The Trigamon Project

The Divine Parody


Season 1: Episode 4: Sparks Fly for Pixielite


New Scene(Previously on Trigamon)

Narrator: Last time, our not-so-beloved Principal met an unfortunate end by blowing his head to bits, leaving the staff of Realie in a panic to replace him.


Principal Hoover's head explodes.


Waiting Room with Doe and Isabelle.

Narrator: Seeing this, John Q. Arbuckle and Doe Lemonburg of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals seized this opportunity…


Polly uses infinity wing on Floatzel knocking everyone out.

Narrator: …Which was disastrous for the students of Realie!

New Subscene(Continued from Last Time...)

Yami Benjy darts down the hallway, Pixielite right behind him.

Yami Benjy: Pixielite doesn't have enough amperage to do any significant permanent damage, so she should be okay. What worries me is what caused that light.

With this Yami Benjy reaches the end of the hallway, and pulls the door open.

New Scene(Continued from Last Time...)

Yami Benjy pushes the door open into another hallway, and hurries around a corner and down a large set of stairs, and then another, his eyes still glowing.

Benjy: Yami me, we need to get to the newsroom. We can survey the school from there.

Yami Benjy: There might not be time for that!

Benjy: What do you mean? If we don't get a full view on the situation, searching could take hours, or even days! Do you even know where you're going?!

Yami Benjy: Outside. I can see with my eyes faster than we can scan with cameras.

Benjy: But what about if it's inside the school? We'll never find it!

Yami Benjy bursts out of the hall on the ground floor, into the courtyard. Pixielite zips around the door closing behind him.

Yami Benjy: It's impossible for that to have happened indoors.

Yami Benjy pauses briefly to scan the courtyard.

Yami Benjy: If a charge of that size went off inside the building, there would almost certainly be an explosion.

Yami Benjy darts along the side of the building, keeping under the overhang over the courtyard, meanwhile searching the sky.

Benjy: It was just a pulse though… Shouldn't it have faded by now?

Yami Benjy: It should still linger in the immediate vicinity; your eyes should still pick up the remnants of the charge.

Benjy: So everything is going to go green again…

Yami Benjy: I'm sorry, I know it's not easy seeing green.


New Scene()

In the waiting room with Doe, Isabelle, and another man in a dark suit, Doe fidgets with a stress ball slightly. Isabelle is sitting serenely at her computer, but as zooms in, we see that she has an IM window up, and is using it to talk to someone named "Rebecca". Each pop-up lasts for about five seconds.

@Rebecca: "Isabelle, you know they aren't going to call anyone while you're out there."

@Isabelle: "No, I don't know that."

@Rebecca: "Well, I'm telling you now."

@Isabelle: "And how do I know you're telling me factual information?"

@Rebecca: "Are you saying I might be lying?"

@Isabelle: "Yes, you might be."

@Rebecca: "You know me, Isabelle! How do you think that makes me feel?!"

@Isabelle: "We'll talk about that later."

@Rebecca: "Isabelle!"

@Isabelle: "I said that we'll talk about that later."

@Rebecca: "Well if you don't get out of there, they aren't going to be able to hire a new principal!"

@Isabelle: "Define: not able."

@Rebecca: "It's what I overheard!"

@Isabelle: "Do you have it on paper?"

@Rebecca: "No–actually, yes I do."

@Isabelle: "And it's signed by Lightsman?"

@Rebecca: "Yes."

Isabelle: Liar. He never signs anything.

@Isabelle: "Run that by the school lawyer, get it signed in triplicate and fax me a copy." now shifts upwards, back into the room.

Isabelle: I have an example to set.

Doe: Any idea of what's taking them so long?

Isabelle and the man in the suit both shrug. Doe scans the walls, seemingly both bored and anxious. zooms back in on Isabelle's laptop.

@Rebecca: "Isabelle, I'm not your secretary!"

@Isabelle: "You don't have it, do you?"

@Rebecca: "That's not the point! I'm not your secretary! Come see it for yourself!"

Isabelle copies and pastes her last message:

@Isabelle: "You don't have it, do you?"

@Rebecca: "Isabelle! You're missing class!"

@Isabelle: "And why is that a problem?"

@Rebecca: "Because we just got a pop quiz!"

@Isabelle: "Your credibility is very low at this moment."

Isabelle now hits [enter] and looks up, watching Doe pick at her chair nervously.

Isabelle: Its completely possible that she's right, of course. However, I'm not responsible for how school policy works… yet.

A device in Doe's pocket starts flashing a yellow light, and then starts chirping loudly. Doe quickly picks up her communicator.

Doe: John, this is not an appropriate time.

–long pause–

Doe: Gotta go.

Doe turns off the device and starts to put it back in her pocket, but it starts flashing again.

Doe: I said–

–short pause–

Doe: You did what?! John–

Doe now jumps to her feet.

Doe: I'm sorry. Please tell that woman I had a family emergency.

Isabelle nods, and Doe then quickly re-pockets the device after turning it off, then darts out of the room.

Revert Scene()

Yami Benjy rushes into the the Realie courtyard and around the corner of the building, scanning the sky in all directions.

Yami Benjy: Where…

Benjy: Look down–

Yami Benjy looks at the ground, and suddenly, the Millennium Gameboy Advance glows, as the noise of a motor can be heard in the distance.

Yami Benjy: Benjy!

The Millennium Gameboy Advance starts to shine, but then stops.

Benjy: Using your eyes doesn't help if you're going to be as blind as a mole!

With this, Benjy rushes forwards towards the field.

Yami Benjy: What?

Benjy: Alexandra!

Benjy now races onto the field, to where Alexandra is lying unconscious. Upon reaching her, Benjy checks for a pulse, and is relieved when he finds one.

Yami Benjy: Who did this?

Benjy: It was probably related to that pulse earlier.

Doe: John!

Benjy looks up to see Doe racing across the field.

Doe: Holy (bleep), John! What did you do?!

John now calls out to Doe from around the corner of the building (on the opposite side of the building from the courtyard)

John: Doe, help me get them in to the helicopter!

Doe now races around the corner of the building.

Benjy: She looks familiar…

Yami Benjy: We saw her when the birds went berserk. Ignore her for now, we need to get Alexandra to safety!

Benjy: Except she could be hurt internally! You can't move someone that might–

John: Doe, quickly before somebody comes!

Doe: Someone's already here! What were you–

John: Someone's here?

Doe: Duh! What were you thinking using that in a schoolyard?!

As John and Doe have this discussion, Benjy peers around the corner of the building with a periscope.

Yami Benjy: Benjy, we need to get them all to safety!

Benjy: They could be injured internally, moving them could kill them!

Yami Benjy appears to cringe at the force of Benjy's remark. Pixielite beeps behind Benjy. As Yami Benjy ponders what to do, Polly squawks:

Polly: Little twerp is spying!

John: Spying?!

Doe: John, we need to get out of here!

John: Not until these Pokémon are safely–

John suddenly stops talking, as he, Doe, and Polly stare at Benjy, whom in turn is staring at them, completely speechless.

Doe: John, go.

John nods, and continues stuffing pokémon into the helicopter as fast as he can.

Doe: I'll deal with him.

Benjy stares down at John, Doe, and Polly.

Benjy: I'm placing you under citizen's arrest.

Benjy: I don't know what else I can do…

Doe: I can't afford jail time! Not with my perfect track record!

Doe: No… You're not! Polly–

Polly: Polly got this.

With this, Polly launches into the air, wings starting to glow. Pixielite beeps, and starts to spark angrily as Polly charges.

Benjy: Pixielite, thundershock!

Polly: *Squawk* Infinity wing!

Benjy's eyes immediately start to shine with bright green light, which Polly responds to by changing direction. Pixielite zips up behind Polly and delivers a zap to the parrot's tail-feathers. Polly instantly responds by trying to strike Pixielite with a wing full of glowing energy, but Pixielite dodges with amazing speed.

Polly: Infinity wing!

Benjy: Mirror Force!

Pixielite's mirror force doesn't block infinity wing, which sends it flying backwards to where Benjy is as well as kicking up a ton of dust and debris, which forces Benjy to shield his eyes as Pixielite tries to shake of the massive amount of damage it just took.

Yami Benjy: Benjy, open your eyes!

Benjy tries to open his eyes, but can't see much due to the wind and debris.

Doe: Direct attack!

Polly: *Squawk* Infinity wing!

Polly does a circle in midair, and then charges straight for Benjy.

Yami Benjy: I promise I won't touch your unconscious friends!

A split-second before impact, the Millennium Gameboy Advance shines with a golden light. As Polly charges towards Yami Benjy, he moves his hands from his eyes holding them in front of himself as if to block Polly.

Polly: Banzai! *Squawk*

With this, Polly's wings crash into a golden wall, which the rest of his body partially passed through, up to the point where his wings were blocked by it. This leaves Polly's beak about 1 centimeter from Yami Benjy's chest. With a powerful flap of his glowing wings, Polly tries to push himself through the barrier. This is unsuccessful: as soon as Polly's wings strike the barrier, all sorts of magic circles start to appear, and Yami Benjy takes a step backwards with his right foot to stabilize himself.

Polly suddenly flaps his wings three times, and Yami Benjy simultaneously seems to push on the golden barrier, and the two forces collide and react explosively. Yami Benjy maintains the barrier for about five seconds (real time) until the dust clears and the light from Benjy's eyes fades. At this time, the barrier fades, although this does not appear to be intentional.

Doe: Polly, hurricane!

Injured, Polly leaps into the air and flaps his wings, blowing high powered winds at Yami Benjy, and making his eyes glow with blue light.

Doe: Now knock him out with dream-shock!

Polly's wings glow yellow, and suddenly launch light at Yami Benjy. switches to the same angle as Doe's view as she sees the light strike the ground around Yami Benjy, who is instantly obscured by the resulting explosion.

Doe: Finally…

Doe starts to turn to help John, but stops when golden light can be seen coming through the cloud of dust.

Doe: Huh?

As the dust clears, Doe stares at Yami Benjy, who is cloaked with a golden barrier, shielding him and Pixielite from the blast. Polly now is forced to land, exhausted from the fight.

Doe: Impossible…

John: Did you…

John pauses from stuffing the unconscious pokémon into the helicopter to stare at Yami Benjy.

Doe: What is he…?

Polly: He's what happens when you cross Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!

With this, Polly falls over and lies sprawled out on the ground. John rushes to collect him, and rushes him into the helicopter.

Doe: John! We've got to go *now*!

Doe darts into the helicopter right after John, and quickly closes the doors before he can get back out, starting the motor and causing the helicopter to lift off. Yami Benjy rushes at the helicopter as it lifts off, trying to grab onto it, but misses, crashing back down to the ground on his feet. Upset as it's trainer, Pixielite shoots a tractor beam at the helicopter, but this isn't powerful enough to stop it, let alone haul the helicopter back down to the ground, and Pixielite winds up being pulled along with it, as Yami Benjy gasps.

Refresh Scene()

Pixielite angrily crawls along the outside of the helicopter as the helicopter flies higher, approaching an altitude of 200 feet, crawling over the top of the helicopter around to John's window. Pixielite then starts to repeatedly strike the window with it's wings, and shifts inside the helicopter.

John: Doe, open the window! We missed one!

Doe: John, it looks angry–

John: I'd be angry too if I was going to be left behind!

Doe: John I–

John: Just open the zarking window!

Annoyed, Doe presses a button, rolling down the helicopter's window just enough for Pixielite to zip inside the helicopter, sparking angrily as it lands on the dashboard.

Doe: Can we go now?

John: Yow!

John flinches as Pixielite zaps him.

John: Be careful!

Pixielite: Ixie!

Doe starts to touch the controls, only to be zapped by Pixielite.

Doe: OW!

John: You need to stop or she won't be able to get us to safety! (to Pixielite)

New Scene()

Yami Benjy stares up at the helicopter from the field, along with many other students, some of whom were knocked out and have and regained consciousness, and some of whom are new. moves up to the top of the building where a man wearing yellow emerges, along with Mr. Dallas.

Mr Dallas: Lightsman, I–

The man in yellow motions for Mr. Dallas to be silent and he stops talking. Lightsman (the man in yellow) then pulls a strange rod-like device out and aims it at the helicopter.

Mr Dallas: What are you doing?

Lightsman: Making sure they don't get away.

Lightsman winks at Mr. Dallas.

Mr Dallas: That's not a laser pointer…

Lightsman: Course it is.

Revert Scene()

A blue light is shining through the window onto the ceiling of the helicopter as John and Doe can't get the helicopter moving with Pixielite buzzing around and zapping them every half-second.

Polly: You guys, there are people down below.

Doe: Zark!

Doe now attempts to swat Pixielite, but Pixielite proves too fast for this, and Doe repeatedly slaps the dashboard.

John: Doe, stop!

Doe: It's not on our side! It's a robot that's trying to reclaim–

Doe stops talking as she accidentally presses a button that Pixielite was hovering over. A loud clinking sound reverberates.

John: Doe, was that the–ow!

Revert Scene() looks at the helicopter from below as suddenly the back of the helicopter opens up, and and the pokémon from inside are dumped out. split-screens to show the expressions of the crowd as the pokémon start to fall, sending the crowd into a panic to quickly recall the pokémon before they can hit the ground. As this happens, comes out of split-screen.

Revert Scene()

John now takes a swat at Pixielite.

John: Stupid drone!

Pixielite proves too quick for John, who slams his palm onto the dashboard instead, hitting a button that makes the helicopters window wipers go; Doe grabs a rolled-up newspaper to swat Pixielite, who lands on another spot on the dashboard. Both John and Doe now angry prepare to swat Pixielite, and approach it menacingly, but as they do, Pixielite zaps them both, before flying away into the back of the helicopter.

Doe: John, we've got to get out of here!

John: On it!

In a frenzy, John starts pressing buttons on the helicopter's dashboard.

Doe: John! You don't know what you're doing!

John: I'm getting us out of here!!

Faintly, the sound of a police siren can be heard. Doe grabs the controls, but recoils due to a laser pointer being pointed through the window.

John: And… done!

John strikes a button on the dashboard, and suddenly a red light on the dashboard turns on. At the same time, split-screens to show Pixielite trying to figure out how to get out of the helicopter, as John's button-pushing has closed the back of it. Pixielite lands near a circuit, and sparks angrily. Suddenly, the power to the entire helicopter goes out.

John: Huh, the power's out.

Doe: Don't just sit there! Turn it back on!

New Scene()

Pixielite shoots out of the window of the helicopter, shattering it into pieces as the blades of the helicopter start to slow. Seeing this, students and staff scatter away from it. Yami Benjy stares nervously at the helicopter, holding Chikorita and Meowth, both unconscious, in his arms. John and Doe can be heard from inside the helicopter.

John: You need to wait five seconds!

Doe: We're in a helicopter! If the engine stops–

The helicopter's blades have now all but stopped, and the helicopter starts to fall.

Doe: WE CRASH!!!

John: Hey! The computer is–

John is cut off as the helicopter crashes into the ground (with James Bond-style animation) and explodes in a massive ball of fire.

New Scene() synchronizes with Alexandra's vision as she begins to regain consciousness, just in time to see the final second of the helicopter's plummet, and crash into the ground, exploding in a ball of fire. As flames shoot out towards Alexandra, a person (who's features are almost indistinguishable) steps between her and the blast. Alexandra gasps, and this person suddenly shields himself and her with a large golden barrier. de-synchronizes with Alexandra's vision as Yami Benjy stares down the flames from behind his golden barrier, holding Chikorita and Meowth, both unconscious, while Pixielite hides behind him. The eye of Anubis symbol glows brightly on Yami Benjy's forehead, and after roughly two seconds the flames fade and the debris settle down, leaving a nasty scorch mark on the ground. Aside from Yami Benjy, everyone else has gone into a duck-and-cover position.

The Millennium Gameboy Advance now glows, de-activating. Benjy turns around to see Alexandra staring at him, wide-eyed. She then looks into the sky, and Benjy does as well. Other students follow their example, as does

John and Doe: Looks like PETAs blasting off again!

New Scene()

John, Doe, and Polly are hurling through the air.

Doe: Why can't you leave well enough alone?!

John: I'm just doing my job! You're part of PETA now, Doe!

Polly: Polly wanna beer.

John: I'm with the parrot.

After this, all three scream as they continue to go shooting through the air.

Revert Scene()

Benjy: You okay, Yami me?!

Yami Benjy: I've been better. But I've also been worse. How come the building is still holding up… With a…

Benjy: Realie used to be an army base, back in the cold war. There are all sorts of legends about it, but they intended it to survive a nuclear explosion.

Alexandra: Benjy.

Benjy turns around, nervously.

Alexandra: You saved me…

Benjy instantly tenses up, speechless.

Benjy: Um… Uh… Not really.

As Benjy talks, a shadow falls upon him from behind him. Suddenly, someone puts their hand on Benjy's shoulder, causing Benjy to jump, and Chikorita and Meowth to leap out of his arms. Benjy quickly turns around to face a girl with short, silvery-black, hair, about his height, smiling at him. Benjy stares at her and tries to catch his breath.

Alexandra: Kieku! He told you not to do that!

Kieku: You both know I have no impulse control. (under her breath)

Alexandra now gets to her feet, watching Benjy who is shaking.

Benjy: That's why we're living for the day you graduate. (under his breath)

Kieku: Why are you always so highly strung anyway? (under her breath)

Benjy: Go find Max, he was looking for you. (under his breath)

New Scene()

Benjy walks in to a classroom that looks like it's half lab, with a few other students sitting at desks. Alexandra is right behind him, and Pixielite is attempting to make a nest in her hair. Benjy walks over to one of the tables, and sits down in one of the seats. Mr. Dallas stops writing on the whiteboard as Benjy arrives, and turns to address him, starting with a loud sigh.

Mr. Dallas: Benjy, about what Pixielite did to Carol this morning…

Alexandra: She physically assaulted him!

Mr. Dallas stares at Alexandra.

Mr. Dallas: That was part of the story I did not hear. She assaulted you?

Benjy: Sort of.

With this, Benjy gets up to leave the classroom again.

Alexandra: Wait Benjy… it's time for class!

Benjy: I'm not feeling well.

Pixielite looks up from trying to nest in Alexandra's hair.

Pixielite: Beep.

Mr. Dallas: Benjy um…

Mr Dallas turns to the class.

Mr. Dallas: Excuse me.

Mr Dallas hurries after Benjy.

Mr. Dallas: Benjy, what happened?

Alexandra: She tried to grab his Millennium Gameboy Advance away and almost choked him! Benjy, stop! Keiku's out there!

Mr. Dallas: Actually, she could be anywhere by now… Oh my…

Mr. Dallas puts his hand to his forehead, and Benjy starts to smile slightly, and starts walking back towards the classroom.

Katie: Something happen?

Mr. Dallas: Kieku's back already…

Katie: She was gone for like two weeks though…

Mr. Dallas: I was expecting her to be gone much longer.

Will: Did something happen?

Mr. Dallas: Remember the fire alarm two weeks ago? That's all I'm allowed to say.

Will: That was her?

Mr. Dallas: That's all I'm allowed to say.

Katie: Remember last year when she flashed that substitute?

Mr. Dallas: Okay, that's enough Katie–

The Millennium Gameboy Advance now glows.

Yami Benjy: Is Janeson okay?

Mr. Dallas: Technically yes, but I still think she's going to–nevermind, she'll be back tomorrow.

Yami Benjy sits down at the desk again and picks a pen off of the table, not bothering to pull his laptop out of his case, and stares straight ahead. Dallas glances around nervously and returns to the white board.

Mr. Dallas: Okay, everyone, I know we're having a bit of a weird day today, but that doesn't mean it has to be wasted. I found this video online that covers chromosomes, the same as we did last week.

Mr. Dallas goes over to his desk and starts to connect his laptop to the projector. About one second (real time) after Dallas plugs in his laptop, the intercom beeps.

Mr. Dallas: And what now?

Intercom: I'd like your attention for just a minute. This is your vice principal speaking.

All of the students in the classroom, as well as Mr. Dallas, turn to stare at the intercom.

Intercom: While we haven't found a new candidate for principal yet, we've decided we're going to start the process for creating the Student Council that we promised your parents that we'd create.

New Scene()

The woman that met Benjy on the front steps stands in a small room with Lightsman. She puts the microphone down and turns to Lightsman, whom is standing by a small desk against the wall

Woman Vice_Principal: Are you sure this will unite the student body?

Lightsman: We've got like six or seven student governments already, half of which appear to have formed in response to Hoover.

Vice_Principal: And why will adding another one help anything?

Lightsman: I wasn't finished…

Vice_Principal: Sorry…

Lightsman: But yes, it seems counter-intuitive. With Hoover out of the picture, the council will slowly absorb the functions of the various organizations.

Lightsman pauses, then whispers to the vice principal.

Lightsman: Hoover was the subject of about three-quarters of complaints we got from parents. And then the board was being really slow about… Talk about real bureaucracy.

Lightsman shudders slightly, and the woman picks up the microphone again.

Vice_Principal: Everyone, we've never done this before, so I'd appreciate it if you all would bear with us.

The Vice Principal lets out a long sigh.

Vice_Principal: I already see a hundred different ways this could end badly.

Vice_Principal: We're going to have elections this Friday.

The Vice Principal glances over at Lightsman.

Vice_Principal: While you are still in the area.

Vice_Principal: We're sorry that that doesn't give you much time to prepare, but it's already November, and we need to get the ball rolling.

Vice_Principal: I could have said that *much* better…

New Scene()

Benjy unlocks the closet that he was in before, and enters it, holding the door open for someone.

Benjy: Michelle, hurry. I have to go to the restroom.

Michelle's Voice: I'm coming! turns to show Michelle and Caton pushing a large server rack down the hall on a dolly. Benjy holds the door open as Michelle and Caton push the server rack inside the room. After this, Kate enters the room with a pile of clipboards.

Benjy: Okay, I got to go!

Benjy darts off down the hallway leaving Chikorita confused.

Refresh Scene()

Benjy pokes his head in the closet where Michelle, Caton, and an African-American boy are trying to put the server rack in place.

Benjy: I'm back… wait–wait…

Michelle and the African-American boy turn as Benjy enters. Pixielite and Chikorita are in the opposite corner of the room.

Michelle: Huh?

Benjy: Please… Let me handle it okay?

African-American Boy: I thought you'd want to take care of it.

Caton: We put it in the corner for you, the way you like big things.

Benjy eyes the server rack nervously.

Benjy: Yes, thanks, but where it is right now it could overheat. Can you guys please–

Michelle, Caton, and the African-American boy all back up while Benjy approaches the server rack, and tries to pull it a tiny bit away from the window, but it almost tips over on him. Benjy stops the rack from tipping, and grabs the rack at a lower point to pull it.

Benjy: I still don't understand why you have to move everything into my office, just because…

Benjy now successfully pulls the server rack about six inches away from the wall with the window. As Benjy stands up, holding his back, Kate enters the room with a chair.

Michelle: Security reasons, Benjy.

Kate: Where should I put this?

Benjy: Hold onto it for just a min… actually right against the wall there.

Kate moves to put the chair where Benjy is pointing.

Benjy: Yeah, but what was wrong with the union room?

Michelle: If we're going to run a candidate–

African-American Boy: She's worried about it being…

The boy trails off.

Benjy: Gotcha, Brett.

Michelle: Well excuse me!

Benjy: I'm not telling you to get it out of my office. I'm just saying that this… restricts accessibility.

Michelle: You don't understand what they're trying to do! This student council is just a ruse to de-legitimize all the student organizations!

African-American Boy Brett: I'm pretty sure Lightsman is behind this, and I'm pretty sure that your thought hasn't even crossed his mind.

Michelle: Nonetheless, we're still going to be meeting at the Hindenburger down town to discuss our strategy for dealing with this tomorrow after school.

Benjy: Then can you also explain whey you had to put all of this in MY office…?

Caton: You know that not everyone has an office–

Benjy: That doesn't answer my question.

Brett leans over and whispers in Benjy's ear.

Brett: Because she trusts you, but she's too tsundere to admit it. (whisper)

Benjy sighs.

Caton: Hey–

Benjy: He just told me why we couldn't put it in the equipment closet.

The girl in the doorway now enters the room places two servers on their side against the wall. Benjy surveys all of the materials that the student union deposited in his office.

Michelle: Okay, good.

Benjy: Is this everything?

Caton: Just about.

Benjy: This is still my office, Michelle.

Michelle: It's just the cables to make it all work. Kate, can you–?

Kate: Got it.

Kate exits the closet and disappears around the corner.

Benjy: Okay.

Michelle: Allright, then. I'll try and remind you in school, but If I don't see you, it's the Hindenberger on nth street over in Palo Alto.

With this, Michelle and Caton exit the closet. Brett watches Benjy stare at the clipboards piled up by the wall, which Pixielite is sleeping on top of. Chikorita is sniffing the server rack.

Brett: We've still got terminals in the student union room.

Benjy: I figured. I just have to wait for Kate to get back. It would have made a lot more sense to use this for student union stuff back when Hoover was alive.

Brett chuckles.

Brett: Man, that would have been ironic… That was one heckuva a fight. I still can't forget "he who dances with spades."

Fairy_Tail_Zero_Reference { "He who dances with blades" }

Benjy: Give it another year or two.

Brett nods.

Brett: M-hm.

Benjy: They say keeping a ladder in the house is more dangerous than owning a gun.

Brett: Yeah.

Brett: It's like you, bringing a shovel to a knife fight.

Narrator: Two point one years ago:

New Scene(Flashback)

A younger Benjy stands in Realie's courtyard, shivering. A large gardening shovel is resting on his shoulder, and the end of it slightly bloody. Across from Benjy, lying on his back, unconscious, is another boy about four years older than Benjy. This boy has his arm outstretched, and a knife is about three feet away from his hand, on the ground. Benjy and this unconscious boy are surrounded by a small crowd of students.

Benjy shivers, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, an angry man bursts out of the building in which Benjy has his office in now. This man says something that is muted to the audience, and one of the girls in the crowd replies:

Alex: Your son attacked him with a knife!

Drew: It's called self-defense!

The man now leaps for Benjy, who dodges the attack, still trembling. The man says something, which is also muted, and tries to grab at Benjy, whom quickly steps backwards, dodging the hit but nearly falling over.

Refresh Scene()

The handle of the shovel strikes this man in the side of his head, knocking him to the ground unconscious. Benjy stares at the man and his son on the ground, shaking.

New Scene()

Benjy stands in his bedroom in the dark, panting.

Benjy: No matter how hard I try to forget, I always remember that at times like this.

Benjy looks around his room. Pixielite is asleep on a small blanket on Benjy's desk, while Chikorita is sleeping at the foot of his bed.

Yami Benjy: You're trembling. That was Hoover's right-hand man, correct?

Benjy: His vice principal, yes. I was so scared… I thought I had killed them…

Benjy takes a long sigh.

Yami Benjy: They say that he who has not experienced trauma has never fought for justice.

Benjy: That doesn't help. It could all have been prevented… in so many different ways too.

Yami Benjy: I wasn't there, but I've heard…


Yami Benjy: You should probably get some rest before tomorrow.

Benjy stares down at his bed.

Benjy: Yeah, should, but I can't.

Benjy walks over towards his computer and wakes it from it's sleep, taking the MGBA off as he does.

Benjy: I can't go to bed like this.

Yami Benjy projects himself.

Yami Benjy: So what are you going to do?

Benjy: Try to distract myself with gifs of cats…

Yami Benjy: Just don't wake the dog…

To Be Continued

©April 2, 2015 by Benjy Strauss