The Trigamon Project

The Divine Parody


Season 1: Episode 3: PETA Strikes Back


New Scene(Previously on Trigamon)

Narrator: Last time, our allies were sent into what looked like a different dimension, but even now we're still not sure. Benjy managed to get himself home with the help of some mysterious ruby slippers, and now no one seems to be able to remember last's night's play correctly!


Benjy faces Belladonna (Ila) on the stage, and is teleported away by the green light while Josh films.


Benjy grabs Ila's wrists, and she explodes in fairy dust.


The "spindle" from the play hatches, revealing Pixielite.

New Scene()

@Spatial = School

@QST.Calendar: []

Looking more than a little tired, Benjy climbs the steps towards his school with Chikorita at his heels. As Benjy climbs the white fake-marble steps, he looks around to see who's nearby. Chikorita takes this opportunity to sniff the ferns growing by the steps.

Narrator: Realie Academy. A place for all the round peg children that didn't fit into the square holes of public school, along with a good number of other children that were just, suspected, of maybe being a bit round.

Narrator: Ultimately, Realie is based on a real place, but with a name change as to suppress mild trauma on the part of the writer. (mumble)

The narrator pauses just long enough for someone to say something.

Narrator: What? You thought it was for legal reasons? Don't be silly.

Narrator: Realie is has a population of roughly 400 students, although the staff debate the exact number, which is about three times the number of students the school it was based off of had, when it was attended by the writer.

As Benjy stands on the steps, a woman around the age of 60 approaches him.

Woman: Benjy!

Benjy looks around to see where the voice was coming from, but can't find the source, and ultimately decides it was in his head, and continues up the steps.

Woman: Benjy!…

The woman now taps Benjy on the shoulder, and he spins around to face her.

Woman: I said good morning.

Benjy: Oh, hi… Didn't see you.

Woman: You've got to get to bed earlier…

Benjy lets out a small sigh, but other than that ignores this piece of advice, allowing the woman to turn her attention to another male student, dressed slightly like a punk.

VP[L]: (To another student) You too, get to bed earlier.

Student: Buzz off socialist!

New Scene()

@Spatial =   Inside

A pointy-haired man in a cheap suit watches as the students come in the door, trying his best to count them. He stares down at a tray containing a "Duff" bottle (with a picture of Homer Simpson on it's label) and a pack of cigarettes. He also calls out Benjy's name as Benjy enters the building.

Man: Benjy!

Benjy: Huh?

Benjy looks up at the man.

Man: What happened to my coffee?

Benjy looks around.

Benjy: I don't know…

Man: But you're–you're right there…

Benjy: With all due respect Mr. Hoover, are you using your skull to store damp rags? (tired)

Man Hoover: As principal of this school, what I store in my skull is none of your business.

A girl (Alex) calls down to Benjy from the balcony above.

Alex: Another one for the yearbook.

Teacher: Would you please just go back to your office, sir? (to Hoover)

Principal Hoover: You don't understand, I have to principal these students.

With this, Hoover lights a cigarette.

Teacher: Go outside with that!

Hoover mutters something incomprehensible, and walks outside, grabbing his bottle of Duff. About five feet from the door he presses the cigarette to his lips. Instantly, Hoover's head explodes with a deafening POP! Benjy nearly falls over in surprise. As the teacher looks around, Benjy darts quickly away, and up the stairs.

Yami Benjy: And that just goes to show that smoking kills.

Halfway up the stairs Benjy turns around to glance at the mess on the ground outside the door.

Benjy: He's really dead, isn't he?

Yami Benjy: Hope so. He was enough trouble when he was alive. I can't imagine him as a zombie.

Benjy: I'd find that funny if I wasn't so tired…

Benjy now arrives at the top of the stairs, where Alex is staring out the door in a fit of giggles.

Alex: I'll make your caption, "he who made the principal's head explode."

Benjy: No… Don't… Don't…

Alex: Okay, okay…

Passing Teacher: Are you both alright?

Alex shrugs.

Alex: It's nothing anyone hasn't seen before.

Passing Teacher: Can you explain?

Benjy: It means video games have gotten too violent.

The teacher turns to go, and Alex lightly slaps Benjy, although Benjy chooses to ignore the gesture. With this, Benjy turns and walks into the main hall, towards the courtyard.

New Scene()

@Spatial = Realie Courtyard

Chikorita walks at Benjy's heels as he enters the courtyard, where groups of students are milling around waiting for the bell to ring. Benjy approaches one table under a tree, with two girls and two boys standing around it.

Max: Karma's a (bleep).

Michelle: Benjy, there you are. You look worn out!

Benjy: I had a bit of a night last night.

Michelle: Max, tell me about it. (spoken sarcastically)

Max: Alex gets her 15 minutes of fame in her play, Benjy gets 15 minutes of fame from storysolving it.

Chikorita darts under the bench and starts rolling in the flowering bush underneath it.

Michelle: He made that word up you know.

Max: But it describes what he did perfectly, no? He went into the world of the play and changed it.

Max looks around the courtyard at everyone.

Max: When is my 15 minutes!

Max looks up to see the entire courtyard looking at him. After about a second they go back to their normal conversations.

Max: For those of you too socially inept to figure it out, I'm talking about my premonition!

Michelle: Give it a rest Max, Kate already said there was no way it could happen.

Alex: Benjy wasn't in my play initially, was he?

Max: No, he's Benjy! Are you okay?

Alex: For some reason I remember him in the play…

Michelle: You need to lie down. You probably all drank some bad water or something. Benjy was working on the yearbook when you had rehearsals. And he CAN'T ACT!

Max turns to Benjy.

Max: So what really happened?

Benjy: Where to even begin… One of the actors–I can't tell if she was method acting or insane. She decided to engage the audience in a well

Michelle: …Novel way, hun?

Benjy: One might say. From what I can tell, everyone else in the audience was fast asleep–

Alex: My play was NOT that boring.

Benjy: I don't know why they were sleeping. Anyway, your Belladonna actress decided to go lord Voldemort on my brother and me.

Michelle: But your alive.

Benjy: Yes, she didn't get that magic isn't real. Although Josh threw up, and that's when things got weird.

Michelle: Go on?

Benjy: She tried to attack us, and I chased her back onto the stage. And then I don't know what happened. We were transported to an alternate reality or something.

Max: Go on…

Benjy sighs, then cringes.

Benjy: Chikorita and I tracked her down trying to get answers, wound up fighting her, and then:

Benjy swallows.

Benjy: I was given some ruby slippers which warped me back to the stage.

Michelle: Benj, I think you fell asleep.

Benjy sets his backpack down and rummages through it.

Benjy: That doesn't explain everything though… I've still got the ruby slippers that brought me back home.

Michelle: Alex, did Benjy start sleepwalking during your play?

Alex: Michelle, I told you what I remember.

Benjy extracts two jeweled slippers from his backpack and hands them to Michelle, who stares at them confused.

Michelle: Those are props.

Alex: I've never seen those before…

Max: Since when does Sleeping Beauty have ruby slippers?

Michelle: From a different play… Duh.

Max: Hold on, shouldn't the bell have rung by now.

Benjy surveys the courtyard, curiously. shifts to Chikorita, who is scouring the ground for bits of trash to eat. Mr Dallas leaves the building and walks onto the courtyard.

Mr Dallas: I'm sorry for the delay, we're having some administrative issues.

Anthony: Is it true that Hoover's head exploded?

Mr Dallas: News travels fast.

Mr Dallas: I will neither confirm nor deny that statement.

Michelle: Yup, Anthony, his head really blew up.

Anthony: So is it true?

Mr. Dallas doesn't reply, instead he gestures to Michelle.

Michelle: It's administrative issues, he's not actually allowed to tell you.

Max: Wouldn't surprise me one bit, knowing Hoover's track record.

Benjy shudders.

Max: That's right, you've had some fights with him, haven't you?

Benjy: For a second I thought we were in for another one this morning.

Benjy shivers slightly.

New Scene()

A good ways above the school, John, Doe, and Polly are looking down at Realie from inside their helicopter.

Doe: So this is the end of the trail… I guess the kid has to go to school somewhere.

John: Realie High School. Even the name makes me upset.

Doe: Everything makes you upset.

John: What can I say? That's why I joined PETA. And with the birds back to normal, there's no one to stop us anymore.

Doe looks out the window at the courtyard below.

Doe: According to the data I gathered from social networking sites, a large percentage of the students here have actual pokémon on them. If we're not careful they could turn into an angry mob.

John: Mobs of angry students haven't stopped you before Doe.

Doe: That because they're usually on our side, at universities and the like. A K twelve school is probably going to be… …different.

Doe turns behind her.

Doe: Polly, how much fake blood do we have?

Polly pops out of the area behind the seats.

Polly: Bucketfuls! *SQUAWK!*

Polly: Can Polly haz another band-aid?

Doe reaches down between the seats and pulls out a box of band-aids, and hands one to Polly who then proceeds to open and apply it to her leg.

Revert Scene()

Mr Dallas gets up on a picnic table, megaphone in hand.

Mr. Dallas: Sometimes I think this entire job is responding to crises.

Mr. Dallas: Attention everyone. We've had some unexpected circumstances this m–

A boy with black hair standing by the bench that Mr. Dallas is standing on cuts him off:

Will: Hoover blowing his head up?

Mr. Dallas: I will neither confirm nor deny…

Mr Dallas catches the woman from before out of the corner of his eye. She suddenly sails a paper airplane at him, which Mr. Dallas catches, and proceeds to open up the paper, knocking a paperclip on the tip of the airplane to the ground.

Mr. Dallas: Okay, let me rephrase that. Mr. Hoover is has suddenly resigned such that he can spend more time with his family. If everyone could–

Will: His family's dead!

Alexandra: They're dead?

Will: Yup, they're dead. You never heard him tell that story? They all died of carbon-monoxide poisoning.

On the picnic bench, Mr. Dallas shivers, and glances over at where the woman was who through him the paper airplane with the note on it.

Mr. Dallas: We didn't think this through…

Alexandra: So he did blow his head up!

Mr. Dallas: I'm telling you everything I know–

Mr. Dallas: Okay–that was a lie, everything I'm allowed to tell you–

Mr. Dallas: Look. I need fifteen minutes, I'll have the story straight at that point.

Mr Dallas jumps down from the chair as Benjy walks away into a building nearby

New Scene() shows a hallway with stairs leading down to a door, and Benjy opens the door and climbs the stairs into the hallway. Once Benjy climbs up the stairs, he lets Chikorita down, and he walks beside him for a few feet until Benjy gets to a large closet about six feet wide and twelve feet deep. Here, he presses two buttons on the door and the closet unlocks, allowing Benjy to go inside the almost completely empty room, closing the door after him. A large walking stick is in the corner of the room by the window.

At the end of this room, which as about four feet wide and ten feet long, Benjy sits down against the far wall, which is a window facing out over the courtyard. The window extends nearly from the ceiling to the floor, except for 2 feet on the bottom and one foot on the top. The closet's light is on, but the walls are blank other than several sticky notes posted on the walls.

Benjy puts his backpack down, and pulls out a laptop satchel. Chikorita sits down at his side, and Benjy starts stroking him absentmindedly, as he (Chikorita) stretches out. Pixielite messes with his hair as he does, as if it's trying to make a nest.

Yami Benjy: Benjy, we're missing the assembly…

Benjy: I know. I just got out of the frying pan last night, not really keen into getting into the fire now.

Benjy scans the sticky notes on the walls, until one catches his eye. He gets up, being careful not to disturb Pixielite, and plucks it off the wall, crumpling it up. Benjy plucks another sticky note off the wall.

Benjy: Also obsolete.

Yami Benjy: Benjy, they're going to have students help with selecting the new administrator.

Benjy: Sure they are. (sarcastic)

Benjy pulls another sticky note off of the wall.

Yami Benjy: What kinds of qualifications should we look for?

Benjy: You really think they're serious, don't you.

Refresh Scene()

Benjy emerges from the room and walks down a hallway with Chikorita and Pixielite behind him. He wears a cream-colored laptop case with a strap on it, and a battered-looking red laptop in it. Benjy walks past a room, with a closed door, from which the noise of people talking can be heard, as if a meeting is being held.

Yami Benjy: The student administration isn't wasting any time…

Benjy: I'd actually argue that all they're doing is wasting time.

Chikorita stops to sniff at the meeting door briefly and then resumes following Benjy.

Yami Benjy: What do you mean?

Benjy: It's nothing new. All of the clubs will brainstorm for a few hours and come up with some kinds of proposals which will be given to the real administration.

Yami Benjy: And why aren't we doing this?

Benjy: Do you know what happens to all those documents?

Yami Benjy: No…

Benjy: Sorry, that was a bit of a trick question. The answer is nothing. Those documents are going to be tucked away in a file somewhere and never seen again. That's why I'm going straight to class.

Benjy turns the corner, and shifts past him, through the door into the Student Administration Room:

Max: Okay fellow students: what qualities are we going to be looking for in this new hire?

An athletic-looking boy to Max's left taps the table.

Boy1: Well, they've got to be hot…

Max: We can fix that by shutting off the air conditioning to their office. Next.

A tall, blond-haired girl raises her hand, and Max calls on her. This girl is muted while the narrator speaks:

Narrator: This is the Realie Student Administration. Not to be confused with the Realie Student Government, or Realie Student Union. Like most parts of any government, the Realie Student Administration doesn't really do all that much of anything, but simply exists in addition to, and usually in spite of, other student groups.

Max: Natalia, that's an… interesting idea.

Max: It's going to be hard to get the student government on board, however.

Max peers across the table at a pink-haired girl raising her hand.

Max: Alexandra…

Alexandra: Um, how about actual experience?

Alexandra looks around the room, to see who agrees with her, and hiccups in surprise to see everyone staring at her.

New Scene()

In the bushes outside the Student Administration room, Alexandra is picking shatterproof safety-glass out of her hair. Alexandra now stands up and brushes herself off.

Alexandra: Hmph! If that's the way they're going to be, I'm going to make my own list of qualifications!

Alexandra then starts to giggle maniacally.

New Scene()

Benjy enters a classroom where an middle-aged female teacher is writing something on the blackboard. Lana and Alex enter the room after him.

Teacher: Now as you can clearly see on page 476–

Benjy: Sorry we're late–

The teacher turns to him.

Teacher: Where were you?! We just finished our poetry analysis! Quickly, what do you think of the line, on the top of page 476?

Without sitting down, Benjy pulls out the textbook, and opens the book to 476.

Benjy: You mean, "true love is like a rose, that shall never, ever decompose?"

Teacher: Yes! What is your interpretation?!

As Benjy speaks the following lines, the teacher's expression turns from one of awe to one of appallment. Lana and Alex take this opportunity to sit down.

Benjy: The only way a rose won't decompose is if it's plastic. So I think this is saying that true love is a lie, like plastic rose.

The teacher gasps. Benjy looks up at the teacher and, flips back the page to the previous page.

Max: That's what we kept trying to tell you. This poem is written by an accountant!

Teacher: But doesn't everyone have a romantic side?

Lana: Why else would he go into accounting?

Benjy takes his laptop from it's case and sets it up on his desk. As soon as Benjy puts it down on the table, Chikorita jumps on the keyboard, meows, and starts licking his paws until Benjy removes him from the keyboard.

Teacher: Alex… What do you think of the line Benjy read.

Alex: How should I know? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I understand this romantic (bleep). now shifts through the wall to where Alexandra is running towards the classroom.

Alexandra: I'm late! I'm late!

Alexandra runs down the hall towards the english classroom holding her binder and a sheet of paper, and in the process crashes into one of the teachers walking the other way.

Alexandra: Oop–sorry.

Mr. Starf: *chuckles* This is why they say no running in the halls. What's that?

Starf gestures at the paper that Alexandra is holding.

Alexandra: A list of qualifications for the new principal. Since the student body is supposed to be involved.

Mr. Starf: Can I see?

Alexandra hands the paper to Starf and he begins reading it.

Mr. Starf: Let's see: yada yada yada, (x2)

Alexandra: Um… What do you think?

Mr. Starf: I'm not actually reading it, I'm just looking at it and going "yada yada yada."


Starf pats Alexandra on the head gently, making the later back away nervous.

Mr. Starf: Let's see: yada yada yada…

As Mr. Starf finishes saying this, he rips up the document and tosses the pieces out the open window.

Alexandra: Ah–

Down the hall, the classroom door opens, and Max jumps out.

Max: Hey?! What did you do that for?!

Mr. Starf: I'm sorry, but that I had to.

Alex now pokes her head out of the classroom.

Alex: Why?

Mr. Starf: Because it went against what's already been predetermined.

(A Zarosian symbol on Starf's necklace appears to catch light from the window)

Alex: So is this also predetermined?

Mr. Starf: Let me see…

Starf walks up to Alex who pretends to pull out a piece of paper. Instead when Starf gets close, she lands a massive punch into the side of Starf's head, knocking him down. Starf hits the floor with a thump and Alex wonders if it was too much.

Max: Nah, he needed that. No one saw anything, right?

Max peers in the classroom and everyone claims that they didn't see anything. Benjy is typing on his laptop and not paying any attention to this.

New Scene() is pointed upwards to where the pieces of the shredded document are floating up towards PETA's helicopter, sucked up by the updraft created by the blades.

The pieces of paper blow up against Doe's side window, and she rolls down her window to collect them for fear that a bird would eat them. Inside the helicopter, she and John reconstruct the message.


John: It appears that the school is short an administrator. I think this is an opportunity knocking. It would be rude not to answer.

Doe: But are we qualified?

John: You're the one with the MBA…

Doe: But a school doesn't function like a standard business!

Polly: *Squawk* Just complete this online program! *Squawk* Five minutes!

Polly hands Doe a laptop, which she takes from him, albeit nervously.

Doe: Get you administration certificate in five minutes? I'm not so sure about this…

John: But we can't let an opportunity like this go to waste!

Doe: Tsk.

Doe presses some pedals on the helicopter, putting it in neutral, and begins using the computer.

John: And when you're done with that–

Doe: Roger. I'll take her down.

John: It's John! My name is John!

Polly squawks and Doe begins preparing to land their helicopter.

Revert Scene()

As PETA's helicopter descends, the attention of the class turns to the window, with some voicing their confusion about the helicopter. The helicopter lands in the courtyard, crushing a picnic table as it does. Mr Dallas steps out of his classroom to see who it is. The helicopter door opens, but no one comes out.

Dallas: Excuse me, who are you?

A megaphone screeches, and Dallas stumbles backwards clutching his head.

Doe.megaphone: Now standby for drama!

John.megaphone: And possibly trauma!

Doe.megaphone: To protect every species from devastation

John.megaphone: To inform, an entire, civilization

Doe.megaphone: To renounce the horror of your so-called love!

John.megaphone: We'll stop you from even harming a bug!

John.megaphone: It's John!

Doe.megaphone: Doe!

After introducing themselves, John and Doe exit the helicopter, standing in front of it to face the large crowd of students that have gathered

Doe.megaphone: PETA is here, saving the night.

John.megaphone: Surrender, or flee in terror and fright.

Polly.megaphone: Polly! That's right!

Benjy stares down at PETA interacting with members of the staff that have come to see what they're up to. Down below, VP[L] signals to another female staff member to go get someone.

Alex: What would PETA want with a school?

Max: I'm guessing their spy satellite found a fur coat or something.

Yami Benjy: Those two look awfully familiar.

Benjy: Yeah, they do. I just can't put my finger on where I've seen them before…

Refresh Scene()

Benjy and Yami Benjy stare out the window, along with the teacher and just about every other student in the class. Chikorita and Pixielite however are sound asleep in the sun. Yami Benjy projects himself to get a better view.

Alex: What do you think is going on?

Yami Benjy: If I had to guess, I'll bet they learned that we needed a new principal by the way of Alexandra's memo that Starf threw out the window.

Lana: I guess that means no more wearing fur coats to school.

Max: Trolling them is going to be fun.

New Cutscene(Imaginary)

Max goes into Hoover's old office where Doe is sitting at Hoover's old desk.

Max: I need advice on something.

Doe: Sure, what?

Max: I was battling a feral cat, and I can't figure out what would be a more ethical way of weakening it to catch it.

Doe's face turns red.

Max: Would it be better to zap it with a thunderbolt or, to have Cantherius blow it into the street and let a car do the job for me?

Doe's face gets redder and she falls backwards in her chair. Will enters the room behind Max.

Max: Mischief managed.

Will: I can't wait to show her the stuffed dog we dyed with grape juice.

Lana: It already is… heh-heh. swivels to Lana as she exits the classroom, wearing what appears to be a fur coat.

Michelle: That coat is fake, right?

Alex: This is going to hurt…

Will: Peanuts anyone? split-screens showing the expressions on the faces of { Alex, Benjy, Lana, Max, Michelle, and Will }; in the bottom panel Alexandra faints, and Benjy looks over at her nervously.

Benjy: I'd better go see to her.

Max: But you'll miss all of the fun!

Benjy: If I wanted to see people fight, I'd watch Jerry Springer. I need someone's help.

Michelle: Benjy, I'll come with you.

New Scene()

Inside an empty classroom (on the floor above the closet Benjy was in), Alexandra lies on some gym mats. Benjy is at the window looking out at the staff talking to PETA. Alexandra's Meowth is licking itself on the floor next to her.

Room Layout
Error: image not found.

Michelle walks over to the window.

Michelle: Wow, you're just not in the mood today.

Benjy: Not after last night, no.

Michelle: I'm going back down. You stay here with Alexandra and make sure she doesn't freak out when she wakes up.

Benjy: But my laptop is–

Michelle: Benjy, that was an order. I'll have Max bring you your laptop.

Benjy sighs.

Benjy: It'll just be a minute–

Michelle: Benjy, stay here.

Yami Benjy: Benjy, she is the class representative.

Benjy: I'm going to give you an order–

Michelle: Ok, ok. If you don't trust Max, I'll get it for you, just please–

Benjy: Quickly!

Michelle now exits the classroom, and Benjy turns to Alexandra, where her Meowth is beginning to eye her nervously.

Benjy: She'll wake up any moment now.

Meowth: Meow?

Yami Benjy: Do that trick she taught you.

Benjy: Trick?

Yami Benjy: To check for a fever.

Benjy: Oh, that. I don't think she has one, but…

Benjy gets down on his knees, and trembling, pushes Alexandra's hair back to expose her forehead. Benjy starts to move close to her to but his forehead against hers, but when their heads are about 2 inches apart, Alexandra suddenly opens her eyes, and both she and Benjy both instantly retreat. Alexandra's Meowth blinks in confusion. shifts to Alexandra's viewpoint as Yami Benjy projects himself, explaining that he had Benjy check for a fever. Alexandra's Meowth goes back to licking itself. Benjy shakes slightly and goes over to the window.

Benjy: Wow, they're all down there. Starf and M3LL too. Alexandra, you okay?

Alexandra: I'm fine, except for that scare from your AI friend.

Yami Benjy: I said I was sorry…

Alexandra: That doesn't make me get over it instantly!

Benjy: My fault really. I should've anticipated that you'd wake up at precisely that moment.

Alexandra: Your fine. It's that clueless AI of yours!

Benjy: Which I should have known better than to listen to.

Yami Benjy: Love is in the air, methinks?

Benjy: Methinks you need to be quiet.

Meowth: Meow meow?

Alexandra puts her hands in her lap and gazes up at the ceiling.

Alexandra: I still remember when we first met:

New Scene(Flashback)

Alexandra is carefully walking through one of the hallways of Realie. A voice calls from around the corner.

Benjy: Rachel?

Alexandra hesitates.

Benjy: Where'd you go? Rachel? Ra–chel?

Benjy moves swiftly around the corner, and fails to notice Alexandra. As a result, he crashes into her and their heads bonk together, but neither fall over. Immediately after the collision, Benjy instinctively backs up into a bookcase and a book bonks him on the head, before he notices that Alexandra is holding her head.

Benjy: Uh–you okay?

Alexandra nods, and Benjy turns around to continue on his way, when Alexandra lets out a small groan. Benjy turns around again.

Benjy: You don't sound okay…

Alexandra: I'm a bit nervous around boys, so um…

Benjy: Hmm. Can't you just pretend that I'm a girl or something then?

Alexandra: But you don't look anything like a–

Lana walks up behind Alexandra.

Lana: It's OK Alexandra. She's totally a girl.

Benjy: Technically–

Lana: Were helping Alexandra pretend.

Benjy: Oh, my bad. She also hit her head.

Lana: Alexandra, do you remember who I am?

Alexandra: You're Lana.

Lana: Do you remember who he is?

Alexandra: I've never met him before.

Lana: Yes you have. You must have amnesia.

Alexandra: Stop it Lana.

Benjy: I don't recall meeting you either.

Lana: You must also have amnesia.

Alexandra: Stop it Lana.

An older girl walks up behind Benjy.

Rachel: Yes, stop it Lana.

Alexandra begins to stand as Benjy continues to stare out the window watching PETA interact with the school staff.

Michelle: And here's your laptop. This one is the one that still works, right?

Michelle walks into the room and hands Benjy's laptop to him. As Benjy accepts it, his eyes start to glow.

Michelle: Um… Benjy…

Benjy stares at the screen in confusion.

Alexandra: Your eyes are…

Benjy: And thats not all; the kernel just panicked…

Benjy presses the power button, gently cursing under his breath.

Start of Song: "Kernel Panic Song"

A parody of Murder City' as covered by/from: Green Day

Lyrics are this color.

• Events following lyrics occur simultaneously with above lyrics

#Define Chorus {

➜Tis desperate, but I'm not hopeless;

➜I'm feeling anxious, thanks to kernel panic;

➜Tis desperate, but I'm not done yet;

➜My system 's useless, 'cause the kernel panicked;


Benjy taps various keys, but nothing happens. Eventually he holds down the power button, and the laptop restarts…

➜All the data got deleted;

➜And they said Linux was painless;

The laptop restarts into the same frozen kernel panic screen. In the hallway, Drew can be seen giggling:

➜Your empty laughter, it is treason;

➜You sound just like an asthmatic dragon;

➜We sit here staring and it's just pathetic;

Benjy stares at his computer trying to figure out what to do next.


Benjy powers off the laptop…

Alexandra: Why don't you just call tech support?

Benjy: …that's not how Linux works…

Benjy gets up and exits the room, leaving Alexandra alone with the crashed laptop. Curiously, she opens it up and starts to see if she can make it work.

➜Someone's cursing in the men's room;

➜And I just want to have some internet;

➜There has to be a new solution;

➜Tis cause for a new revolution;

➜We sit here staring and it's just pathetic;

Chorus (x2)

End of Song: "Kernel Panic Song"

All three now stare down into the courtyard.

Michelle: What's going on down there with PETA? It's starting to make me uneasy.

All watch as down below in the courtyard, [L] and Doe head off into the main building, while Doe continues to talk to the staff.

Benjy: As class rep you should probably go introduce yourself.

Michelle: No way! Where's [L] taking that guy?

Benjy: I'm guessing he's going to be interviewed.

Michelle: Alexandra! This is all YOUR fault!

Alexandra: What did I do?!

Michelle: It was your letter that Starf threw out the window that they must've–

Benjy: Knock it off.

Michelle: I'm class rep!

Benjy: You also have no way of verifying what you just said.

Michelle: I'll go ask them.

Benjy: 'kay.

With this, Michelle leaves the room, and Benjy and Alexandra watch her go.

Alexandra: But if they did…

Benjy: Then blame the guy who threw it out the window.

Alexandra: They're really making me nervous…

Yami Benjy: Everything makes you nervous.

Benjy: Alexandra, I need to get back to class now–

Alexandra: But your laptop.

Benjy: I can fix it in class… *sigh* …if it can be fixed.

Benjy sighs.

Benjy: You coming?

Alexandra: I'm not feeling well, so.

Benjy: Okay, I'll send someone.

Alexandra: Um…

Benjy: Sorry, I have to go. Chikorita, you keep an eye on her, okay?

Chikorita: Chiko!

Chikorita turns and stares at Alexandra waving the leaf on his head expectantly. Benjy turns to exit with Pixielite riding on his head, and then darts off down the hallway.

Alexandra: What am I going to do?

New Scene()

Doe walks beside VP[L] down a hall.

VP[L]: It hasn't been four hours since the position opened and we already have four candidates to fill it! If things continue at this rate…

VP[L] and Doe walk into a room where five people are waiting in chairs against the wall.

VP[L]: Wait, five–no six!

Doe: Mind if I take a seat?

VP[L]: Not at all.

Doe goes over to an empty chair and sits down as VP[L] scans over the applicants. Among them is a young woman with pink hair and large glasses, whom VP[L]'s gaze lands on.

VP[L]: And just how many of these are our own students?

VP[L]: Attention applicants, we are not interested in interviewing those who are also students here at Realie.

One of the young men looks up at VP[L], trying not to laugh.

Young Man: Really?

VP[L]: Yes, really.

The young man, as well as the student next to him and a girl across the room get up and leave the room, but the lady with the pink hair and glasses doesn't move.

VP[L]: Isabelle… We aren't in–

Pink-Haired Lady Isabelle: I heard you, Vice Principal, but I'm still applying for the position.

Isabelle straightens her glasses, allowing VP[L] to see a piece of paper on the table beside her.

VP[L]: I never know what to expect with that girl. No–that lady.

VP[L]: You're missing class, Isabelle.

In response to this comment, Isabelle pulls out a blue note card from under the white piece of paper, showing it to VP[L].

Isabelle: It's okay, I believe I have everything in order.

Revert Scene()

Alexandra sits with her hands in her lap, leaning against the wall of the room. Chikorita and Meowth are both keeping an eye on her, facing into the room (away from the door). Footsteps echo through the hall, prompting Chikorita and Meowth to turn around.

Chikorita and Meowth watch as a woman, who looks as if she's in her thirties, enters the room.

Woman: Alexandra?

Alexandra looks up at the woman.

Alexandra: Huh?

Woman: I heard you weren't feeling well.

Alexandra: Oh, um–

Woman: And that PETA was making you nervous?

Alexandra: Um–

Woman: Don't worry, we're not actually hiring anyone today, these are just preliminary interviews. Plus, there's no shortage of candidates to choose from.

Alexandra: I… I figured something like that.

Woman: So what's really bothering you?

Alexandra: W-well– It's just the possibility that…

The woman looks down and notices that Chikorita and Meowth are with Alexandra.

Refresh Scene() shows Alexandra, Chikorita, and Meowth interacting with the woman via the open door to the hallway.

Woman: I understand. You can't focus on your schoolwork right now, I'll let M3LL know. Given that, I suggest you give your pokémon some exercise. The fresh air will make you feel better.

Alexandra: Um–

Woman: I'm serious Alexandra, get some fresh air.

Alexandra nods.

Alexandra: Actually, Chikorita is…

Woman: I'm sure Benjy won't mind. We at the office borrow him all of the time when we need to do shredding.

Alexandra: Right… right…

New Scene()

Alexandra walks out onto a grassy field with the courtyard behind her. In the distance (~200 feet) several Pokémon and their trainers are battling. At Alexandra's feet Meowth licks itself. Alexandra hesitates briefly, recalling the woman's words, and then heads out onto the grass. Chikorita and Meowth follow her, as Chikorita soaks up sunlight with the leaf on his head. As Alexandra walks further onto the field, someone calls out to her:

Boy's Voice: Hey Alexandra! You came to battle!

Alexandra: Actually, I was told to get some fresh–

The boy is now onscreen.

Boy's Voice: Ready, Riolu?!

Alexandra: Shamim, no! I'm actually just–

Alexandra is cut off as the boy (Shamim) calls on Riolu to use swift. Chikorita and Meowth both try and dodge the attacks, but are shocked as swift chases them.

Alexandra: It's no good, it's a guaranteed–

At this point, swift crashes into Chikorita and Meowth, doing moderate damage.

Shamim: And–swift again!

Alexandra: Meowth! Chikorita!

Chikorita jumps to his feet in front of Alexandra and as swift shoots towards him and fires off a volley of razor leaves, cutting through swift.

Alexandra: Shamim, stop it!

Shamim: You walked into my line of sight! It's my right as a trainer to challenge you!

Chikorita takes this opportunity to attack Riolu with magical leaf.

Shamim: Riolu–force palm!

Riolu charges towards Chikorita and Meowth, and strikes before Alexandra, Chikorita, or Meowth can respond, knocking Chikorita into the air, as Alexandra gasps. Riolu starts to attack Meowth, but Alexandra has Meowth leap into the air to dodge the hit. Not discouraged, Shamim has Riolu leap after Meowth, delivering a powerful punch to it in the air. Meowth crashes to the ground, damaged but not yet KOed. Behind Alexandra, Chikorita gets back to his feet.

Alexandra: Um…

John's voice: Cease and desist immediately!

Alexandra, Shamim, and several other trainers and pokémon on the field all gaze around confused to where the voice is coming from.

Alexandra: Yeah, stop it Shamim.

Shamim doesn't appear to hear Alexandra as he searches for where the voice is coming from. A girl across the field with short blue-black hair states aloud that she's going to ignore the voice.

Blue/Black haired girl: Floatzel, ice p–

She is cut off as a dart strikes Floatzel in the shoulder, making it woozy, and as a result, Floatzel falls down. The girl rushes over and plucks out the dart whilst the other trainer(♀) and another girl rush over to her.

Trainer(♀): Kate!

Other_girl: What do you think you're doing?! switches to follow this girl's train of sight, as she stares up at John on top of the building next to the field, equipped with a tranquilizer gun in his left hand and Polly at his right side.

John: What *do* you think I'm doing, little girl? What do *you* think *you* are doing to them?

With this, John fires a couple more tranquilizer darts from his dart gun, but the other girl sends out a Trigamon in response.

Other_girl: Intermin! S-screen!

The small helicopter-like mouse creature zips from it's ball and does something which causes the tranquilizer darts to fly off-track, landing harmlessly on the ground.

At this point, Chikorita, who has been growling at John, launches several razor leaves up at him and Polly. With a nod to Polly, the parrot jumps up and sends the leaves back down with a gust of wind from it's wings, aided by gravity. Seeing this, Alexandra scoops up Chikorita and Meowth and turns to run.

John: And you're not going anywhere!
John fires tranquilizer darts at Alexandra, hitting her in the neck and knocking her down before Meowth plucks it free. Before John can fire another dart, Intermin is already in the way, sending the darts off in random trajectories.

Polly: Squawk. Polly can handle this.

John says something unintelligible under his breath, and Polly responds with a loud squawk:

Polly: Polly is magical girl.

With this, Polly takes off from the roof straight at Kate and Floatzel. Floatzel jumps to it's feet to protect it's trainer, forepaw glowing with energy. Floatzel crouches, still slightly woozy, waiting for an opportunity as Polly descends, wings outstretched.

Blue/Black haired girl Kate: Floatzel, ice shard!

Polly: Infinity wing!

Seconds before impact with Floatzel, Polly's wings start to glow with some kind of strange energy. Floatzel aims a punch at Polly, but this punch never connects as a giant amount of energy is suddenly discharged from Polly's wings, in a figure-8. This energy shoots outwards, knocking trainer and pokémon alike off of their feet, and kicking up a massive cloud of dust.

Everyone on the field below crashes to the ground, unconscious. As the dust settles, white magical-looking symbols appear over the field.

New Scene()

Benjy sits in a classroom on the second story of the building trying to stay awake.

As he tries to take notes, Pixielite naps on his head, wings basking in the sunlight.

Teacher: But as you can see from his later writings, he's actually implying–

The teacher is cut off as Benjy's eyes glow with a giant flash of green light, temporarily blinding everyone in the room, and waking Pixielite with a start. Pixielite recovers faster than any of the humans and flies around Benjy's head worriedly.

As Benjy regains his vision back from the blinding flash of green light, he looks around to see the entire class looking at him nervously. Seeing that Benjy's alright, Pixielite lands on Benjy's shoulder and coos. In response to this, the Millennium Gameboy Advance also emits a bright light. (Note that the MGBA's light is not nearly as blinding as the initial glow)

Teacher: Give me that!

With blinding speed, the teacher darts across the classroom and grabs the Millennium Gameboy Advance, failing to realize that Benjy's wearing it around his neck, and nearly chokes Benjy as a result, instead of actually taking the MGBA. This also has the added effect of nearly pulling Yami Benjy, and the entire desk, over on top of the teacher. This also gives Yami Benjy critical time to react, grabbing onto the MGBA's chain to prevent the teacher from pulling it off over his head.

Yami Benjy: What are you doing?!

Teacher: That's unacceptable classroom behavior!

As both pull on the chain of the MGBA, Yami Benjy steps out of the desk, attempting to pry the teacher's hands off the MGBA.

Yami Benjy: That called stealing…

Teacher: The police will back me up! It's no longer allowed in my classroom.

Yami Benjy: You can't change rules on the spur of the moment!

Teacher: Then go call a lawyer!

Yami Benjy: Realie high school policy clearly dictates–

With this, Yami Benjy pulls the MGBA from the teacher, who lunges for it. Pixielite, however angrily zips onto the teacher's forehead, and before the teacher can grab the MGBA again, Pixielite delivers a high-voltage zap to her forehead, stopping the teacher cold, and leaving her staring catatonic at the ground, yet clearly alive.

Yami Benjy: Alex; take care of her. There's something I need to investigate!

With this Yami Benjy scoops up his laptop into its case and darts out the door, Pixielite buzzing right behind him. Alex stands up from her desk as Yami Benjy leaves.

Alex: Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean–

Max: But you *are* the only one who's had emergency training.

New Scene()

Yami Benjy darts down the hallway, Pixielite right behind him.

Yami Benjy: Pixielite doesn't have enough amperage to do any significant permanent damage, so she should be okay. What worries me is what caused that light.

With this Yami Benjy reaches the end of the hallway, and pulls the door open.

To Be Continued

© April 25, 2010 to March 25, 2015 by Benjy Strauss