The Trigamon Project

Quality Scripting Text (QST) Syntax

Quality Scripting Text (QST) Formatting:

Note that QST does NOT exist at this time, and cannot be downloaded anywhere. QST is a language from within Trigamon itself that compiles a book or script into an animated film. While QST can compile plain English into a video, Trigamon: The Divine Parody uses special programming language syntax to reduce the compile time, and to ease the reader's understanding.

Function Calls:

Function calls are bolded, and are used in directing. Sample function calls include "New Scene()" to change the scene. Parameters, such as a new time or space are put inside the parenthesis, just like in Java or C++. Parameters are usually denoted with an @ sign.

Episode Parameters:

Episode parameters give information about the episode. A new parameter will be stated when the value changes

Scene Parameters:

Scene parameters specify things in the scene only. Common scene parameters include:

Italic Text:

Italic Dialogue indicates that a character is thinking something, which is broadcast to the audience. Certain characters can hear everything that is broadcast to the audience, and some characters can communicate telepathically. (also sometimes referred to as "the camera") refers to what one would be seeing, if someone was recording the episode with a camera. This is what you would be seeing on your TV.

QST System Calls


Dueling ((Modified) Yu-Gi-Oh!™ Card Game) Syntax::