down the street, shines right in Benjy's eyes and he winces, shielding his eyes.

Yami Benjy: What is that?

Benjy: Just a light…

Yami Benjy: Mind if I check it out?

Benjy: I'd rather not, but...

The Millennium Gameboy Advance activates, and Yami Benjy starts jogging towards the light.  After about 5 seconds or so, Yami Benjy reaches the source of the light, the Slateport Oceanic Museum, and jogs in place for a couple steps upon reaching it before stopping.  Members of Team Aqua are lined up, outside the museum.

Benjy: Wait, are they…

Yami Benjy: What are you trying to say?

Benjy: It's just like in the video game…

By now, one of the Team Aqua members notices Yami Benjy watching them:

Aqua Grunt: Hey!  What are you looking at?

Yami Benjy: What am I looking at? (dazed)

Yami Benjy comes to as the grunt steps out of the line and starts approaching Yami Benjy.

Aqua Grunt: You've got some nerve staring like that.

Yami Benjy: If Pokémon Sapphire was any indication, he's going to challenge me to a pokémon battle.

Benjy: But this isn't Pokémon Sapphire!

Aqua Grunt: Are you mute kid?

Yami Benjy: No, I am not.

Yami Benjy's words cause the grunt to jump.

Yami Benjy: You'll have to excuse me, I'm new here.

Aqua Grunt: Well, you're in the wrong part of town.  Go be new somewhere else!

Yami Benjy: I need to see if his first instinct is to battle me.

Benjy: But if you're wrong–

Aqua Grunt: Hey–

Yami Benjy: Why do you say that?

The Aqua Grunt now walks up to Yami Benjy, so he's almost in Yami Benjy's face, although Yami Benjy extends his arm, to prevent the grunt from getting too close.

Aqua Grunt: Are you trying to make me hurt you?

Yami Benjy: Please back up.  Your breath is bad.

The Aqua grunt now reaches in his pocket.

Aqua Grunt: Alright Zubat, teach this man a lesson!

The Aqua Grunt's Zubat appears in a flash of light, and Yami Benjy reaches for one of the poké balls in his own pocket.

Yami Benjy: Shroomish!

Shroomish appears in a flash of light.

Aqua Grunt: Zubat–

The Aqua Grunt is cut off as Shroomish shoots like a rocket into Zubat, then bounces off the Aqua Grunt and Yami Benjy and smashes back into the Zubat again, dealing moderate damage.  The Aqua Grunt backs up, as does his Zubat.

Aqua Grunt: Zubat–

The Aqua Grunt is cut off again as Shroomish plows into Zubat, and then hits Zubat out of the air, knocking Zubat to the ground, unconscious as the Aqua Grunt stands flabbergasted as Shroomish grabs the KOed Zubat with it's mouth and attempts to shake it like a dog with a chew toy.

Aqua Grunt:

Yami Benjy wordlessly recalls Shroomish back into it's ball.  The Aqua Grunt looks back at where the line of his colleagues was a moment ago, before turning back to Yami Benjy.

Yami Benjy: As for you.  Mind–

Yami Benjy is cut off as the Aqua Grunt turns and runs, disappearing into the darkness.  A split-second later a red-light shoots from his hand and recalls Zubat.

Yami Benjy: Where did they go?

Benjy: Must be inside.  We were so focused on the battle that we–

Benjy walks to the railing and this time looks up into the sky.  Flocks of Wingull and Pelipper fly on the breeze, without a normal bird in sight.

Yami Benjy: They say that seeing is believing.

Benjy: They also say to only believe half of what you see.

Yami Benjy: Who says that?

Benjy: Famous words from President Abraham Lincoln.


Yami Benjy: I wonder what's going on in there.

Benjy: You always wonder that.

Yami Benjy: I do.

ˆ Yami Benjy turns around and starts walking towards the museum.

Benjy: That doesn't mean it's a good idea!

Yami Benjy: Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

Benjy: You're going to have to do better than old slogans if you want to–hey!

Yami Benjy opens the door and enters the museum.

Yami Benjy: What happened?

Receptionist: I’m sorry, but that information is available on a need-to-know basis.

Yami Benjy: Did you see that?

Benjy: What?

Yami Benjy: Under her uniform!

Benjy: Get yout mind out of…

Yami Benjy: Under her uniform is the costume that those people from before were wearing.

Yami Benjy: Why can’t you tell me what happened?

Receptionist: I’m sorry, but that information is available on a need-to-know basis.

Yami Benjy: I don’t think you’re sorry at all.

The receptionist looks at Yami Benjy curiously.

Yami Benjy: Let’s play a game.  I get three guesses, and you tell me if I get it right.

The receptionist stares at Yami Benjy blankly, obviously not expecting this response.

Receptionist: Um, okay.

Yami Benjy: Judging by the look on your face, something was stolen…

Receptionist: I’m sorry, but…

Yami Benjy: And you’re part of the cover-up…

The receptionist grabs a communicator from under her desk.

Receptionist: He knows too much!  Send in the scrubbers!

Something beeps upstairs and suddenly two costumed grunts rush down the staircase.

Costumed Grunt: Hey!  It’s the guy that was unconscious on the beach earlier!  I recommend that you… um… what comes next…

Narrator: I told you to memorize your lines!

Costumed Grunt: Look, I’m sorry okay…!  Just shut up and battle!

The grunt sends out a Carvanha and Yami Benjy calls on Chikorita.  As Carvanha uses quick attack Yami Benjy has Chikorita knock it out with magical leaf.  The grunt now calls on a Zubat and Yami Benjy switches to Pixielite.  Zubat’s speed allows it to dodge Pixielite’s thundershock and counter attack with leech life.  This does almost nothing.  Pixielite quickly manages to catch Zubat in it’s tractor beam and spin it around.  Pixielite lets go and Zubat smashes into the floor in a faint.   The grunt now shouts loudly for backup, and another grunt comes out of the back of the museum.

Backup Grunt: What do you think you’re doing?  No one who crosses Team Aqua gets any mercy, especially not some beach bum!  Come on!  Battle me!

Benjy: First a wizard, and now a "beach bum"…

Yami Benjy: Perhaps our situation is a bit hard for them to grasp.

The backup grunt walks up to Yami Benjy and knocks a couple times on his forehead.

Backup Grunt: Yoo-hoo, anyone home–

Yami Benjy grabs the grunt by the wrist.  With his free hand, the grunt sends out a Poochyena, and Chikorita jumps out from behind Yami Benjy.  Poochyena tries to bite Chikorita, but it whips out of the way, then smashes Poochyena into the ground with body slam.  Yami Benjy instructs Chikorita to use razor leaf to finish the battle, still holding the grunt by the wrist.  Yami Benjy then throws the grunt a small ways backwards, and he goes staggering backwards and trips and falls.

???: Excuse me.

Yami Benjy turns to face both the grunt and a man, whose uniform matches somewhat with the grunts’ costumes.

Archie: I come to see what’s taking so long for you to snatch some parts, only to find you’re being held up by some meddling teen?

The grunts shiver and back up.

Archie: Nevermind that now.

Archie turns to Yami Benjy.

Archie: I am Team Aqua’s Archie.  I hope you realize that all life came from the sea, that is why Team Aqua is dedicated to expanding the sea, which we needed…

A siren sounds outside.

Archie: Oh well, you are to young to understand out magnificent undertaking and that can’t be helped, but mess with us again and you will receive no mercy.  Farewell.

Yami Benjy walks outside after Archie as sirens wail in the night.

[New Day()]

New Scene(Spacial = SlateportPkmnCenter)

Ash and company are awake.

Max: May, are you ready for the contest?

May looks around, then nods nervously.  Brock suggests that she not worry about it before hand, and just go with the flow of things.

Ash: Yeah, lets change the topic.  What else have you heard about California?

May: There are these fields full of fruit, and people come from all over to harvest them.  There are giant mountains, and beautiful lakes…  Also, you can marry someone of the same gender…

Brock: Okay, moving on…

May: It’s like heaven…

Max: Do you guys actually believe that story?

Coal: It’s not impossible.  (skeptical)

New Scene()

Benjy sits on a bench nearby the pokémon center, slowly waking up to the sunlight.  As turns, we see that this bench is only a few feet from the pokémon center.  At this time, the doors to the Pokémon center open, and May and Max emerge, followed by the rest of Ash and company.

May and Max are the first to see Benjy sitting in the bench, half-asleep


Max: May, this is your big chance!  Ask him to enter the contest with you!

May shakes her head.

May: What are you talking about, Max?

Max: May, you like him, don’t you?

May: What!?

May shakes her head rapidly.  As she does, Brock approaches her on the other side, and tries to get May to admit to, what Brock thinks are, her feelings.  This creeps May out and she flees, leaving a cloud of dust behind her.


Ash: Benjy?

Benjy stands up to face Ash and Coal, still half asleep.

Max: Don’t tell me you slept there all night–

At this comment, Benjy wakes up a bit more and steps backwards, nearly tripping over the bench.

Coal: You said you came from Earth, right?

Benjy nods.

Coal: I looked that up last night, and that planet is supposed to be imaginary.  But someone claimed on some forum it was real and 805 quadrillion terraparsecs away.

Ash: What’s a terraparsec?

Benjy: Roughly 3.26 trillion light years.  Hold on–

Benjy turns and rushes into the Pokémon center.

New Scene()

Benjy stands in front of the counter in the pokémon center.

Nurse Joy: Your math is correct.  That means you would have traveled two point six two four three times ten to the thirtith miles in a blink of an eye.  That’s twenty-five orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light.  In other words–

Nurse Joy pulls out a giant syringe (about 7 feet from needle tip to the end, but with the the same proportions as a normal syringe)

Nurse Joy: –completely impossible!

Ash, Coal, Brock, and Max stare in shock, and Benjy begins backing up.  Nurse Joy in turn takes a step forwards.

Nurse Joy: This is aluricol.  It’ll make you feel better.

Max: What’s that?

Brock: It’s a weak antipsychotic…  But this much–

Nurse Joy cuts Brock off by jerking the syringe forwards.  Benjy dodges the attack but trips over a coffee table in the process. switches to what Benjy sees as Nurse Joy looms over him, and thrusts the syringe downwards.  A tinkle is heard as the needle breaks from the syringe crashing into a barrier from the Millennium Gameboy Advance.  Nurse Joy isn’t aware of this, and pushes the syringe down, spewing aluricol all over the pokémon center.  Benjy is untouched by the aluricol, safe under the barrier.

Coal: And then (bleep) hits the fan…

Ash: The what hits the what?

Brock: I’m going to go see where May went…

New Scene() zooms onto the contest hall, where May is without the rest of Ash and company.  Beautifly is resting on her head.  She nervously fills out the form on the application desk.  From across the room, a green-haired boy watches her closely.

Drew: She came alone…  Maybe I underestimated her.  And all those boys she had with her earlier.  Still, she seemed pretty bad…

Drew shutters…

<memory> Female_Voice_in_Drew’s_mind: It doesn’t matter what anyone said.  The truth doesn’t care about your feelings.  </memory>

Drew: No!  I won’t let you tell me how to live my life!

Meanwhile, May finishes signing up, and sees Drew and shivers.

May: He’s so calm… Even though it’s his first time… Supposedly…

Beautifly: Fly…

Cutscene() { focuses Drew is sitting on a battlefield somewhere, holding an (his) injured Budew.  A girl walks up to him, and stares down at him so that only her shadow is seen by the camera.

Drew: What, Clare?

Clare: I thought I told you.  If you want to win, get better pokémon.  Roselia is in the "never-used" tier.  It’s completely worthless.  Even if you do find a shiny stone, Roserade is still in underused.  If you had any sense, you’d release that Budew and find a real pokémon.

Clare turns to go, and Budew whimpers in Drew’s arms.


May continues to watch Drew for a couple seconds, until a voice calls out to her.

Ash: May!

May turns around in surprise to see her friends.

May: Uh…

Benjy: Are you sure you want to do this?

Yami Benjy: They seem to think it will help my memory.

Benjy: But, why will it help?

Yami Benjy: I admit their logic is shaky at best.  But perhaps there is something we don’t know.

Benjy: That’s a hole with no bottom.

The Millennium Gameboy Advance glows brightly, startling the receptionist.

Yami Benjy: I too would like to sign up.

Receptionist: Can I see your contest pass?

Yami Benjy: My what?

Receptionist: You need a contest pass to register for a contest.

Coal: Here.

Coal slides the receptionist a contest pass, who scans it then hands it back to Coal.

Receptionist: And the pokémon you’ll be using is…

Yami Benjy taps Pixielite’s capsule.  It pops out and coos.

Receptionist: Where did you catch that?

May: He’s from California.

Receptionist: I’ve never heard of that place–

The receptionist reads the list to find out May’s name.

Receptionist: …May.

Receptionist: I can tell that you’re not from around here, so this might come as a shock to you, but we only allow pokémon in our contests, so I can’t let you use that–

Coal: Technically, you *can*.

Receptionist: No I can’t, and no, he can’t.

{ Coal: Yes he can.

Receptionist: No!  He can’t! } (x4)

Coal: No, he can’t.

Receptionist: Yes he can.

Coal: Have it your way.

Receptionist: Thank y…  Wait!


Yami Benjy: Too late.

Receptionist: Get back here!

Coal gestures for Ash and company to follow him to the waiting room, while the receptionist glares after them.

New Scene()

The doors open to the contest waiting room, and Ash and company (minus May) enter after him.  Drew eyes them nervously.

Drew: And she's brought her entire harem…

Drew looks back at May and for a moment they see each other, then look away.  Drew's glance falls on Yami Benjy:

Drew: I take it you’re May’s new boyfriend?

Yami Benjy shakes his head.

Yami Benjy: Good guess, but no.

Yami Benjy: Then what's a boy like you doing here?  This is contest based on the beauty of pokémon.

Yami Benjy: Aren't you also a boy?

Drew tosses his hair

Drew: This category happens to fit Roselia the best.

Max’s glasses glisten.

Coal: Look you guys, there’s nothing wrong with it.

Drew: I didn’t say there was, you just stand out like a sore thumb.

Drew walks away into the crowd, and a few seconds later (real time) the screen at the front of the room springs to life.  A lady appears onscreen, and proceeds to introduce herself:

Lady: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to this week’s second beauty contest!  My goodness there are a lot of coordinators!  First, I’d like to introduce the judges:  On the right, we have an ace trainer from across the galaxy: Miss Mai Valentine!

(A bit of a cheer goes up)

Lady: Next, we have our very own Nurse Joy!

(almost no cheer)

Lady: And last but not least: our very own Librarian Marian!

(almost no cheer)

Brock turns to Yami Benjy.

Brock: You know, you guys are the only two male contestants here.  Maybe I should be–

Behind them, Max face-palms.

Lady: These lovely ladies will be judging you all today.  So coordinators do your very best!  And without further ado, lets get to the primary performance!

Intercom: The stage is yours, …

Ash and company start to strategize, drowning out the intercom for  The discussion goes on for about 45 seconds.

Intercom: The stage is yours, May Tennyson of Petalburg City.

Brock: This is it May, do your best!

May nods, and heads out onto the stage.

<May’s Appeal>

As May heads out onto the stage, she almost trips but catches herself.  The audience chuckles, and May turns to the judges, who give her an encouraging thumbs up.  Instead of throwing the poké ball, May presses the button to send Beautifly out.

May throws a frisbee, and has Beautifly attempt to catch it with string shot.  Beautifly hits the frisbee right in the center, but the angle that it hits the frisbee causes the frisbee to zip around and hit May on the side of the head.  She winces in pain and the audience laughs, as do the judges (although they try to contain it).  May throws the frisbee again (this time towards the audience), and Beautifly catches it, but the same thing happens.  As everyone laughs again, Librarian Kate explains to Nurse Joy that it must be part of the show):

Nurse Joy: She may be trying to be funny, but I don’t think Mai is too impressed with Dojikos (whisper)

May now chuckles too, and decides to finish with Beautifly’s silver wind.  Silver wind blows out into the audience, dropping glitter on everyone, and winning a round of applause.

</May’s Appeal>

May returns to the dressing room with her head down.

Max: May, cheer up!  The judges loved it!

May: Huh?

Brock: They thought it was part of the show!  Look!

Mai Valentine gives May a six, but Nurse Joy and Librarian Kate both give her a nine, for a total score of 25.

Drew: Beginner’s luck…  We know the truth.

May looks nervously at Drew.

Intercom: The stage is yours, Drew Benjamins of Agate Village.

Drew appears to walk confidently onto the stage.  Drew has Roselia use petal dance, which goes similar to May’s appeal, as it also throws petals into the audience.  Ash and company and Yami Benjy stare in amazement at the appeal through the monitor.

Ash: Twenty-seven point nine?!

May: Whoa…!

Drew returns to the room, and sits down, trying to look cool.  The intercom calls out a couple more names, then announces:

Intercom: And for last, but probably not least, we have a foreigner making his debut today.  The stage is yours, Benjamin Stratos.

Benjy: Yami me, that’s us!

Yami Benjy: M-hm.

Yami Benjy slowly walks out towards the stage, then takes a look at the crowd.  

<Benjy’s Appeal>

Benjy walks onto the stage with Pixielite on his shoulder.
Yami Benjy: Based on what I’ve seen, this should be sufficient.

Yami Benjy: We call this, ‘Coming Through the Storm’

Pixielite looks at Benjy curiously.

Nurse Joy: They haven’t rehearsed. {Whisper}

Yami Benjy: Pixielite, twister attack!

Pixielite flies around in circles causing a moderately sized twister.

Yami Benjy: Aaaaand… Lunarbeam!

Lunarbeam pierces the twister, dispelling it in a burst of light.

Yami Benjy: Thank you, Mr. Dallas, for those improv skills.

A cloud of swirling glitter appears and from the midst appears Benjy’s Pixielite scoring 27.5/30.  The audience bursts into applause.

Librarian Marian: If that’s true, he’s like some kind of improv wizard! {Whisper}

</Benjy’s Appeal>

Refresh Scene(Waiting Room)

Back in the waiting room, the hostess announces what trainers will advance to the final round.  Yami Benjy looks at the board nervously.

Ash: Something wrong?

Yami Benjy: This "Jessalina" person I'm up against looks familiar somehow.

Ash: Really?  I don't recognize her.

Benjy: I think there's a reason for that.

Yami Benjy: And that would be?

Benjy: Lets just say that if she uses a Dustox, then my suspicions are confirmed.

New Scene()

Walking out onto the stage, Yami Benjy calmly scans his opponent.

Yami Benjy: Seems to be just about the right size…

Jessalina: That twerp again?!

Nurse Joy: Begin!

Jessalina: Dustox!  Poison Sting!

Pixielite lifts off of Yami Benjy's shoulder.

Yami Benjy: Mirror force attack!

As poison stings shoot at Pixielite, Pixielite uses mirror force, constructing a barrier around itself in the shape of a sphere.  A split-second later, poison sting hits mirror force and bounces back at Dustox, striking it head-on.  Hit with it’s own attack, Dustox’s points take a moderate slide.

Yami Benjy: Hm, beauty moves.

Jessalina: Dustox!  Psybeam!

Yami Benjy: Lunarbeam!

Dustox and Pixielite shoot their beams at each other, and these beams hit and explode in a small dust cloud.

Yami Benjy: Use the next explosion as cover and discharge. cuts to "Jessalina's" perspective as Pixielite is nowhere to be seen until a spark shoots out of the dust cloud and strikes Dustox, somewhat dispelling the cloud.

Jessalina: Dustox!  Silver Wind!

Yami Benjy: Lunarbeam!

Silver wind blows past Pixielite, blowing the rest of the smoke away, and inflicting light damage to Pixielite, who in turn fires Lunarbeam directly into Dustox.

Jessalina: Silver Wind!

Yami Benjy: Lunarbeam!

Jessalina: Silver Wind!

Yami Benjy: Lunarbeam!

Both exchange attacks, with Dustox taking more damage since Lunarbeam is far more targeted than silver wind.

Jessalina: Blow it away!  Silver Wind!

Strugging, Dustox attacks Pixielite with another silver wind.

Yami Benjy: Lunarbeam!

Pixielite slams Dustox with lunarbeam, and then another lunarbeam for good measure, knocking Dustox unconscious and leaving "Jessalina" dumbstruck.  "Jessalina" catches Dustox before it can fall to the floor.

Jessalina: That’s cheating!  You can't attack without instruction!

Marian: There are no rules against that.

Nurse Joy: It all looked fair to me!

Mai Valentine: Yeah, no rules were broken.

Jessalina Jessie: Then read the zarking script!  We’re Team Rocket!  We’re the ones who are supposed to win using dirty tricks?  That’s trademark infringement!

Marian sighs.

Marian: Trigamon is parody, so we can use your likeness via fair use.

A Game Freak™ Lawyer steps out from behind the curtain.

Game Freak™ Lawyer: Are you sure it counts as a parody?

Marian: If it wasn't a parody, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

With this, the lawyer turns and disappears.

Officer Jenny: Team Rocket?

Jessie turns, still in her disguise, to see an Officer Jenny approaching the stage from the audience.  As she does, James (in disguise) quickly jumps onstage.

James: Actually we’re not Team Rocket anymore!  We were at one point a long time ago.

Officer Jenny: Really…

James: Several years ago.  The statute of limitations has long since expired, but old habits die hard… heh, heh

Officer jenny seems to accept this, and goes back into the audience, allowing James and Meowth to quickly drag Jessie offstage as the next match begins.

Refresh Scene()

Drew: Heh.  Let’s go, Roselia!

Narrator: Contest battles have a five-minute time limit.  In addition, each pokémon has a point bar, if that bar reaches zero then that pokémon loses.  Of course, you also lose if you’re knocked out.  If the time limit is reached, then the person with the most points remaining wins, regardless of vitality.

May: Beautifly!

Drew makes the first move, having Roselia attack with magical leaf.

May: Blow them back with a gust!

Beautifly focuses on the leaves and flaps it’s wings, pushing the leaves back at Roselia, however it only pushes them back so far, before the leaves break free, and zip around the outside of the wind-field and collide with Beautifly, reducing Beautifly’s points by 20%.  This turn of events leaves May startled.

Drew: Don’t you know anything?  You can’t dodge magical leaf!  Now shadow ball!

Roselia charges up a shadow ball, and suddenly hurls it at Beautifly.  May quickly has Beautifly dodge the attack.

May: String shot!

Beautifly fires a string shot at Roselia, catching on it’s arm.

Drew: Razor leaf!

Razor leaf slices through string shot, dealing more damage to Beautifly.

May: Alright, then how about silver wind!

Drew: Hmph.  Roselia, petal dance!

Beautifly flies up a couple feet and blows silvery powder at Roselia, whom is already creating a tornado with petal dance.  The two attacks collide for about five seconds (real time), before silver wind fades, forcing Beautifly to dodge the tornado, which moves off down the stage, past May to where it breaks apart upon hitting the wall.

Drew: Shadow ball!

May: Beautifly, dodge!

Both May and Beautifly had been focusing on the tornado failing to realize that Roselia was not inside it.  Despite this, Beautifly manages to move out of the way of shadow ball, for some reason loosing 10% of it’s points in the process.

May: Now silver wind!

Beautifly blasts silver wind at Roselia again, reducing Drew’s points by 10% before Roselia can start a petal dance again, which again repels silver wind.  Roselia’s now sends petal dance at Beautifly.  May calls out for Beautifly to dodge, but it can’t escape the pull of the tornado.

May: Beautifly!

Drew: Now you’re just where I want you.

May: Find the center–it should be calmer there!

Beautifly’s voice can be heard faintly from inside the twister.

Drew: Prepare Solarbeam!

Roselia starts charging sunlight, while May’s points are slowly being reduced by the petal dance.  May quickly becomes aware of this.

May: Beautifly, do you have enough energy to break free?

Beautifly: Tiff!

May: Then gust attack!

Drew seems to smirk.  May’s points have been now reduced to about 15%, and are further reduced to 5% as May stares at the twister nervously, now breathing hard.  Around the 5% mark, Beautifly breaks free of the twister with a powerful gust attack, flinging petals back at Roselia, and taking 40% of Drew’s points.

May: Time to strike back!  Beautifly, gust again!

Drew: Solarbeam!

Roselia fires a solarbeam at Beautifly, piercing gust and knocking Beautifly to the ground, where it lies knocked out.

May: Beautifly!!

The judges booths all begin to display big "X"s.  First Nurse Joy, then Mai Valentine, and after a few seconds, Librarian Marian.  May now looks like she’s on the verge of crying.

May: Beautifly!  Please get up…

Mai: Its over girl, please get off the stage.

May doesn’t seem to hear Mai, so Mai starts to get up, but Librarian Marian gets up, causing Mai to sit back down.

Drew: I told you you weren’t ready.

May starts to walk over to Beautifly, but then collapses to her knees.  Librarian Marian motions to Nurse Joy, who pushes a button, causing the curtains to start to close.

Drew: And now you’re causing a scene, can’t you just–

Marian: Stop it please.

Mai: He won, it’s his right.

Mai and Marian stare at each other, then both look to Nurse Joy, who sighs and says nothing.

Drew: You really shouldn’t be doing this.  Contests are serious business, if you…

Drew’s voice becomes inaudible to as focuses on May, who starts to get up and move towards Beautifly.  May gets to Beautifly after a few seconds, then picks it up gently and starts to get out it’s poké ball, finally managing to recall it.

May now starts to cry.

Drew: Stop it, you’re making a scene!

It’s unknown how much of what Drew’s saying actually registers with May.

May: And now, I’m all alone…

Drew(background): You lost!  Go home!  I need to–

Nurse Joy has now gotten up.

Nurse Joy: He’s right.  Come on, I’ll help you.

Nurse Joy walks over to May, who is still sitting on the floor with her hands in front of her, unable to pick herself up.

May: Go home!?  Does that mean they’re going to–

Mai: Sheesh, I’ve never seen anything like this.

Nurse Joy: Please, I’ve seen much worse.  Just this morning–

Officer Jenny now clambers up onto the stage under the curtain.

Officer Jenny: Need assistance?

Nurse Joy: If you could…

The rest of what Nurse Joy says to Officer Jenny is silenced to, which instead focuses on May’s thoughts.

May: Already?!  Officer Jenny?  But that means…

Tears stream down May’s cheeks as Officer Jenny walks towards her.

May: No!  I’ll never let you!  I’ll burn the world down before I let you take my pokémon! zooms out slightly, as Officer Jenny puts her hand on May’s shoulder then immediately recoils.

Marian: Something wrong?

Max: May, don’t!

Max comes rushing onto the stage.

Drew: I’m confused.

Mai: We need to get her out of here, so if–

Max: You don’t seem to realize that you’re all in mortal danger right now!

Drew: Um, okay.  Look, If you guys don’t mind, I’m going to go back to the waiting room…

Nurse Joy nods, and Drew and Roselia now depart back into the waiting room, and Max runs over to May.

Max: May!

Officer Jenny and the four judges watch, confused, as Max is able to get May to her feet, and help her off the stage, assuring Officer Jenny that it’s alright.

Officer Jenny: Um, about this mortal danger…

Max: All handled.

Officer Jenny seems conflicted, whether to believe Max or not

New Scene()

In the waiting room, Benjy is once again wearing the Millennium Gameboy Advance, nearby Ash and company.  May eyes are red from crying, leaving her unable to sit up.

Brock: What were you trying to do, telling them that they were all in mortal danger.

Max’s glasses catch the sunlight.

Max: Oh, nothing.  I just needed to get their attention.

Max: But I wasn’t exactly lying either.  Technically, she could’ve… now shifts to Yami Benjy.

Benjy: I'm worried.

Yami Benjy: Why?

Benjy: Roselia and Beautifly.  Pixielite isn't that much different than Beautifly in terms of battle style–

At this point, Drew enters the waiting room.

Drew: You.  It’s our battle next.  Unless you want to save time and just sur–

Yami Benjy: One minute, I have to use the restroom.

With this, Yami Benjy gets up, and moves further down the waiting room towards an all-gender restroom.

Drew: How convenient.

Revert Scene()

With Yami Benjy on standby, Benjy takes his place on the stage opposite Drew.

Librarian Marian: Begin!

Drew: Roselia, start with solarbeam!

Roselia starts charging sunlight.

Yami Benjy: Lunarbeam!

While Roselia is charging solarbeam, Pixielite blasts it with lunarbeam (whish doesn't need to charge), causing Drew to lose a small amount of points, a quarter-second later Roselia fires solarbeam (while Pixielite is still using lunarbeam).  Solarbeam slowly overpowers lunarbeam, and blasts Pixielite, who just shakes off the attack.

Yami Benjy: Not very effective.

Drew: Roselia, shadow ball

Roselia uses shadow ball on Pixielite.

Yami Benjy: Evade!

Pixielite flies higher to avoid shadow ball, which passes harmlessly underneath it.

Drew: But you can't dodge magical leaf!

Roselia takes the que and shoots magical leaves out of it's hands.

Yami Benjy: This won't do much, and it won't do much reflected.  Should I–

Pixielite starts to fly higher in an attempt to avoid magical leaf.

Yami Benjy: That won't work!

Pixielite flinches and is hit with a single magical leaf.

Yami Benjy: Use Mirror Force!

Pixielite uses mirror force and the rest of the magical leaves hit the mirror force and scatter.

Yami Benjy: Pixielite, wing attack!

Pixielite shoots down at Roselia, who tries to dodge, but is clipped by wing attack, as Pixielite flies away.

Drew: Use leech seed!

Yami Benjy: Evade!

Roselia shoots leech seeds upwards while Pixielite zips about to avoid them.  Most of the leech seeds miss, but one hits Pixielite's wing.

Drew: Shadow ball now!

Yami Benjy: Mirror force!

Roselia launches shadow ball at Pixielite who uses mirror force just in time to send shadow ball flying back at Roselia, but Pixielite takes damage from leech seed, too leaving both at a net negative in terms of health.

Drew: Shadow ball again!

Yami Benjy: Evade!

Pixielite tries mirror force again, but the attack fails leaving Pixielite to take the damage from shadow ball.  This time, however, Pixielite is able to bite the plant growing on it's wing, yanking it free, which restores some health and points.  Both Benjy and Yami Benjy seem to let out a sigh of relief.

Drew: Finish it with shadow ball!

Shadow ball starts to charge.

Yami Benjy: !  Pixielite!

Pixielite turns it's attention to Yami Benjy.

Yami Benjy: Wing attack straight down!

Drew: What is he thinking?!

Roselia fires shadow ball, and Pixielite goes into a dive.  Pixielite crashes through shadow ball, and slams into Roselia with a wing attack as Roselia lets out a yelp in pain.

Drew: Just who is this guy?!

Yami Benjy: Discharge!

Pixielite sparks, dealing heavy damage to Roselia.

Drew: Solarbeam!

Despite itself crackling with electricity, Roselia's hand starts to glow.

Drew: At such close distance it should be an easy KO.

Yami Benjy: Mirror force!

Pixielite keeps sparking.

Yami Benjy: Mirror force now!

Drew: It's not going to listen to–

Drew is cut off as he realizes that Pixielite has followed the instruction, but rather than a spherical barrier, made mirror force around it's body.  But it's too late to stop Roselia from discharging solarbeam.  An instant later, solarbeam fires, rebounds off of mirror force and explodes.

Mai Valentine: And that's time!

The left half of goes into split-screen on Ash and company while the right side of stays focused on the stage as Nurse Joy steps forwards with with the Slateport ribbon.

May: And time means…

Brock: Whomever has more points is the winner, I think.

Ash: That would be Drew…

May: So Drew beat him too?

The point totals of Pixielite and Roselia are shown on the top of the screen: Roselia with 25% and Pixielite with just a sliver, probably between 6-8%.

Coal: Unless one of the pokémon was knocked out.

Max: And then?

Coal: And there's reason to believe that Roselia was.  Look:

The left side of switches from split-screen to showing the visual of the stage and then a few seconds later all of returns to a view of the stage as the dust clears, leaving Roselia on the stage floor, unconscious, with Pixielite starting at it, worriedly.

Librarian Marian: I have to say, it's a bit surprising.

Above, on the scoreboard, a red "X" appears over Roselia.

Nurse Joy: Are you sure about this?  He had more points when time was called.

Nurse Joy gestures at Drew

Mai Valentine: But Roseila was already knocked out when time was called.  We just didn't know it.

The judges look to each-other and Nurse Joy sighs.

Nurse Joy: Then Mai, would you.

Mai Valentine: Of course.

Mai takes the ribbon from Nurse Joy and hands it to Yami Benjy..

Yami Benjy: T-thank you…

Mai Valentine: You earned it.

The Millennium Gameboy Advance activates.

Across the stage, Drew makes sure Roselia is feeling alright, before scooping it up in his hands.

Roselia: Rose…

New Scene(Waiting Room)

May: He actually won…

Coal: A bit surprising actually, since I doubt he’s even practiced for a contest before.

Ash: What makes you say that?

Coal: As someone who’s been in countless contests myself, those looked more like battle moves.

Coal: And not the typical ones at that.

Coal: If he hadn’t knocked out Roselia right then, his points would had a point loss.

New Scene(Outside the contest hall)

Benjy is holding the ribbon in his hand while Pixielite scans it.  It looks up confused, displaying a picture of the ribbon with a question mark next to it on it’s monitor.

Brock: You think you’re going to enter the grand festival?

Benjy: Grand what?

Brock: It’s like the pokémon league for coordinators, um, you probably don’t know what that is, do you?

Benjy: I know what the pokémon league is, whats a coordinator?

Coal: Simply put, a contest trainer.  If you manage to win at the Grand Festival, they give you a pair of ruby slippers that can take you wherever you want, just tap the heels three times together.

Nurse Joy: I’ve never heard about such a prize.

Coal: That’s because I made that up.

Ash: Nurse Joy?

Nurse Joy: I came to give you a ribbon case.  All coordinators have them, I didn’t realize you didn’t…

Benjy: I thought you were supposed to put the ribbon on the pokémon.

Ash and company stare at Benjy in confusion.

Max: How could they battle if they’re weighed down with ribbons?

Benjy: They’re not that heavy…

Brock: Still, it would seem like a good way to get a ribbon destroyed…

May says nothing as she watches Benjy interact with the others.

May: I don’t understand.  I still don’t understand how he beat Drew…  And he has no idea of what’s going on either.

May pauses.

May: I don’t care if it’s childish, seeing him lose makes me feel better inside.  But how am I supposed to beat him if I can’t even…

May shudders, and Max calls to May to stop daydreaming.

Ash: I guess we’ll see you around then.

Coal: Wait a minute, Ash.  How’s he supposed to survive here?

Ash: What do you mean?

Coal: He’s got no money, at least none that any shop will accept.  Can I see?

Benjy pulls out his wallet and shows Coal a dollar bill.

Brock: Never seen anything like that before…

Coal: Told ya.  He’s coming with us.

Unnoticed by everyone, Chikorita emerges from it’s ball as Ash and company examine the U.S. dollar bill.

Librarian Kate: That’s the Aluminti dollar of planet Earth.  Joy, he really is from…

Ash: What’s an Aluminti?  Is that some kind of new–

Ash is cut off as Chikorita grabs the dollar in his mouth.  Benjy grabs it as well, and both of them tug on it.

Benjy: Chikorita!  Let go!

Chikorita: Grrr…

Benjy: It’s not food!

Benjy lifts Chikorita up by the dollar (Benjy is holding onto one end, and Chikorita is hanging onto the other end by his mouth)

Benjy: The ink could be toxic!

Chikorita: Grrr…!

Brock: I’ll give it some of my pokémon food, that should do the trick.

Brock sets down his backpack and begins to unzip it.

Chikorita: Grrrrrr…

Suddenly Chikorita glows white.

Max: It’s evolving!

Brock: What?

Chikorita grows larger until it’s hind legs touch the ground, and then some.  The glow fades, and Bayleef rips the dollar bill from Benjy’s hand and swallows it, then puts his front feet on Ash and begins to sniff at his badge case, which he quickly holds out of Bayleef’s reach.

Bayleef licks his lips, and Benjy grabs him around the midsection to pull him away.

Max: Just make sure she doesn’t get your ribbon!

Ash and company laugh as Bayleef examines all of them for food.

Brock says that they best be going, and Benjy politely declines the offer to travel with them, not wanting to be a bother.  As they say goodbye, Bayleef takes off after Ash and company, forcing Benjy to take off after him.

Brock: Looks like your pokémon made the decision for you.

Ash: You know, that’s what it means to be a pokémon trainer.

Benjy runs out of breath halfway towards Ash and company.

Benjy: Bayleef, wait!

@Benjy [ Ash and company ]

Ash and company laugh as Benjy runs to catch up with Bayleef.

...///To Be Continued///...