The Trigamon Project

Trigamon Revolution

The Trigamon Revolution

No longer isolated, so-called "fictional" universes are merging together under the force of sheer incredulity, distorting the realities that they once contained. What you see here is a brief glimpse into this mass distortion. A revolution in existing that can only come from The Divine Parody. Enjoy the Trigamon Revolution!


TREV-002, Flatland, is based off a novel about a 2-Dimensional universe and the beings that inhabit it from early in the 1900s. Just like in the book, things can't be put into 3-space, which means counters and anything that stacks up into the third dimension is disallowed. Linking all monster card zones is just a bonus.

Note that this works also on the Hyper-Venom Counters of Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes, because it affects the counters and not the card.

Art Credit: Benjamin Strauss (via Appleworks)


Monster Conglomeration is "Polymerization" as a Trap Card. It's main purpose is for Turbo Duels, which (thankfully) never occurred in real life (talk about a distracted driver). If you need to fuse a lot of monsters, and 3 "Polymerization" isn't enough, use this. However most people don't use "Polymerization" anymore…

Art Credit: Caton Kelley


Neo-Spacian Pocket Psychic should look familiar to some of you… Wait for it…

Duelists know the pokémon Deoxys as Neo-Spacian Pocket Psychic, and it breaths new life into Neo-Spacian Decks as a hand-trap. In fact, researchers believe that Deoxys might not be the only Pokémon from Neo-Space.

Art Credit: Art Came from someone's "Deoxys" Yu-Gi-Oh! Card on the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker Wiki. But as universes crash together, we get new ways of looking at things. =p


Art Credit: Pixabay


With Gravity Bind and Level Limit - Area B made useless by Xyz and Link Monsters, we bring you the new ultimate stall card... Until it dies to Heavy Storm Duster.

Art Credit: Pixabay


Whomever thought there would be a Yu-Gi-Oh! Card brought to you by Microsoft! (Who are still up to their old evil tricks, see here. The Blue Screen of Death is a miniature version of "Ground Collapse," and does something similar to what it does in real life: makes stuff unusable.

(Ruling: The card zone selected must be unoccupied, future editions of this card will have that fixed)

Art Credit: Microsoft. Used in parody.


Since DIVINE is now a legal attribute, in needs it's own Spell Ruler-styled field Probably not going to be seeing much play these days though. Might get a new image eventually, not too pleased with the color scheme.

Art Credit: Pixabay


As universes combine we get a new look at places as well. Another simple field spell to help fill out the archetype of "Forest," "Umi," "Yami," "Wasteland," "Sogen," and "Mountain." No one uses any of those cards anymore (at least not competitively), but when we see a void, we fill it.

Art Credit: Game Freak. Used in parody.


Effect does stack.

Art Credit: Pixabay