The Trigamon Project

Trigamon Dictionary: Fenyran Measurements


Being over a quadrillion light-years from Earth, it should come as no surprise that a Planet such as Fenyra has different units of measurement. While the Trigamon series typically describes things in terms familiar to Earthlings, sometimes it's important to know what the characters are talking about in terms of "isks" and "arc-moments". Below, we provide tables to help convert if you are interested.

Also note that if a table isn't here, then the measurements in it haven't been finalized yet.


Unit Name Amount (Fenryan) Amount (Earth) Notes
Arc-Moment (Moment) N/A 0.966796875 seconds
Section (Slot) 256 arc-moments 4.125 min or 247.5 sec
Block 16 slots 1.1 hrs or 66 min
Fenyran Day 20 blocks 22 hours (exactly)
Fenyran Year 128 Fenyran Days Fenyra has a 1/128 orbital resonance with it's star, Celan, so the orbital period is exactly 128 days


Unit Name Amount
Isk 50 inches or 127 centimeters (note that the size of this unit is not a coincidence!)