The Trigamon Project

Trigamon Right and Left

While Trigamon Left and Right Versions won't be complete for quite some time, below are some screenshots of the game (with some debug text which won't be around forever), which is the best we have at this time. And don't worry: for the final release, the character graphics will be better.

Trigamon Left and Right will seems a bit familiar to people who've played the Pokémon series, however the experience is not identical. Trigamon offers less scaling, a different type system, and a more scientific, yet also more fantastic world.

Other Intended Features Include:

Title Screen

Current title screen of the Trigamon Mithril Engine that runs Trigamon Left and Trigamon Right. Unfortunately, a screenshot cannot be taken when program is selected.

Player's House

The player's house.

Main Menu

The Main Menu for Trigamon.

Mountain near lab

Lake in the starting town

Professor Dramen's Lab


Inside of a building

Trigamon Party

Trigamon Archive

Player Inventory (currently empty)

Trigamon Information Catalog